General Gaming Thread (All Platforms) (74 Viewers)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Did you guys see this?

Keep watching, it's hilarious :lol:

Just brilliant!
The amazing thing is that is not CGI. Those are actual graphics. These are the same guys who did Heavy Rain, and are doing Beyond: Two Souls with Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe


maitre'd at Canal Bar
Nov 7, 2005
The amazing thing is that is not CGI. Those are actual graphics. These are the same guys who did Heavy Rain, and are doing Beyond: Two Souls with Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe
This stuff is indeed amazing, and those guys are geniuses. Absolutely loved 'Heavy Rain', one of the best games I've ever played!


Jun 17, 2011


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Dont know how old you are, or how much afflicted you are with gaming.

I'm 27 and i come from a time, where creativity and innovating was the way to make a great game, not "ermagod grafix".

Gaming was not that mainstream, games were not cathering to casuals, and the entire thing was lots harder back then, especially fps and action games.

Games like quake, unreal tournament, tribes, brought you extremely fast paced action, that had a pretty nice skillsealing.
Games like Deus ex and halflife, used to be groundbreaking for offering a fantastic campaign, that required actual thinking, the game did not hold your hand, and was quite merciless when you screwed up.
furthermore, half life spawned counterstrike, wich is still stands as the "regular paced" fps with the highest skillsealing.
if you go back further in time, there were the games such as Doom and Doom 3D, quake 1,2,3. You get into a map, now fucking deal with it. No hand holding, but very creative leveldesign, that allowed multiple ways to reach the goal. Beating such games on higher difficulty, was quite the feat.

And then we got the modern military shooters. They boast a singleplayercampaign, that is actually more of an interactive movie then a game. The multiplayer is easy acces and cathered immensely to casuals. Its not that hard for a noob to kill a very good player thats not camping.

All the teenagers and dudebrah's, massively bought this cancer of an fps. With big consequences.

You might be familliar with the phenomenon "kickstarter" and "greenlight", and other various services.
Its a means for a developper, to get crowd funding for a game, and not a publisher. You might wonder why ?

Well, because publishers nowadays, only want to invest in games, that are nearly guaranteed succes, and vary very little from the previous title. They will not invest anymore in "hard" games that arent suited for the big mass of teenagers and dudebrah's, they will not invest in genuine creativity, because it has a higher risk of failure.
They also will not publish any other fps then their big money franchises.

This creates a big problem. Because of how global gaming became, because how flooded the market is with this cancer fps style, its extremely hard for those games, to get published cause questionable profitmargain.

For simular reasons, you see dont see "hard" rts games anymore.

the two best rts ever made, starcraft brood war, and total annihilation, are good examples.

Blizzard manages to push starcraft 2 because MASSIVE progamer scene from broodwar, turned into the esport that sc2 is today. How was it funded ? With shitloads of millions they made from their MMO WoW

Total annihilation, and later supreme commander ? Best rts series in the history of rts. Yet they dont find a publisher. "to hard for the mainstream and casual, we arent investing"
So they made a new game, "planetary annihilation" and kickstarted it. And look, their goal of 900 000 euro, got overstretched by a giant 2.3 million.

For RTS, this and the fact we finally get another c&c, is very good news.

For FPS however, future is grim. Good fps gamers will stick to counterstrike, and esport quake variants, whilst the massive casual market plays mms.
The next innovative shooter, will be Half Life 3, because Valva has the funds, and fans to make it work. Yet the profit wont be remotely close to what COD makes today.


Jul 11, 2011
For RTS, this and the fact we finally get another c&c, is very good news.

For FPS however, future is grim. Good fps gamers will stick to counterstrike, and esport quake variants, whilst the massive casual market plays mms.
The next innovative shooter, will be Half Life 3, because Valva has the funds, and fans to make it work. Yet the profit wont be remotely close to what COD makes today.



Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
I like all 3 titles, for diffrent reasons.

Arma,is the spiritual successor of operation flashpoint, a truely realistic but hard tactical fps simulator, that allowed for insane amounts of fun.
Yet it sold "just" 300k units, in comparison to the shitloads the mms sell
I love this game. Its the only military shooter i'm playing.

Rome total war... Do you know its NINE years old ? :p
Hence, its older then supreme commander 1 and 2.
Its a great game, and after 10? years the new one will finally come out.
But this game is exactly the point. 10 years for a new one. nuff said.

Company of Heroes, altho suffering the "bioshock infinite early orgasm" syndrome a bit, is a terrific rts, from .... 2006
Yeah, you just listed games that are 9 and 7 years old. See my point ?

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