Feelings towards Ex-Juve players (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
How do u guys cope with seeing Zidane, Inzaghi, Kovacevic etc in non-Juve colors ?

How was the transition from seeing your heros suddenly play against your side ?

For me; although i hate to admit it, Inzaghi was my absolute favorite player at Juve BY FAR (even more than Del Piero ).... i always defended him when people brought up his diving and simulation but after he left, my dislike for him suddenly increased and now i absolutely hate him :dazed: ... its wierd. I can't explain the feeling. Sometimes i feel stupid about how i can hate my one time hero all of a sudden but i don't know. Thats the way it is. It was really hard for me to see him leave.

As for Zidane, i never particularly liked him that much - i admired him, respected him while he was at Juve but thats it - he was never my "player-i-would-take-a-bullet-for" kind of player if u know what i mean. And the way he left, made it all the more easy for me to get used to the fact that Zidane was no more a Bianconeri. I started hating him almost instantly after he left Juve.

Kovacevic never really got to shine at Juve so my feelings towards him are indifferent.

But when Baggio left Juve, i felt really bad. I still love him and will always be my idol no matter who he plays for. Of course, i wouldn't want to see him do well vs Juve, but i would still like to see him fulfill all his dreams.

What were your reactions ?

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I like them :) They played for us and that creates a special situation, unless it's a player I always disliked, there are no ill feelings. I wouldn't take a bullet for anyone (;)) but I wish them well in their respective clubs. Of course, when it comes to choosing their club or Juve, unfortuantely it'll always be Juve. :D


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
I'm a big follower of the Italian National Team, so I don't hate any of the players on that team, regardless of who their club team happens to be.

So, yes, I really like Vieri, Inzaghi...............

As far as other players who have played for Juve that are not on the NT, out of sight, out of mind.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
i would continue to like them unless they start taking $hit about Juventus

Baggio talked a lot of crap about juve....i've lost respect for him in the past couple of years after reading his book.

Kovacevic: I wish Real Socided the best because he's in it.

Inzaghi: i dont feel anything for him because he doesn't feel anything about juve anymore.

Zidane: it's a shame that he was with juve during their worst years. when he first left, i hated him because i thought he was snobby and full of crap, but then i realized that he's not so bad after all. I tried to hate him for a while, but it's really hard hating the classiest player in the world!! also, after i saw him congratulate juve after the CL semi final win, i knew he doesnt hate juve as much as we think he does.

as for players like: Esnaider, Amoruso, Baiocco, Paramatti, and O'Neil: i dont give a rat's asz what they think!! :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
IceBlu, I feel the same way as you. Inzaghi was the first Juve player I liked, and I always stood up for him when people made fun of his play and his goals. When he left, I was glad he didn't start talking crap about Juve, but the thing i was annoyed at was the fact that juventus.com had a tiny little paragraph on their site that Inzaghi had left :down:

I didn't really like Zidane that much, because he wasn't spectacular, and especially comparing his France performances with ours was just :fero: Headbutting a Rosenborg (i think) player while he was on the ground... :wallbang:


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
i would continue to like them unless they start taking $hit about Juventus

Baggio talked a lot of crap about juve....i've lost respect for him in the past couple of years after reading his book.
even though I don't like writing this, he got his back stabbed by
juve too... When they wanted to reduce his salary for a new contract
while they gave him hints that it's perhaps better if he just left...

Then when he decides to leave, juve board makes an anoncement
saying that even when presenting a contract that would give him x% more
money he refused to sign!

Roberto Baggio was the main reason I started suporting JUVE!
I could never hate him!!!

Inzaghi: I liked him alot when he was playing for Juve. I don't hate
him now nor do I care about him!!!

Kovacevic: I have no problem seeing him play for Real Sociedad... he didn't
become any of my fav. players even though he saved Juve a couple of times! :)

Zidane: I have really hard time liking french players... Don't ask me why. cause I really don't know why!? Thuram is the only one I have liked from day one, playing for Parma and now for Juve! I like trezeguet more and more (but to be honest I told a friend of mine who loves everything to do with France, maybe I should start beeing an anti trez again, seemed to work fine he scored 24 goals that year :LOL: ), now i'm hoping Juve buys mexes... So I'm making progress!!!

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i dont mind most of them, like Kovacevic and stuff when i see them in other colors, but the ones like Vieri and Zizou still sometimes..emotion


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
I like Baggio. He's always been so cool, and anyone who doesn't like the guy should get their head examined.

Zidane is also cool. I don't like his club, but he's allright. I was sad when he left, but not mad at him. Later on I found out it was the best for both Juve and him... so no hard feelings.

I never really liked Inzaghi. He ticked me off and he still does. There's just something very annoying about him + he's not really a fantastic player, just an successfull targetman :yawn:

Vieri... well, I never understood why so many Juve fans love him. He played at Juve for one season, scoring about 14 goals... and that's it. Being an Inter player doesn't help him much either.

Kovacevic... :yawn: WTFC!?


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
I like Baggio. He's always been so cool, and anyone who doesn't like the guy should get their head examined.
That's quite funny coming from you :p

I have a negative view on Baggio. Not that I have anything against him at the sporting level but it annoys me how much publicity he gets and how overrated he is compared to players who deserve a lot of credit and never get a mention. It's always Baggio this, Baggio that, the man is 36-something, he's playing at a midtable club and not doing anything out of the ordinary, but people keep mentioning him all the friggin time! Yes, I have seen his fine work and I don't think there that many Baggio's around, but the past is past and we might as well bring up Bettega and Zoff everytime someone mentions Del Piero or Buffon. :mad:


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
I get it, you don't like all the hype... but that's not his fault.

It comes with the job. If you're huge, like Roberto was, people will talk about you for many years, there's no stopping that.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Yeah, that's like not liking Beckham for all his hype. A lot of people respect what he does but don't care for his enormous exposure..


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Then again, all Italians loved Baggio in his glory days, because he was a huge legend and hero in Italy. AFAIK Beckham, on the other hand, isn't so loved around England, many people resent him for his publicity and marketing value. Baggio's achieved more than Beckham with the NT


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
all positive publicity he gets is well deserved!!!
while he was a Hero to millions in Italy and in the world media
was still trying to find something to write and take him down!!!

WC, 90! Allthough at this time he was signed with JUVE he said
it's thanks to fiorentina that I'm in the squad! Media used this
to make Juve fans think Baggio has his heart with Fiorentina!

When he was introduced as Juve player for the firts time sor the press,
he forgot his Juve cap or scarf or something on the table. Once again media
used it to say he doesn't have respect for JUVE.

his first match against Fiorentina as a juve player. he told that he didn't wanna take any penalties, since he knew the GK would have to much advantage... And yes, Juve got a penalty, baggio didn't take it and new headlines!!!

When his contract with Juve was expireing he gave some money to a beggar or something, the day after they wrote that Baggio is so poor
that he only gave xxx lire to a foundraiser offcial!!!

As I said, also Juve board went out and said: even though we offered
Baggio a contract with an increase in his salay he has rejected the

these are some of the stories I have been told by a real R. Baggio

All I say is that Baggio is ammong the players that have been giving
so much, have got alot of his great performance rewarded and recognized, but the way he have been treated in some cases hasen't been
justified for a person like him!

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
zidane: didnt like the fact that he was devoted to his country more than his club and ditched us for more trophies(yeah. and do you know how much he won with us?)

pippo: liked him, was sad to see him go, but im happy he's happy at milan. didnt diss or blame us, and gave trez a chance to shine through. great man who did great things for juve.

kova: too good for a sub yeah. we should have held onto him. i was kinda glad to see him move on to a better life in the form of more playing time tho. id rather lose a player than have his talent and potential go to waste.

baggio: didnt really have a home. he was a great player but he would never be ours.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Hey i think, if u like a player during their time with hte club i dont think nething will really change that, if they leave or are sold.

Well, Kovacevic was alright, but i never considered him to be good enuff to play a starters role for Juve. Evenn after he left, it dint make that much of a difference.

As for Pippo. I never liked him in all his time with the club. And i was extrememly happy to see him go. It was awesome, simply becoz i dont like his style of play and i dint think hes much of a striker. Trezeguet is somewhat in a similar mould, but atleast he doesnt fall down when he gets the ball outside the D.

Vieri was awesome, and i even saw him play in sm impt CL matches for Juve. He did really well, and his sale was looked at with much indifference with the striking talents of vialli, ravanelli on board at the time.

Baggio. Never saw him play for Juve. But i do blv he had his differences with most clubs he played for after being sold by his beloved fiorentina. But he was a great player, and if i was following Juve at the time, i wudvebeen really sad to see him go.

Zidane was amazing at Juve. I think he definitely spent his best time at Juve. He plays well for Madrid, but i dont think he can be ne better at Madrid than he was at Juve. It was sad to see him leave, but im really happy for him. And i still think hes the best at what he does.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
Inzaghi:i never liked that piece of shit even when he was at juve and i hate him now cuz he plays for ac milass:yuck:
Zidane:he's my favourite player where ever he plays the guy is the best player in the world.

as for the others like Vieri kovacevic.....i dont give a damn where they play.

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