Gabriel Heinze (3 Viewers)



Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #41
    I am really many of you have watched Man United consistently for the last 5 years? I have, and G. Neville is as important to England as well as Man United, I mean I really cant believe that you'd put that idiot Zanetti ahead of him, are you insane? Listen, I know far more about football then you give me credit for, if your trying to tell me that Zanetti is better, then watch the next Man United game you can, Neville doesnt do anything special, he aint R. Carlos, but what he does do, he does it better then anyone else, he is great defensive, and is great offensively. Watch him play, before saying he's crap!

    Buy on


    Senior Member
    Aug 13, 2004
    He suits well in in man utd. but as a induvidual RB he is nothing compared to other.

    And to praise Neville, and then say Zanetti is practically nothing compared, is just stupid. Zanetti is far far better!!!, and many others too.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #43
    I never said Zanetti was nothing compared, I just said that Neville was better...there is a difference!


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    You can't be meaning Javier Zanetti because there's no way in hell that Neville is superior to him. Gary is very consistent and great defensively, I'll give you that, but on the whole Zanetti is without a doubt the better player.


    Junior Member
    Jul 30, 2004
    You can tell that Zanetti is better just from that fact that he is probably the only one immune to the Inter-syndrome. :LOL:


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #47
    Inter are quite good, but the Liverpool of Italian football will still drop of the title race round about March...

    Listen, Javier Zanetti is a great player, I dont dispute that, but I dispute YOU saying that Neville is crap, no-one answer me before, how many of you have watched Man United consistently for the last 5 years...?

    I use to think the same, never tho he was good enough, but for awhile, I have been well and truly shut up, he is amazing, and is one of those players that seems to be getting better as time goes on!


    Junior Member
    Jul 30, 2004
    Well, i am not saying all is bad in Inter, but throughout the years, most players than join inter end up playing really bad. The one player that has been consistantly good, and playing at a high level will probably be only zanetti.
    Recoba is probably one of the most unconsistant but good players on the inter squad, he is so damn good, but then he does it one night, and then disappears all so often in other nights.
    Martins has yet to play reguarly, so how can we judge so early ?
    Adriano is just a monster of a player so yeah ..

    Oh and yes , unfortunately, living in Canada, i have been fed all those man utd crap matches. I prefer series A matches much better, the quality is much better. For example , the roma vs milan match , forgot which one, but that match had qualities far superior to the arsenal vs man utd matches. So yes, i still think neville is crap, i would take lauren, or wayne bridge over neville as a better rb in the epl.


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by aressandro10 ] ++

    i never seen Beletti plays but Zanetti, Cafu and Trabelsi are attacking right backs... u cannot rate defenders only by how good they attackk..

    i am about as the biggest Man U hater in this forum, but i have to admit Gary Neville is a very useful player for them.. his runs and timing just suit very well with Man U tactics and build up...and he is very consistend as well...
    he is a very useful player for them,and he is consistent,but to say he's the best right back in the world is a bit too much.

    ++ [ originally posted by aressandro10 ] ++
    i never seen Beletti plays but Zanetti, Cafu and Trabelsi are attacking right backs... u cannot rate defenders only by how good they attackk..
    all those right backs i mentioned(except Belletti)defend and Attack better than G.Neville IMO


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    actually they're more like the old chelsea rather than liverpool.they drop points against easy opposition and always raise their game against their rivals.
    Aug 1, 2003
    I watch MU a gazillion times and Gary is better than Phil, but honest, it's time MU get some new players. 2 or 3 more to say the least.

    Djemba-djemba can't fit this season

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