Farsopoli(Calciopoli) (10 Viewers)

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Sicilian Juve

Junior Member
May 17, 2006
Shyne said:
05/06 scudetto has to be returned. The games we were being investigated for were 04/05 were they not? Injustice.

Welcome to Italy, where corruption cases r marked by corrupt verdicts.

I was thinking the same thing. In fact I had heard that 05 06 was not even in danger. Now this.


New Member
Jul 15, 2006
thats not realism its pessimism. if ppl say we have a shot then we have a fucking shot. whats so farfetched about staying in serie A?? i say give us a fair trial and a fair verdict and then we'll see what we're truly guilty of


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
snakies said:
i hate all the pessimism guys. what kind of juve fans r u? i say we have a good shot of overturning this verdict and i say go for it 110%

what kind of anti-depressant drugs are you on ???

less than a week ago, our lawyer "agreed" with being sent down to B....the case wasnt even finished, and he was trying to negotiate the punishment

We have as much chance of seeing Serie A this season, as we do of seeing flying pigs over the Turin horizon....

reality check, man


Junior Member
May 30, 2004
Listen. You we're found guilty of cheating during the 2004/2005 season. That means, you should've been demoted straight away and not have been in Serie A last season. That's the reason both scudettos were revoked from you guys. Everyone knew that was coming so it shouldn't have been a shock. As far as returning to Serie A, that is highly unlikely. Your lawyer said Serie B would be a fair penalty even before the verdicts were announced.


Sep 23, 2003
I completely follow why the 05-06 campaign is lumped in with the judgement of the 04-05 one. However, I think there's something to be said for the argument that you can't reverse history. To think you can is folly.

Is there a statute of limitations for this? Because if there isn't, and some discovery comes out 10 years after the fact, entire decades of play could be wiped out under the same kind of sentencing -- affecting multiple clubs.

It's like the TV show Dallas, where supposedly dead Bobby returns to the show because the entire past couple of seasons were "just a dream". Talk about yanking the chain of all Lega Calcio fans. It severely damages its credibility, because I am half wondering if the other shoe is going to one day drop on Milan -- Berlusconi is out of the TV revenue picture and the real dirt can flow -- and we'll find out in 2008 that no games really ever took place in Lega Calcio since 2001.

There has to be a limit to that kind of historical revisionism. Just saying, "Oh, we missed a detail 15 years ago and, btw, everything you've been following for the past 15 years really never happened. Sorry." is inexcusable.

It's bad enough for anti-Juve fans to think that everything has been fixed by one club since the beginning of time. It's even worse to have every tifosi of the sport thinking in the back of their head that whatever their witnessing might not be real because of some judge's decision a couple years out in the future.


Junior Member
Jul 14, 2006
Miss Dangerous* said:

I just wanna know why this stupid Milan`s the only one who stayed in Serie-A.???????????????????????.
that`s a joke.. and it`s not funny...:tdown: .!!​
It's a little thing called Berlusconi.
See when he controls italy it's hard to go against him. He is ex-president after all, at the time of when these things happened he was president.
He owns Fininvest which controls Mondari - Italy's most important publishing company and Mediaset - the biggest network in Italy. He uses this for his own personal interests, whether it be political or whatever.
He is in the top 40 of richest people in the world for crying out loud (Italy's richest) - 11 billion dollars can get you somewhere.
Then you have Galliani who controls all the italian television network, so yeah need anything else to realise why they stayed.

Oh and that 30 million pound from the shevchenko sale .. i'm sure that came into good use


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2005
L'Opinione: Sentenze a rischio annullamento?

Secondo Alberto Antinori le sentenze della Caf siano state fatte non in perfetta sintonia con la Costituzione Italiana e con lo Statuto della Figc. Cosa che, secondo lui, potrebbe portare il Tar ad annullarle.

Il processo penale è regolato dal principio del contraddittorio nella formazione della prova. La legge ne assicura la ragionevole durata. Così recita, tra l’altro, l’art.111 della nostra Costituzione.

Ciò che di questo processo salta agli occhi è soprattutto

a) la fretta (imposta da scadenze europee) che non ha consentito l’organizzazione della difesa;
b) la non ammissione di prove e testi a difesa;
c) le conclusioni dell’accusa formulate prima di aver ascoltato gli imputati.

Il diritto alla difesa viene palesemente violato non solo secondo l’art.111 della Costituzione, ma anche secondo l’art. 30, comma 2 dello Statuto della Figc che recita: “le norme relative all’ordinamento della Giustizia sportiva devono garantire il diritto di difesa”. Sempre secondo lo stesso Statuto, l’art.37 comma 5 e 6, le liste testimoniali della difesa possono essere ridotte ma non soppresse e il Procuratore Federale (comma 9)deve formulare le proprie richieste al termine del dibattimento.

Ma, direte voi, che difesa vuoi organizzare e che prove e testimoni vuoi produrre, tanto era tutto già scritto! Forse, un po’ di ragione ce l’avete. I nostri inquisitori non hanno fatto una bella figura quando la Gazzetta dello Sport ha pubblicato pari pari le sentenze ben prima che queste fossero di pubblico dominio, rispondendo così alla domanda di Ruperto che credeva di fare una battuta spiritosa: “Dite che le sentenze sono già scritte. Diteci anche dove, così le andiamo a leggere pure noi!”. Guido Rossi aveva garantito trasparenza assoluta, ma Ruperto (checché ne dica l’interessato e nonostante i 110 libri da lui curati) non è neanche riuscito a garantire la riservatezza almeno fino alla sentenza. E così viene anche sconfessato il presidente della Juventus che, in tv, aveva imputato il ritardo nella lettura della sentenza all’intervento di qualcuno sulla commissione giudicante.

Ora, visti i punti a), b) e c), non si vede come il Tar possa confermare quanto disposto dalla Giustizia sportiva. Di conseguenza, non solo queste sentenze saranno annullate, ma ci sarà da fronteggiare le inevitabili azioni di megarisarcimento danni a carico della Figc. Per questo è auspicabile che il Processo d’Appello della Giustizia sportiva prenda in considerazione quanto non ammesso dal primo grado, riducendo drasticamente i danni per le società coinvolte cosicché, chissà, si potrebbe anche arrivare ad un compromesso.

Nel frattempo l’Avv. Giuseppe Benedetto, Giudice Federale per il settore giovanile preannuncia a Guido Rossi di voler lasciare il suo incarico: "Il metodo usato nel e col processo mi induce a urlare: il diritto è un’altra cosa! Trovatevi un altro giudice
Sep 1, 2002
Fair play, we have been caught; take our punishment and get on with it. Stop bleating.
The appeal will go in our favour and we will be back in Seria A in a season. I for one am going to enjoy Seria B and the Tim Cup.
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