Felipe Melo (6 Viewers)


King of Tuz
Jan 24, 2007
marchisio 2006-2007 outshined by zanetti, nedved and fucking gianchedda and fucking paro

marchisio 2007-2008 sent to empoli because he is deemed not good enough

marchisio 2008-2009 outshined by sissoko, zanetti, nedved, and camo

marchisio 2009-2010 outshined by diego, candreva, camo and giovinco

marchisio 20102011 outshined by melo and krasic.

Delle Alpi

Chemical Dean
May 26, 2009
Sorry, I got derailed. I guess it's because I'm a "challenged person" that hasn't quite grasped elementary basics in vocabulary, arithmetic and basic everyday living.

My biggest beef here is the criticism on him is not fair because he was played out of position while melo had the luxury to play in his natural role doing what he is supposed to be good at. At the same time, people say marchisio has been bad for 2 seasons but don't want to admit Melo sucked ass his first season here. It is no coincidence he was considering one of the biggest transfer flops that year. I agree with a lot you said, as you actually can post a great argument, so thank you for that. Lastly, I feel that if you (we, as in Juventus) actually place Marchisio in his natural role consistently for a season surrounded by competent footballers, then there is no reason why he would not demonstrate his potential.
This season is his last chance to show his potential. Hopefully Conte would play with 3 MF, and allow Marchisio or Vidal to be the box to box, and Sissoko or Vidal to be a destroyer, while Pirlo is just in between in a deep lying position distributing the ball.


The Bookie Queen
Jun 5, 2010
marchisio 2006-2007 outshined by zanetti, nedved and fucking gianchedda and fucking paro

marchisio 2007-2008 sent to empoli because he is deemed not good enough

marchisio 2008-2009 outshined by sissoko, zanetti, nedved, and camo

marchisio 2009-2010 outshined by diego, candreva, camo and giovinco

marchisio 20102011 outshined by melo and krasic.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
why do you keep saying if we placed marchisio in his position. he played there FOR 3 FUKCING SEASONS and he was mediocre.

Anyone wonder why no one has taken into account the 3 year age difference between these two players? Oops, another flaw in their arguments...

Melo, who should be in his "prime" now at 28 years old has 8 DIFFERENT CLUBS TO HIS NAME has done nothing notable aside from the most notable flop for his national team in SA and in his first season at Juve.

Marchisio, as always, has been more consistent in just about everything. If Melo was so good at his role and had such a good season then there is no reason why we would have finished 7th. But the fault will be found on everyone else, but him.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
marchisio 2006-2007 outshined by zanetti, nedved and fucking gianchedda and fucking paro

marchisio 2007-2008 sent to empoli because he is deemed not good enough

marchisio 2008-2009 outshined by sissoko, zanetti, nedved, and camo

marchisio 2009-2010 outshined by diego, candreva, camo and giovinco

marchisio 20102011 outshined by melo and krasic.
What a joke. Keep bringing us these gems, Lion. Bring Melo justice.



King of Tuz
Jan 24, 2007

Anyone wonder why no one has taken into account the 3 year age difference between these two players? Oops, another flaw in their arguments...

Melo, who should be in his "prime" now at 28 years old has 8 DIFFERENT CLUBS TO HIS NAME has done nothing notable aside from the most notable flop for his national team in SA and in his first season at Juve.

Marchisio, as always, has been more consistent in just about everything. If Melo was so good at his role and had such a good season then there is no reason why we would have finished 7th. But the fault will be found on everyone else, but him.
lmao grasping at straws here.

so if marchisio is this wonderful player. how come he didn;t save us from fininsng 7th 2 yeats in a row? how come he didn't save us vs chelsea in cl? how come he didn't win us the title in 07-08 and 08-09?


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
Hust I hope you aren't trying to argue that it was right to keep Marchisio and sell Melo.
No, not really. I am arguing that the hate on Marchisio is not justified and that I have absolutely no problem selling Melo.

If we had to sell Marchisio to bring in a better player I'd have no problem selling Marchisio.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
lmao grasping at straws here.

so if marchisio is this wonderful player. how come he didn;t (grammatical error) save us from fininsng 7th 2 yeats (grammatical error) in a row? how come he didn't save us vs chelsea in cl? how come he didn't win us the title in 07-08 and 08-09?


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
If Melo was such a wonderful player then why didn't he do shit for the team since joining? I am sure with Momo starting in the team we would have still finished 7th.

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