Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!] (34 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
Well, as expected some inexplicable shit writing had to happen to bring Cersei back into the fight. Like when in two consequent episodes the Euron fleet did sneak up on both Dany's fleets in two different locations. First one in concealing fog, where Euron's capital ship couldn't possibly have located Dany's capital ship with Yara+Theon in it and rammed it. Second one in broad daylight, where the unsullied fleet could have never missed an armada of nine billion ships to sneak up on them. And then part of the Lannister army just shat on the glorified filthy rich Tyrell army in their own stronghold. A stronghold the Lannisters could stroll up to without getting scouted. Lazy hacks D&D. I enjoyed bad pooosy's death very much though.

For the last 4 episodes I just want a Bronn and Hound tavern scene. Bronn talks shit and Hound eats chicken, grunting and grumbling, spilling half his ale on his clothes.


Dec 17, 2007
Well, as expected some inexplicable shit writing had to happen to bring Cersei back into the fight. Like when in two consequent episodes the Euron fleet did sneak up on both Dany's fleets in two different locations. First one in concealing fog, where Euron's capital ship couldn't possibly have located Dany's capital ship with Yara+Theon in it and rammed it. Second one in broad daylight, where the unsullied fleet could have never missed an armada of nine billion ships to sneak up on them. And then part of the Lannister army just shat on the glorified filthy rich Tyrell army in their own stronghold. A stronghold the Lannisters could stroll up to without getting scouted. Lazy hacks D&D. I enjoyed bad pooosy's death very much though.

For the last 4 episodes I just want a Bronn and Hound tavern scene. Bronn talks shit and Hound eats chicken, grunting and grumbling, spilling half his ale on his clothes.
Completely illogical, all of it. As is people scoffing at the white walkers, there are fucking dragons for gods sake.

Jamie will obviously turn on Cersei at some point. Everything is just sort of being thrown together.

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What can Cersei do w/ the Dorne Queen other than torture and kill her?

Holding her hostage doesn't give her any strategic advantage does it?


( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)
Aug 26, 2009
The good guys getting their asses kicked all season long. I think the biggest problem Daenerys has is the lack of spies inside King's Landing inner circle.

At least we got the 100% confirmation what the song of Fire and Ice actually means (or rather who it means). Not that it wasn't obvious since last season.


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
Completely illogical, all of it. As is people scoffing at the white walkers, there are fucking dragons for gods sake.
They wouldn't be scoffing if the Night King's army had access to teleporters just like everybody else

Jon travelled to Hardhome, met the white walkers, travelled back to Castle Black, moved to Winterfell, stayed there, then travelled to Dragonstone. White Walkers were shown walking towards the Wall since the Hardhome episode. They can walk at full pace without resting and yet they couldn't make like 25% of Jon's mileage :D D&D shit on that sense of urgency they had created in the Hardhome episode.

Another stupidity: greyscale sub-plot. The legendary uncurable disease was cured by a rookie who grabbed the first book and the instruction was a cartoon with 3 lines of text, the tools needed were the most basic ones.

But overall the Sam/Jim Broadbent dialogues I truly enjoyed to be completely fair. My favourite scenes.


Dec 17, 2007
Get a massive foreign army together- Nah cant invade with them, too foreign
Have 3 dragons, talk about how good they are all the time- Nah cant use them, too dangerous

Please just die, give Bran more screen time, his plot is interesting.

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They wouldn't be scoffing if the Night King's army had access to teleporters just like everybody else

Jon travelled to Hardhome, met the white walkers, travelled back to Castle Black, moved to Winterfell, stayed there, then travelled to Dragonstone. White Walkers were shown walking towards the Wall since the Hardhome episode. They can walk at full pace without resting and yet they couldn't make like 25% of Jon's mileage :D D&D shit on that sense of urgency they had created in the Hardhome episode.

Another stupidity: greyscale sub-plot. The legendary uncurable disease was cured by a rookie who grabbed the first book and the instruction was a cartoon with 3 lines of text, the tools needed were the most basic ones.

But overall the Sam/Jim Broadbent dialogues I truly enjoyed to be completely fair. My favourite scenes.


It is all being terribly slapped together
I know big Randyl Tarly or however the fuck its spelt was there but how did no one notice and invading army? How did they take a castle so easily?


( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)
Aug 26, 2009
They wouldn't be scoffing if the Night King's army had access to teleporters just like everybody else

Jon travelled to Hardhome, met the white walkers, travelled back to Castle Black, moved to Winterfell, stayed there, then travelled to Dragonstone. White Walkers were shown walking towards the Wall since the Hardhome episode. They can walk at full pace without resting and yet they couldn't make like 25% of Jon's mileage :D D&D shit on that sense of urgency they had created in the Hardhome episode.

Another stupidity: greyscale sub-plot. The legendary uncurable disease was cured by a rookie who grabbed the first book and the instruction was a cartoon with 3 lines of text, the tools needed were the most basic ones.

But overall the Sam/Jim Broadbent dialogues I truly enjoyed to be completely fair. My favourite scenes.
White Walkers are walking around the wall through the frozen sea though.


Oct 28, 2010
Suspension of disbelief, guys. It's a tv show about an imaginary world with dragons and ice zombies and ya'll are complaining about logistics.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
I don't think the logistics are issues tho sound funny when described as flimsy as they are.

But Igor and Salvo makes a good point about the armies, fleets or self imposed restrictions of Dany and her gang. I understand they are in a hurry or lack of budget, but it's not believable until they really show it that Euron is that tactically brilliant, I mean he decimated two of Danys fleet like a passing note in two episodes? It's not a sneaky few ships but a whole armada sneaks up twice and goes to town on unsuspecting foes, in open water? First time was sneak at night, but how unsullied was grounded was too lolsy. Big time war machine makes awfully blind decisions after another.

And Dany self imposed restrictions on using the foreign armies, can't even use the dragons she brags about, it smacks of a bad soap storytelling that prolongs time with fillers and let's the superior good guy be punked and beaten for no reason then melodrama until to one up for good in finale.

Actually the explanation for it been that Tyrion is that BAD at strategy, Jaime sees through all his ideas lol in talks with Olenna (rest in peace female Tywin), and Euron is just God of the seas so auto win.

Only thing that's believable is Dany does not want to hurt the people by attacking KL, and Tyrells being taken that easy doesn't suprise me, but it looked lame just because they simply ran out of time or budget to show it in a believable way after the Casterly Rock scenes.

Bran needs as much scenes as possible coming episode imo, hopefully with Jon. Because much like half of the dialogue lately, his dialogue with Sansa was cringe lol. Didn't feel like a real convo reuniting siblings would have even in that fucked up changed scenario, him being an all seeing demi God, her turning into cold female Machevelli. Their talk felt rushed to until he creeped her out like the dweep he is turning into, weird acting by the Bran actor, was channeling his inner Keanu lol.

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Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
His evident naval skill and superiority reminds you more of Hamilcar Barca then the Romans. Tho how he was boarding the ships in night attack its similar to the Roman Corvus /siege boarding planks.

Carthage fucked themselves for being corrupt and apathetic to the war effort, tho Roman's were smart as heck in building, equipping and training for the war effort at all times (nonexistent to best navy in sheer will and effort). While the Barcas didn't get a lick of supplies and reinforcement from their government during first punic wars.

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Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
Missed the last few moments. Cut out right when Jamie was talking to Olenna Tyrell....did he kill her? What else happened?
Olenna knew she was to die so she asked Jamie how he was gonna do it. He replied he talked Cersei out of torturing Olenna and that she was allowed to die by poison. He pulled out a vial and poured it into her wine. After drinking it Olenna confessed that she was behind Joffrey's death and asked Jamie to tell Cersei. Jamie snapped, performed the Heimlich maneuver on Olenna and proceeded to drag her out to bring her to Cersei


( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)
Aug 26, 2009
The only thing I really wonder about is how did Olenna even get to Highgarden. It's literally on the other side of the continent compared to Dragonstone.

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