Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!] (116 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2011
For those of you who haven't caught up yet , this will be pretty much how the story will go imho .

Dany will get dothraki support and together with them and the unsullied will march to conquer winterfell .
Cercei will be trialed and the big guy whose identity is known to everyonw will be her warrior to defend her in a trial by combat .
With myrcella dead and trystane in king's landing the Martells will be obvious supporters of dany when she lands in westeros , doran's son will be hostage + good relations with targs .
Most probably dany will take control of dragonstone and use the obsidian there to fuel the north with weapons to fight when the long night comes . If stannis is alive , he could also be doing this .
Melisandre will revive Jon .
Lord Friendzone will spread the greyscale to westeros and die at some point , maybe protecting his queen .
Jaime will die , most probably by brans doing .
Cersei will most probably die too , either jaime , tyrion , sansa or arya
Arya will most probably kill someone important , as said above probably cersei
Sansa with theon will go north . Either with or without brienne , I have to say without if stannis is alive .
Jon after revival will lead the north to defeat the walkers , with dannys help and sansas . First Thing he does though would probably be killing the boltons and get full control of the north .
The boltons will fall with sansa playing a big part in it .
Littlefinger will die by sansas hand
Jons heritage will be revealed , it will be backed up by 3 sources most probably , bran seeing it in the trees , howland reed the only one alive who knows the truth most probably , and the obvious one , a dragon will let him mount .
Jon will mount rhaegal , dany will mount drogon , bran will control viserys are my guesses
Imo melisandre will die , either stannis or davos .
The arryns will most probably aid the north on the battle against the walkers , tyrells will do the same .
There will most probably be a war in 2 fronts , one will be danys army trying to conquer north the next will be in the north .
Theon will die , not sure how , jon may kill him or bran , or he may die defending someone .

In the endgame I would say bran will remain north of the wall , sansa will marry somewhere , arya will be a faceless man permanently after taking her revenge , rickon will inherit winterfell . Most of the lannisters will die , tyrion may inherit the house , if he dies they still have a lot of cousins so the house most probably won't die . The baratheon house on the other hand is doomed , the only way it can survive is by legitimization of gendry if he is found . Dany will become queen . Jon will either marry dany and become king or stay north to rebuild the nights watch . Imo davos will die someway same about stannis . Allister ,Olly and all the traitors will be killed either by walkers or by jon . I think that in the end varys will survive (the biggest motherfucker of them all :D) .

Bonus : When dany comes north and meets jon , melisandre will grow a shadow dick for Greyworm so he can finally fuck Misandeii .


Jul 28, 2011
Yeah that was awful and they made it so obvious that Jon would die, they have been crap this season in that regard, shoving hints down peoples throats. I am just wondering who would be Azor, I don't see it being Danny. The old Maester said it as well, kill the boy. Then the obvious hints, "how sad to be the last targaeryn" *In walks Jon.
especially when Sam left, it was obvious.


Mar 30, 2003
Im 100% convinced Milisandra will bring Jon back from the dead i still belive he is ghe red priests chosen one and she used Stannis to get close to Jon.


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
Da Lawrd of Light really saved Stannis. How they crushed the Boltons was amazing. :D

And man, the Night's Watch would never turn on Jon Snow, would they? :p

Predictudor 2
Al Qaeda 0

Cersei :rofl:
All hail the royal tits!

Daenerys :rofl: :rofl:


Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
Da Lawrd of Light really saved Stannis. How they crushed the Boltons was amazing. :D

And man, the Night's Watch would never turn on Jon Snow, would they? :p

Predictudor 2
Al Qaeda 0

The NW actions were retarded though, we're basically told that they're either complete idiots, or complete idiots who are also complete assholes.

As for Stannis, it still made sense given what he knew back then. Add to that that it was a risk-and-maybe-live-or-die-anyways situation anyways, though he could have probably saved himself and Shireen at the expense of most of his army (and his honour).


Mar 30, 2003
Looks like the mountain was brought back from the dead too an us now basically like frankensteins monster. There were hints at that with that weird doctor dude experimenting with dead bodys.

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