Favourite sports (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++

Baseball is great to watch and you learn the rules pretty fast. It is perhaps the most exciting game you can watch but you have to have a favourite team I guess.

Do you play "brännboll" in Denmark? The rumour says that Sweden invented it.
I agree, Baseball is a great sport... but I only enjoy playing it.

What is "brännboll"? Maybe we got another name for it.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
I tried... I also tried the other one. Hmmm, can't remember the name. But instead of jumping, you get shot up in the air. Very fun!


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
it's something that freaks me out in your sentence, but i dunno what ... anyway try kick-boxing next time :D

and try answering some PMs

(maybe mine too)

no, really : scuba-diving ? :eek:


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Kick-boxing... hmmm, I haven't tried it as a sport, but from time to time it happens outside the ring :D

Scuba-diving? I've done that many times. It is very fun :)

PM's? what PM's? :confused: I haven't received any new ones...


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
I like cars better. Motorcycles are for wankers and wannabee tough-guys. :D and :p to all you motorcyclists!

About the PM...
You're right, but I didn't feel like answering. :D I'll write you one soon... I promise :D


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
fortunately i am not one of them :D

i can't wait for that PM you're talking about and i hope you usually keep your promises :p

i have to go now, but i'll come tomorrow again, beware :D

see you, take care :)

sumo ??? :D
Sep 28, 2002
good morning europeans

i only watch sports cause my lifestyle of a playa :D with lots of drinking and smoking makes me kinda unable to be good at anything. though footie is probably the most fun to play. and watch.

also like rugby. uesed to play it actively 6-7 years ago so it's somewhere in my heart.

i hate all american sports. esp. football. because it is called football and not some "throw-the-ball-anywhere-and-get-knocked-down-by-brainless-moron-just-like-you-ball". soccer... :howler:

maybe basketball would be third. in lithuania is the same as footie in brazil but i hate it because it takes all the money, sponsors and viewers from football. bur still we have very talended team full of unfulfiled potential which usually suck at important tournaments. kinda like holland :D

i watch tennis sometimes, it's kinda funny. tho never played it myself.

i dunno. watching sports o tv is bad, you gotta play smth yourself and i don't so **** the sport, viva la resistance!


Senior Member
Sep 1, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++

Baseball is great to watch and you learn the rules pretty fast. It is perhaps the most exciting game you can watch but you have to have a favourite team I guess.
Yeah, I agree with you Zambrotta. I think baseball is quite simple it just takes more concentration when playing it. It's actually my top sport to play. I really like the feeling of hitting the ball with the bat.:D

My second sport to play would definitely have to be football, though I don't get to play it much. And my third would have to be swimming. Since I have a pool it's easy for me to swim whenever I want to and I don't have to go to public pools or anything like that.

A sport that I like watching live in the stadium would have to be basketball, I get bored watching it on tv. But I don't like playing it, I'm not good at it... Another 'sport' that I like to watch is boxing.:D I find it quite interesting. I sometimes bet, but not often, last time I lost a bet.:groan:


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
To play:
American football

I don't count how I skate(or used to skate) as a sport.

To watch:

++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
To watch:
2. curling
I hear you buddy! :D


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
Football, Vollyball, Handball, and pool (if it is a sport) :D

Football, American Football, and Tennis.


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
- volleyball (beach if it's possible)
- tennis
- rollerblading
- ice-skating
- skiing
- swimming

- football
- ice-hockey
- tennis
- water sports (synchronised swimming, diving, swimming, ...)
- skiing
- handabll+basketball (only when a slovenian team is compeating)
- athletics

Probably some more but I just can't think of it now. Basically I watch every sport that they show on TV when a Slovenian is involved.


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
Sumo? HAHA! Whoever did call that a sport to begin with?
No offence to the japanese...

See you!
see me :D

i really have to name some crazy sports romanian practice sometimes in the winter, mostly when they are a little drunk :D

don't try this at home :

-sleigh (or "luge")on the stairs of your block :scared:

-downhill on your bum :excited: or on a toilet plastic top


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
You any good? I completely suck at it. Last time I tried I got absolutely bombarded by that tennis-ball cannon.

Picture a bloke lieing on the ground, protecting his head with his racket from flying balls <-- that's me :D

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