Gabriel Heinze (1 Viewer)



Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #21
    Neville is the best and most consistend right-back in the world, DONT ARGUE WITH THAT.

    You SERIOUSLY dont know who Defoe is? He is the class player, that Tottenham got for 6m from West Ham (Still only 21, and is an England International).

    Silvestre is a great defender, but only when Rio is with him!

    Buy on


    Junior Member
    Jul 30, 2004
    Neville is the best and most consistend right-back in the world, DONT ARGUE WITH THAT.
    you have your opinions, but this i don't agree with , sorry :down:
    I think neville is one of the most overated player in the english league. Just my opinion though.

    Silvestre was a good player , but lately, past year or so, his form has been horrible, and you could rely him on a couple of heart breaking mistakes each match.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #26
    Please, please, dont underestimate Neville, I use to think that also, I though 'why is he in this team', but trust me, there really are none better, I dont say this as a Man United fan, but trust me, he really is that good now.

    Thing about Silveste is he isnt a 'commanding centre-back' like Rio, so without Rio, he isnt very good, but together they are brilliant!


    vBookie Champion
    Nov 18, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    Neville is the best and most consistend right-back in the world, DONT ARGUE WITH THAT.
    take that back before someone stabs you :D

    have all the other right-backs in world died for you to think of "G. Neville" as a best right back. imo he's total shite. :D


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    Defoe is better, so is Torres. Torres has scored 20+ goals in the last 2 seasons, Defoe is class, pure and simple! (I know Rooney is great, but for 30m...he aint that good!)
    I have to agree with Nicole that Fernando Torres is a better, more fluent player than Wayne-O.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Arttk ] ++

    remember the good old times when they played with barthez,
    the golden trio of mistakes :D
    Actually, Barthez, Blanc and Brown are my favourite Man U trio for fun-filled defending. I remember one radio parody at the time, which mentioned the old song:
    Clowns to the left of me,
    Jokers to the right,
    Here I am,
    Stuck in the middle with you...

    That, and Man U's decline was signaled by defeats early in the season by Bolton, Liverpool, Arsenal, Newcastle and Chelsea. :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    Neville is the best and most consistend right-back in the world, DONT ARGUE WITH THAT.

    You SERIOUSLY dont know who Defoe is? He is the class player, that Tottenham got for 6m from West Ham (Still only 21, and is an England International).

    Silvestre is a great defender, but only when Rio is with him!
    Sorry but Javier Zanetti will take that award.

    Silvestre was actually good an Inter Milan though.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    Neville is the best and most consistend right-back in the world, DONT ARGUE WITH THAT.
    Quite aside from the absurdity of that statement (and I'm about as close to a fan of Gary Neville as you'll find here), it's "consistent", and "don't" has an apostrophe in it.


    Junior Member
    Jul 30, 2004
    Neville when he first broke into the Man utd squad, he had potential to improve, however, he is playing exactly the same way as he was back N years ago. So i guess you can say he is consistantly not improving.
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Arttk ] ++
    Neville when he first broke into the Man utd squad, he had potential to improve, however, he is playing exactly the same way as he was back N years ago. So i guess you can say he is consistantly not improving.

    you mean he is consistantly average


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
    Neville is the best and most consistend right-back in the world, DONT ARGUE WITH THAT.
    Zanetti,Cafu,Trabelsi and Belletti are all better than him IMO


    Senior Member
    Aug 13, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

    Rooney is England's Maradona? Stupid :rolleyes:

    Sorry forgot that speaking of new Maradona was taboo! :rolleyes:, wait and see little prick, Rooney will be one of the best ever, sad to say since he is english and on man utd.


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by fred weasley ] ++
    Zanetti,Cafu,Trabelsi and Belletti are all better than him IMO
    i never seen Beletti plays but Zanetti, Cafu and Trabelsi are attacking right backs... u cannot rate defenders only by how good they attackk..

    i am about as the biggest Man U hater in this forum, but i have to admit Gary Neville is a very useful player for them.. his runs and timing just suit very well with Man U tactics and build up...and he is very consistend as well...

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