Formation (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
According to Lippi and Moggi, Juve won't be going into the market until June so the only way to fix our problems is tactically, or at least that's what I feel.

So far this season we've seen the traditional 4-3-1-2, and two relatively new schemes; the 4-2-3-1 and the 3-4-1-2. Imho the 3-4-1-2 is the best defensive option, as the wing backs can drop back when the opposition has the ball to form a five man defence, but I'm beginning to dismiss the hopes of us being good defensively this season, so I would opt for 4-2-3-1.

If Thuram can make a successful transfer to the centre of defence and Legro manages to hit some form, the defense should hold up ok, and even if it doesn't, Miccoli, Nedved, Del Piero and Trezeguet would offer enough firepower upfront to ensure that we score a good amount of goals.

My ideal starting line-up:

---------Miccoli----------Nedved-----------Del Piero------

I have Conte in there because as far as I'm concerned he's a better defender than Appiah and Maresca, and of course due to the fact that he's enjoying an extremely rich vein of form.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
there is a lot of ifs on that formation...can thuram and legro play in the centre???

Well once again stu ur on form and im agreein :eek:

If we dont sign anyone, then this is the formation , especially defensive line, we will have to play....but id prefer enzo or appiah to conte, imo conte is a becnh player now for us, coming on offering experince , but not really a first teamer.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
the thing is though that birindelli isnt as good as thuram going forward on the right. then you have miccoli on the right who isnt a real winger and he wont perform as well as he does when being played as a support striker. Trezeguet is basically useless when isolated upfront as he has shown us many times. Conte may be on some fine form at the moment but he isnt what juve need in midfield. what juve needs is an inform davids and that cant happen now. Maresca offers us the best option in midfield as he is the best as a two way player and he has great skill overall. Appiah needs to play, he must get used to the team and Lippi has to show faith in him. Over the years we have lossed out on Brighi, a player who was destined to be a world star and take over Davids and Moggi ruined his career. Now we have Appiah who last season showed that he had what it takes to be a star. he hasnt played great but he showed signs of what he has and with davids gone, he should be playing no matter what. He is our future, Conte is our past.

our defensive problem may worsen when playing 3 behind the sole forward. i'd rather have tacchinardi, appiah and maresca in midfield and use either del piero or miccoli as support striker to trez. at least maresca and appiah are both two way players, Maresca being the more attacking and creative player with more skill. Camo offers us nothing except some form of attack. his laziness and inconsistancy doesnt help out the likes of tacchinardi and whoever partners him. maresca and appiah can help out tacchinardi which inturn may help our fragile defence. the midfield seems more hardworking and solid at least.

Maresca being able to push forward and help in the creative department at least gives us another option rather than relying on nedved or del piero to produce the goods. Maresca imo better than camo even at creating.

another option would be to use nedved in camo's role and play one of del piero or miccoli in the hole behind the strikers. nedveds hardworking style in midfield is very much needed but we do lose out on his powerful attacking displays.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
OK, this is my first formation (btw, while I was typing that sentence I still had no idea what it would look like :D )


           Nedved Maresca 

Zambrotta Appiah Tacchinardi Miccoli

       Legro   Tudor   Thuram


Basically, It would be a 3-6-1. The midfield would be overcrowded in defense to protect the back line, Zambrotta would cover the left flank, both in offence and defence, while Appiah, Tacchinardi and Maresca would be infront of the defenders closing down the opposition and trying to winn balls, Miccoli would stay on the right wing and not participate in defence (that would mean that Thuram would have to take care of the right flank, and I believe that Tudor and Legrottaglie can do the job in centre defence, protected by three midfielders) so that he can start up a counter attack. Nedved would stand around the kick off spot, while Treze would wait up front.

Up in attack, we'd have a back three that would AT ALL TIMES stay on our half of the pitch, not participate in attack at all (except on set pieces, where Tudor can be a fantastic asset). Zambrotta and Miccoli would opertae the left and right flank respectivly, while Nedved and Maresca ould co-exist as playmakers, covered by Tacchinardi and Appiah. Appiah would have a larger role in offence than Tacchi, whose job is only to defend. And we all know what Treze's job would be, to score goals...


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
OK, this is the secod. It's pretty centralised and involves mainly building up play through the mmiddle of the pitch, with the only real threath from the flank being Zambrotta, and occasionally Miccoli (as support striker drifting right):



        Appiah Tacchi Maresca

Zambrotta   Tudor   Legro   Thuram



The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Here's mine; Legrottaglie will raise to the occasion and play better than Nesta *cough* *cough* I WISH :D







New Member
Jun 2, 2003
I also like to be a strateg:D
My formation:





Dei Piero---------------------------Trezeguet

AVE JUVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FORZA bianconerri JUVE forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
Here's mine





-------------------Trezeguet------------Del Piero-----------------


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++
the thing is though that birindelli isnt as good as thuram going forward on the right. then you have miccoli on the right who isnt a real winger and he wont perform as well as he does when being played as a support striker. Trezeguet is basically useless when isolated upfront as he has shown us many times. Conte may be on some fine form at the moment but he isnt what juve need in midfield. what juve needs is an inform davids and that cant happen now. Maresca offers us the best option in midfield as he is the best as a two way player and he has great skill overall. Appiah needs to play, he must get used to the team and Lippi has to show faith in him. Over the years we have lossed out on Brighi, a player who was destined to be a world star and take over Davids and Moggi ruined his career. Now we have Appiah who last season showed that he had what it takes to be a star. he hasnt played great but he showed signs of what he has and with davids gone, he should be playing no matter what. He is our future, Conte is our past.

our defensive problem may worsen when playing 3 behind the sole forward. i'd rather have tacchinardi, appiah and maresca in midfield and use either del piero or miccoli as support striker to trez. at least maresca and appiah are both two way players, Maresca being the more attacking and creative player with more skill. Camo offers us nothing except some form of attack. his laziness and inconsistancy doesnt help out the likes of tacchinardi and whoever partners him. maresca and appiah can help out tacchinardi which inturn may help our fragile defence. the midfield seems more hardworking and solid at least.

Maresca being able to push forward and help in the creative department at least gives us another option rather than relying on nedved or del piero to produce the goods. Maresca imo better than camo even at creating.

another option would be to use nedved in camo's role and play one of del piero or miccoli in the hole behind the strikers. nedveds hardworking style in midfield is very much needed but we do lose out on his powerful attacking displays.

:thumb::thumb::star: i can't say more , this what we need

another thing is that we need to stick on one formation with same players for at least 2-3 games in a row we must create some balance in order to find our missing concentration we have concede many goals we must stop this ,,,

our game was not that beautiful before and we don't need to make it now

we r facing roma in 2 weeks and deportivo in 2 more .

we must not gamble on these matches

my formation if we don't have injuries :

------------------------- buffon
-- birindelli------------ thuram -------- legro -------- zambrotta
--------------------------- tach
------------- appiah-------------------- maresca
-------------------- nedved
------------------------------------------------del piero
------------------------------ trez

we still have good subs o turn things around : di vaio , micoli , camo


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #11
    ++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++
    the thing is though that birindelli isnt as good as thuram going forward on the right. then you have miccoli on the right who isnt a real winger and he wont perform as well as he does when being played as a support striker.
    Birindelli doesn't have to go forward in my formation, and as a matter of fact, shouldn't. He'll do the defending on the right while Miccoli handles the attacking. Micco, Neddy and ADP would interchange positions as the game progresses, and from time to time Fab or Alex would go forward into a more centre forward role with Pavel pushing wide left or wide right depending on which player went forward. This way Trez won't be too isolated.


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    so basically miccoli will be playing as a right winger. i mean, if birindelli doesnt push forward then miccoli will have loads of work to do in a position which isnt his trade so to speak.

    there is no doubt that del piero can play that role on the left especially with a player like zambrotta at left back. but birindelli, a player with half the qualities of zambo, and miccoli a player who has shown that he really doesnt excel at his best in that position doesnt seem like a potential success. i think we wished that miccoli could play that role well and many of us thought he would excel in it at the start of the season but its wishful thinking and nothing more.

    And in regards to Trez, he really does need someone feeding him from behind and alongside him at all times. he just doesnt seem to work when he has the 3 behind him with 2 centre backs pushing him off the ball when trying to hold it up. interchanging b/w dp and mic is a good idea, but in the end, it needs to be solid and with trez having that 'hold up ball' quality in his game, he'll be isolated.
    Jul 12, 2002
    This is how I would do it for the very next game. IMO, Tacchinardi will help the defence a lot if he's playd in a very deep role. Also, I think that in a three-man defence, Zamby and Thuram would stay back a bit more, and that's good. This may have a negative effect on the attack, but with both Nedved and Maresca on the pitch, I think we'll be able to creat some chances,


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++
    This is how I would do it for the very next game. IMO, Tacchinardi will help the defence a lot if he's playd in a very deep role. Also, I think that in a three-man defence, Zamby and Thuram would stay back a bit more, and that's good. This may have a negative effect on the attack, but with both Nedved and Maresca on the pitch, I think we'll be able to creat some chances,
    ouch :D
    Zambrotta left center back. Very offensive team you got there.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by mark77 ] ++
    ouch :D
    Zambrotta left center cack. Very offensive team you got there.
    You think? I would've said that it was defensive. I know that it would be difficult for him, but Zamby would have to stay back a bit more than he usually does. I think that he has the defensive skills to play that position, and even if he;s not great there, it's got to be better than Iuliano or Montero. Pluas, I have four defensive midfielders in the line-up. The idea would be to control the midfield and thus lift the pressure off of Gigi and the defence.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

    You think? I would've said that it was defensive. I know that it would be difficult for him, but Zamby would have to stay back a bit more than he usually does. I think that he has the defensive skills to play that position, and even if he;s not great there, it's got to be better than Iuliano or Montero. Pluas, I have four defensive midfielders in the line-up. The idea would be to control the midfield and thus lift the pressure off of Gigi and the defence.
    We can beat Chievo with that formation but against Roma....


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++
    This is how I would do it for the very next game. IMO, Tacchinardi will help the defence a lot if he's playd in a very deep role. Also, I think that in a three-man defence, Zamby and Thuram would stay back a bit more, and that's good. This may have a negative effect on the attack, but with both Nedved and Maresca on the pitch, I think we'll be able to creat some chances,
    only two players are natural defenders there Ian...Zambrotta would have to play a mroe central role with that formation and he's at his best (offensive or defensive) on the wings.

    Also, you only have Tacchinardi as a defensive midfielder. If you insist that Appiah and Conte would help, then you'll be sacrificing on wing attacks (because Zambrotta and Thuram should never attack when in a three man defense (i dont need to tell you this ;) ). It's not like Appiah and Conte are wingers anyway. Therefore, o think your central midfield is going to be way too crowded.


    Here's my formation:
    I have faith in Maresca and Tudor and I believe they have so much to give to the team.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
    only two players are natural defenders there Ian...Zambrotta would have to play a mroe central role with that formation and he's at his best (offensive or defensive) on the wings.
    Agreed. Zamby is much better in a wide role, but he's better than Montero, Legro, or Iuliano.

    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
    Also, you only have Tacchinardi as a defensive midfielder. If you insist that Appiah and Conte would help, then you'll be sacrificing on wing attacks (because Zambrotta and Thuram should never attack when in a three man defense (i dont need to tell you this ;) ). It's not like Appiah and Conte are wingers anyway. Therefore, o think your central midfield is going to be way too crowded.
    That's entirely the point. I want the centre to be crowded as hell and I want to stop focusing the attack down the wings. I want ts use Maresca's and Nedved's passing skills to work the ball through the middle. IMO, it's the best way to sure up the defence.

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