Fan provokes, Moratti gets pissed (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
Salvo is also the one that had the guts to to go to an assembly of our board (he's a shareholder) to say what he thought about Cobolli, Zacconi and everything that happened in these last 10 months.

Salvatore Cozzolino, my IDOL :touched:

Buy on


Moggi santo..subito
Sep 12, 2006
Forza Salvatore Cozzolino.

The guy clearly just owned our favourite figure of fun!

Morrati, a serious question; Is the last time he trimmed his nasal hair the last time Inter won lo Scudetto on the field...................



Senior Member
Dec 18, 2005
If only Presidency of clubs was like in Spain, Salvatore would defintely be voted in.

isha00, how do Italians, outside of Juve fans, view him? I cant see him being popular. Unlike some Italian patrons, he inherited his wealth, and for a billionaire, he is not very professional.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
Well, thw way he is seen is distorted by the media. You can see also in the english article posted above how they manipulated what really happened. If you listen to the media, he's calcio's gentleman. If you ask awerage people, though.. of course the ones that think with their head and not with their tv :wink:


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
How can a man that sents to hell players and referees in front of the cameras and that alludes to other people cheating considered a gentleman? Not add the fact that he claims he's a victim (and this is the reason why he never won a thing), while he clearly isn't. Fair play much?
And I have my doubt he came good out of this thing. Had he been clever, he would have just ignored Salvatore, but he didn't: He went there, didn't know what to say, backed off and ended with saying that Salvo is a "rompiballe" in front ot the cameras (another example of how this guy is a real "lord")..


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
From Tuttosport, interview to Salvatore:

Man of the day
«E’ da un po’ che lo vedo troppo nervoso Ha già paura per quando torniamo in A»
Salvatore Cozzolino spiega il diverbio: «Avevo da sei mesi questo rospo in gola, non sapeva cosa rispondere.
Ma se vuole mi scuso»

PRONTO, dottor Cozzolino?
Hello, Mr Cozzolino?

«Salvatore Cozzolino».
Salvatore Cozzolino

Ha un cognome da torinista: ricorda il mitico avvocato Sergio, anima del Filadelfia?
You have a torinista surname: do you remeber the mythical lawyer Sergio, soul of the Filadelfia?

«Come no. Però io sono juventino. Non a caso sono qui, in tribuna all’Olimpico di Torino. Sta per iniziare la partita con la Triestina, faccia in fretta».
Surely. But I'm juventino. In fact I'm here, in the Olimpico's tribune. The match is starting, so, please, hurry up!"

Qualcuno, sentito come ha rinfacciato a Moratti le intemperanze del derby, ha pensato che lei fosse milanista.
Someone, having heard how you mentioned Moratti's outbursts during the derby, thought you were Milanista.

«Macché. Juve, Juve. Ho scritto perfino degli articoli, sulla Juve, su alcune riviste dedicate alla mia squadra del cuore».
Not at all. Juve, Juve. I even wrote some articles, about Juve, on some magazines dedicated to my favourite club.

Che ci faceva ieri mattina sotto gli uffici della Saras?
What were you doing (yesterday) morning under Saras' offices?

«Mi mangiavo il mio panino. Ho 39 anni, sono napoletano, ma lavoro a Milano. In quella zona. In banca. Faccio analisi finanziarie».
I was eating my sandwich. I'm 39 years old, I'm napoletano, but I work in Milan, around that zone. In a bank, I do financial analysis.

E dunque era lì per caso.
So you were there by chance.

«E che cavolo, sì. Solo che a un certo punto vedo spuntare Moratti, e tutti si mettono a intervistarlo, in una selva di telecamere e microfoni».
Hell, yeah! But at a certain point I saw Moratti approaching, and everyone there to interview him, in a mess of cameras and microphones.

Si mette a origliare?
So you started eavesdropping?

«Si sente. Ascolto. Quello che parla della mia Juve, e dice an&cora quelle cose. Mi viene il nervoso. Non resisto. Del resto, è da mesi che avevo questo rospo in gola. Me lo sono tolto: si levi 'sto scudetto di cartone, gli ho gridato. Due volte. Del resto mica sono il primo a rinfacciarglielo: lo dicono tutti».
It was loud enough to hear. And I did. That one (Moratti) was talking about my Juve and kept saying those things, so I grew upset and I couldn't keep still. After all, it's months that I had these words to say. I had the satisfaction to say them: take away that cardborad scudetto, I screamed. Two times. After all it's not like I'm the first one to tell him these things: everyone says so.

Il petroliere non ha decisamente gradito.
The oilman didn't appreciate at all.

«Mi è venuto incontro, mi ha dato del maleducato. Io gli ho subito ricordato che il maleducato era stato lui, davanti a ottantamila persone».
He came to me, he told me I'm rude/not educated. I reminded him right away that he's the rude one, he's showed it in front of 80.000 persons.

Però lo ha provocato.
But you provoked him
«Gli ho fatto la battuta del telefono: sa, la storia delle intercettazioni. I pedinamenti di Vieri, De Santis...».
I told him about the phone: you know, the phone taps thing, Vieri and De Santis being stalked...

Ha giocato pesante.
You didn't go easy on him
«Non sapeva cosa rispondere. Infatti ha battuto in ritirata. Se però si è incazzato e vuole le scuse, gli chiedo anche scusa. In realtà...».
He didn't know what to answer, in fact he backed off. If he got pissed and wants my excuses I can do them. Truth is...

In realtà?
«Non trovo giustificazioni al suo comportamento. E’ un po’ che lo vedo nervoso, agitato: forse è la coda di paglia. Secondo me, lui teme molto la Juve, anche se sta in B. Non vive per l’Inter, ma per la Juve. Ha paura per quando torniamo. Ha gli incubi. Li avrà per sempre. E’ ossessionato».
Is that I find no excuses for his beavior. It's a while that I see him so nervous, upset: probably it's his coscience. According to me he fears Juve, even though it's in B. He doesn't live for Inter, he lives for Juve. He's afraid of when we will be back. He has nightmares at night, he's obsessed.

Si rende conto che per molti come lei diventerà un idolo?
Do you realize that you'll become an idol for many?
«Io ho solo detto ciò che avevo sul gozzo da mesi, cioè la verità ».
I just said what I've been thinking in these months: the truth.

Un’ultima curiosità: da esperto qual è, mica ha analizzato i bilanci dell’Inter?
One last thing: since you are an expert, have you analyzed Inter's turnovers?
«Meglio di no. Tanto lo fa già qualcun altro...».
No need to do it. There's already someone else doing the job...
Jan 7, 2004
To be honest, Moratti doesn't come off too bad from this little altercation. He remained relatively calm despite the guy's tip-top replies and obvious talent for pushing his buttons. This would have taken a totally different turn had that mafioso Moggi or our own burino Galliani been the "victims". Despite the whiney clueless interista tag, Moratti has always come accross as more respectful and balanced than those two. No media distortion there, just an objective remark (bear in mind this is a milanista speaking). Just forget the rude sign in the derby and compare a post-match interview of Moratti with one of the aforementioned cafoni or even Sensi. There's no contest, and you know it. Maybe this is indeed due to his being born filthy rich and having been taught good manners (although in reality there's very few Italian patrons who have started from nothing, despite what the "self-made man" smokescreen would have you believe).

That being said, the full sequence on youtube is some of the funniest stuff I've seen in a while.

i dont know if you remember several years ago when allegedly juventus was being favored by the refs and inter wasnt. All moratti would do was bitch about on tv


Moggi's Admirer and Fan
May 1, 2006
How on earth is it even possible for Moratti to make such an ass of himself.
What you find strange in Moratti.He is an asshole for every possible move in football when he started in this sport.
How you define that he lead Inter.From all decent football clubs in Italy only an idiot can choose Inter.And what about his transfers.Again,idiot.
We must be relegated Inter to win scudetto after ,I think 18 years.Disaster.
Bravo for the guy in the bar.Bravo.
Moratti is an idiot.
Noone could buy Pirelli tyres.With them you are suporting Inter.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
Just to let you people know what happens to who dares to say something against the Interisti:
Dominiobianconero (the juventino this thread is about) has been insulted, called names, discredited by the media (Gazzetta Dello Sport, 10 and some local tv stations above all), that have also described him as an attention seeker that had planned the whole thing off.
What he has done has been said to be an "assault", where he "insulted" poor and innocent Moratti.
Yesterday, Corriere della Sera has also linked his name and the forum he posts in (j1897) to the fact that Moratti has received some bullets by mail!!

And, if this isn't enough, our juventino brother has also been threatened by mail.

Don't support these people, don't visit their sites. Any contact increases their revenues from the ads banners they host. They don't deserve this kind of help from us.

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