Gianluigi Buffon (48 Viewers)


Feb 7, 2011
exactly, sadly this comes from people who barely watch footie, you know if this comes from people like red, osman , or any member on the forums i would'nt have any issues the problem is it comes from morons.
i was thinking exactly the same at the end of the game. It was just Casillas and Spain day, but 'experts' will say that now it's clear who is better, Iker or Gigi... :/
I know. I felt so bad for him, some of those goals he just didn't stand much of a chance as there was no other defense there to protect the goal. The crowd we watched it with were so irritating, none of them watched any of the other matches and were just there to be seen to be watching the final and rooting for Spain.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Don't matter score could've been 9000-0 for Spain, Buffon is STILL the GREATEST OF ALL MOTHERFUCKING TIMES! If they don't agree well tell 'em to fucking choke on a chimp's dick!


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2005
Madrid fans all over the world took this opportunity to 'prove' that Casillas is a better GK than Gigi Buffon! And some wonder why I hate them the most out of all fans. They are the worst. When it comes to reasoning, Real Madrid fans are much stupider than Barca kids and EPL fans.


Jul 11, 2011
From his FB (translated by FB for those that don't understand Italian).

Comincio dandovi un appuntamento: Brasile 2014, anzi meglio… mi anticipo di dodici mesi con la Confederations Cup, quindi Giugno 2013!

Io voglio esserci e non per fare presenza.

Vi ho raccontato di un sogno. Ieri l'ho sfiorato, ma il sogno continua. Siamo cresciuti in questo mese come squadra e nella consapevolezza di essere un gruppo. Un gruppo in cui ognuno ha fatto il suo e di più. In cui ognuno ha trovato il suo spazio.
Un gruppo che ha incoronato un grande Capitano che non sono io. Ma Cesare Prandelli. Un maestro prima che un ct. Un uomo perbene prima che un selezionatore.

Possiamo essere orgogliosi di quanto fatto e non posso che stare dalla sua parte ancora una volta.

La vera sorpresa a kiev non è stata la coppa alzata da Casillas, ma il fatto che fossimo noi gli avversari dei campioni di tutto.
Inarrivabili ragazzi, ancora troppo distanti gli spagnoli… li guardi negli occhi e sai che per il momento non ce n'e'....

Ma ho dormito sereno perché conscio di aver dato tutto, io come chiunque sia sceso in campo e anche come chi non ha giocato nemmeno un minuto.

Ci avete visto piegati dalla stanchezza, in lacrime, con al collo un argento che non può sapere di sconfitta quando hai dato tutto. Per qualche “gufetto” d'occasione dovevamo uscire al girone.
Siamo arrivati a Kiev carichi solo di pensieri belli. Quelli più belli lì rivolgo a voi tifosi, vero premio a questo mese massacrante. Il vostro affetto, il vostro amore che avete portato ieri nelle piazze italiane.

Mai avrei voluto vedere i vostri occhi delusi e tristi.

Ci sta nel breve, ma fate come me. Siate lungimiranti, andate oltre. Questa onda ci ha travolti. La prossima sarà perfetta, come nel “Delfino”....

Un ultimo ringraziamento va ai miei compagni, è stato un onore per me poter giocare insieme ad un gruppo simile, un gruppo di ragazzi a posto, un gruppo che conosce il valore di rappresentare la nostra Italia!

Grazie ragazzi per quello che mi avete regalato, grazie vita per avermi dato la possibilità di essere il loro capitano…


I start giving you an appointment: Brazil 2014, even better ... I advance of 12 months with the Confederations Cup, then June 2013!

I want to be there and not to do.

I told her about a dream. Yesterday I touched, but the dream continues. This month we have grown as a team and in the knowledge of being a group. A group where everyone has made her and more. When everyone has found her space.
A group that has crowned a great captain that I'm not. But Cesare Prandelli. A master before a CT. Un uomo perbene before a breeder.

We can be proud of what has been done and I can only stare on his side yet again.

The real surprise in kiev was not raised by Casillas Cup, but the fact that we were we opponents of all samples.
Unreachable guys, still too far away the Spaniards ... watching them in the eye and know that for the moment there is. ...

But I stayed calm because conscious of having given everything I like anyone has dropped in the field as well as those who did not play a single minute.

We have seen bent from fatigue, in tears, with his neck a silver can not know defeat when you've given everything. For some "OWL" we had to exit at second-hand.
We arrived in Kiev only loads of beautiful thoughts. The most beautiful there turn to you fans, real prize this month exhausting. Your love, your love that you brought yesterday in the Italian squares.

I never wanted to see your disapointed and sad eyes.

There is brief, but do as I do. You are farsighted, you go beyond. This wave has swept away. The next will be perfect, as in "Dolphin" ....

A final thank you goes out to my companions, was an honour for me to be able to play along with a similar group, a group of boys, a group that knows the value of representing our Italy!

Thank you guys for what you have given me life, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be their captain ...



Capo di tutti capi
Jan 5, 2006
There are some reports about a fight between Buffon and Balotelli with the latter ending in hospital. It started after Balo accused Juve players for the loss.

I'm sure it's bullshit.

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