[FML] Serie A 2009/2010 (35 Viewers)

Buck Fuddy

Lara Chedraoui fanboy
May 22, 2009
Must be because of our fans' good behaviour this season.

Anyway, as I mentioned in the Calciopoli thread, has this been confirmed? Because I read something slightly different:

Ingresso per gli abbonati e per i possessori della tessera del tifoso per la gara “Inter-Juventus” (Serie A), in programma il prossimo 16 aprile.

Queste le indicazione del CASMS, Comitato di Analisi per la Sicurezza delle Manifestazioni Sportive, emerse nel corso della riunione tenutasi questa mattina per esaminare gli incontri con indice di rischio individuati dall’Osservatorio.

I possessori della tessera del tifoso, nella nuova e condivisa ottica di vivere lo sport in modo sano e sicuro, sono sempre più protagonisti dell’evento sportivo: essi, infatti, potranno farsi “garanti” per permettere ad altri tifosi di assistere alla gara, grazie alla possibilità di acquistare diversi tagliandi.

Buck Fuddy

Lara Chedraoui fanboy
May 22, 2009
That's retarded, we haven't done anything recently so why rub the past on our head now? Stupid decision IMO.

Dunno about the second part.
It's only in the headlines because it's big game anyway.

FYI: lots of fans are regularly banned from watching their teams away games. Atalanta fans were banned from Juve-Atalanta a few weeks ago. Heck, even home fans were not allowed to buy a ticket if they did not reside in the Piemonte province.
I don't like this (seemingly random) system, but it don't see it changing any time soon.

As for our fans:
I have seen them setting fire to the stadium & I have heard them singing chants that are forbidden. Happened numerous times already, even after receiving numerous warnings. It's not even a month ago when I last noticed it.

You reap what you sow. Simple as that.

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