Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!] (9 Viewers)


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
I wonder what littlefinger is playing at. I wouldnt put it past him to betray Sansa Stark in return for being warden of the North but I think he's got more in mind otherwise there would have been no reason to offer her to the Boltons beforehand.
My guess is that he'll end up fucking the Boltons over so he can marry Sansa, take over the North, then look south.

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
Oh yeah the part that stole the episode for me was Bronn and his "oh, for focks sake" :lol:. I really loled irl when I heard that :rofl:.

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:lol: :lol:

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Sand snakes, not even Hercules and Xena action scenes were this amateurish and lame camp, wtf this possibly the worst casting choice I ever seen in a major production. Their father is huge badass, and you cast 3 acting amateurs who seem like they are scared holding a weapon and couldnt convince in a childs play to play his daughters, especially when they are supposedly insane badass in the books. Horrible.

This series needs more Bronn/Jaime scenes...

Also the last 4 episodes must be awesome in epic proportions because this slow buildup....well has generally been tedious to follow except some key interesting scenes, but overall episodes has been continuesly eeehhh, unless it involves Jon Snow, Little Finger or Stannis at times.

these 2 could do a better job of it than the sand snakes


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2011
That last scene sucked , no reason for that to happen seeing how things go in the book . I was seriously hoping for reek/theon to snap and kill him before he did anything . This was a better episode then the last 2 though imho , only problem was there was no Jon Snow and no Stannis .


Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
Also the last 4 episodes must be awesome in epic proportions because this slow buildup....well has generally been tedious to follow except some key interesting scenes, but overall episodes has been continuesly eeehhh, unless it involves Jon Snow, Little Finger or Stannis at times.
Clearly the best characters along with Arya, though her arc has slowed down a bit this season. Still awesome though, just not as "exciting" as in previous seasons.

Oh yeah the part that stole the episode for me was Bronn and his "oh, for focks sake" :lol:. I really loled irl when I heard that :rofl:.

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Same :lol:
Perfectly captured my feelings towards the whole Dorne-storyline. Gotta be the weakest in the whole show so far, it's literally just two levels below usual GoT quality in every single aspect. The only partly redeeming feature is Duran (I think that's the name of the Dorne ruler). And Bronn at times.

And Cersei is soooo getting fucked by the Sparrow in the upcoming episodes :lol: That Lancel guy surely told him about the incest of her & her brother, he's probably only waiting until hes's done with Margaery.

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