General News & Politics (42 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
And they are a couple since he was 18 years old. Oh man, French presidents are a special case.
We all know they were banging back then. What a disgusting person.
This is bizzarely funny, I usually think americans are overly prude/scandalize most minor things in politics. But the french :lol: I mean ffs they voting as leader a guy who dated his high school teacher? (and his 2nd fav besides Le Pen, Fillion, is someone who paid his wife half a million state funs for no work? plus Sarkozy had harem in office LOL etc) No holds bared. Bravo lol.
vive la republique :rofl:


Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #53
    Coup in Macedonia. Huge riots, lots of shit going on right now.

    Might turn into a civil war.
    It's fucked up that until today, a guy in London with knives got more attention than this.

    Like, I get all of the media attention in case something like Bataclan happens, but a lot of times the amount of airtime terrorist attacks get is truly disproportionate and entirely counterproductive.

    And what's your take one the Macedonia situation? Because from what I've seen, it's another case of stupid nationalism, is there anything of substance to the protesters besides them being pissed at Albanians?


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    It's fucked up that until today, a guy in London with knives got more attention than this.

    Like, I get all of the media attention in case something like Bataclan happens, but a lot of times the amount of airtime terrorist attacks get is truly disproportionate and entirely counterproductive.

    And what's your take one the Macedonia situation? Because from what I've seen, it's another case of stupid nationalism, is there anything of substance to the protesters besides them being pissed at Albanians?
    It's kind of ironic that your last paragraph is the answer to your outrage in the first :D.


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    I'm afraid you're gonna need to elaborate further on that :D
    The reason Macedonia gets no attention is that we assume it's another case of nationalism induced violence that's going to kill a couple of eastern Europeans but will blow over in a couple of weeks / months.


    Midnight Marauder
    Jul 13, 2013
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #57
    The reason Macedonia gets no attention is that we assume it's another case of nationalism induced violence that's going to kill a couple of eastern Europeans but will blow over in a couple of weeks / months.
    Oh, but it's still much more important than most of these actual & supposed terrorist attacks, and I for one would like to see much more coverage of it.


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    Oh, but it's still much more important than most of these actual & supposed terrorist attacks, and I for one would like to see much more coverage of it.
    Yes of course it is. But my point is that this is the attitude of the public.


    May 27, 2007
    It's fucked up that until today, a guy in London with knives got more attention than this.
    That's really, really sad. But then again, it doesn't surprise me one bit. Over the last 20 days I've been following google analytics at work and I was/still am shocked when I noticed our top 20 news that are being read daily. It's either violence stuff (murders or weird cases that pop up, like, there was some foreigner fucking himself with a dildo in Belgrade in the middle of the street) or stuff related to reality shows where you see sluts with IQ below 80 having quite constructive arguments, so there's much to learn from. After that it comes to celebrities and sports, but when I say sport it's affairs of sportsmen and pretty much nothing else. Other stuff, a lot of quality stuff, is hardly ever read. And it's not even my company, it's others too. Sadly, now I know how everything works, and it's kinda depressing if you give yourself too much.

    And what's your take one the Macedonia situation? Because from what I've seen, it's another case of stupid nationalism, is there anything of substance to the protesters besides them being pissed at Albanians?
    No, it's not. This situation has been boiling for a long time, like a couple of years, but it escalated over the last two months or so. I also think it's no surprise everything happens in that country, cause it's one of the rare countries that's 'free' of military organizations (NATO) and they are also outside of EU. It's not also cause they are in a fight with Greece about the name of the country, but many internal reasons as well. Why this happens it's entirely because of Albanians, who are (I think) 1/4 of the entire population (around 2mln people). As we all know, both NATO and the US (and even EU) stands behind them, let them do their crime, and does absolutely nothing about that. Look what happened with Ramus Haradinaj. The guy is totally guilty, but French court decided to let him free, which is no surprise to me at all, but it just proves the point how 'big guys' stand behind them, their idea of 'Great Albania' which gets Macedonia involved, as they want a part of their country as well and by the looks of it -- they will probably even take it. If you don't even believe me you can look at Russia and China who already expressed their huge concern related to this topic.

    There are two leading parties in Macedonia. One of them is VMRO-DPMNE with Gruevski in charge and it was him who won the last parliamentary elections but he couldn't form the government cause he didn't have high enough %. Then, the other party is a social-democratin one with Zaev leading it (he's the guy who was bleeding last night as he was punched). He managed to form the government with the minorities of Albanian parties but they had (still have) a demand of making Albanian language official in Macedonia (which VMRO sees as a horrible step toward Albanians' first step of taking their land). Now, everything goes down to their president, Ivanov, who doesn't want to let that happen, as he wants to defend their national interests and their constitution. Now Gruevski wants new elections. West, however, wants Zaev in charge, as he's pro-western oriented.

    Zaev decided to go with a radical act and he designated the new president of the parlament without the green light of their president which is insane. He elected Džaferi (I don't know how to spell in English) who's Albanian. That guy is one of the two who formed OVK (terroristic organization). Not just that, but early in his career he was in JNA and his forces attacked Macedonian special armys in Tetovo in 2001, killed eight of them, and after that he deserted and joined ONA as his reward for giving away the exact location of Macedonian soliders during the named year. Now everything comes down to the usual: West is pushing for that decision as they are in 'good terms'. My opinion: everything is in deep shit here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The reason Macedonia gets no attention is that we assume it's another case of nationalism induced violence that's going to kill a couple of eastern Europeans but will blow over in a couple of weeks / months.
    lol, but you don't even know what you're talking about, you're just taking wild guesses.


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    That's really, really sad. But then again, it doesn't surprise me one bit. Over the last 20 days I've been following google analytics at work and I was/still am shocked when I noticed our top 20 news that are being read daily. It's either violence stuff (murders or weird cases that pop up, like, there was some foreigner fucking himself with a dildo in Belgrade in the middle of the street) or stuff related to reality shows where you see sluts with IQ below 80 having quite constructive arguments, so there's much to learn from. After that it comes to celebrities and sports, but when I say sport it's affairs of sportsmen and pretty much nothing else. Other stuff, a lot of quality stuff, is hardly ever read. And it's not even my company, it's others too. Sadly, now I know how everything works, and it's kinda depressing if you give yourself too much.

    No, it's not. This situation has been boiling for a long time, like a couple of years, but it escalated over the last two months or so. I also think it's no surprise everything happens in that country, cause it's one of the rare countries that's 'free' of military organizations (NATO) and they are also outside of EU. It's not also cause they are in a fight with Greece about the name of the country, but many internal reasons as well. Why this happens it's entirely because of Albanians, who are (I think) 1/4 of the entire population (around 2mln people). As we all know, both NATO and the US (and even EU) stands behind them, let them do their crime, and does absolutely nothing about that. Look what happened with Ramus Haradinaj. The guy is totally guilty, but French court decided to let him free, which is no surprise to me at all, but it just proves the point how 'big guys' stand behind them, their idea of 'Great Albania' which gets Macedonia involved, as they want a part of their country as well and by the looks of it -- they will probably even take it. If you don't even believe me you can look at Russia and China who already expressed their huge concern related to this topic.

    There are two leading parties in Macedonia. One of them is VMRO-DPMNE with Gruevski in charge and it was him who won the last parliamentary elections but he couldn't form the government cause he didn't have high enough %. Then, the other party is a social-democratin one with Zaev leading it (he's the guy who was bleeding last night as he was punched). He managed to form the government with the minorities of Albanian parties but they had (still have) a demand of making Albanian language official in Macedonia (which VMRO sees as a horrible step toward Albanians' first step of taking their land). Now, everything goes down to their president, Ivanov, who doesn't want to let that happen, as he wants to defend their national interests and their constitution. Now Gruevski wants new elections. West, however, wants Zaev in charge, as he's pro-western oriented.

    Zaev decided to go with a radical act and he designated the new president of the parlament without the green light of their president which is insane. He elected Džaferi (I don't know how to spell in English) who's Albanian. That guy is one of the two who formed OVK (terroristic organization). Not just that, but early in his career he was in JNA and his forces attacked Macedonian special armys in Tetovo in 2001, killed eight of them, and after that he deserted and joined ONA as his reward for giving away the exact location of Macedonian soliders during the named year. Now everything comes down to the usual: West is pushing for that decision as they are in 'good terms'. My opinion: everything is in deep shit here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    lol, but you don't even know what you're talking about, you're just taking wild guesses.
    No. Read my post again. I said 'assume'. I'm not saying it's true. But that's why it doesn't get as much attention.

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