Euro 2004: Italy - Sweden (Group C) (3 Viewers)


Jul 15, 2002
I dont even wonna think it Don but then if they did Italy has no one to blame other than themselves.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
If Italy are out of course is their fault and they can only blame themselves, but if both Denmark and Sweden are in because of a fixed game they'll know that theyre not really worthy of being there because they CHEATED


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++
If Italy are out of course is their fault and they can only blame themselves, but if both Denmark and Sweden are in because of a fixed game they'll know that theyre not really worthy of being there because they CHEATED
if they sunddenly find themselve in a 2-2 draw and refuse to play, i think its kinda naturally logical.. other than that i dun think they woudl preset with the other team that each will score and let go 2 goals each... its rather too obvious...i


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++

He didnt say anything unintelligent and he has a point. Totti got suspended because he wasnt doing the "fair play" and you always hear people calling the italian team cheaters. If Italy obeyed the "fair play" and didnt apeal for Totti's ban because they knew what Totti did is wrong, then the Danes should play the "fair play" as well.
The match hasnt even been played yet FFS, why does everyone presume they'll play 2-2???

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++

Italian players have trouble accepting responsibility, they'll always find someone or something to blame. Every time they're near to being knocked out you'll hear a bunch of conspiracy theories come up, because how oh how can the might Italians, with the best, classiest and most stylish players, not qualify?
I disagree. In Euro 2004 there has been no BLAME or CONSPIRACY coming out of the Italy camp. Simply players HOPING that fair play will be respected --- ALL in response to journalists asking if the players think the final group game could be played under agreement. The players simply answered the question. How is that whining? "I don't think there is a fix, but i certainly hope Sweden and Denmark play to win". What is wrong with saying that?

As for WC 2002 there was a lot of recrimination. I never subsribe to conspiracy theories, but when you see 5 legitimate goals disallowed, and Totti sent off for diving in extra time!!) on what seemed to be a penalty against him, then it becomes clear that somebody was on the take. The players were right to protest having the WC matches stolen from them.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++

The match hasnt even been played yet FFS, why does everyone presume they'll play 2-2???
Im not presuming anything. I just want all the teams to do the FAIR PLAY they claim even if it has consecuences for or against them.


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
Some people need to accept certain facts.

Your beloved Zambrotta, Del Piero, Buffon, Di Vaio and even the Miccoli's and Tacchinardi's are ITALIAN before they are Juve players. Do not for one moment believe that you can seperate the PLAYER from the NATION and don't not for one moment believe that JUVE is not a representative of Italy. Juve signs their checks but Italy is embedded in their hearts.

Given the sheer volume of jealousy over Italians (which is understandable given their semi-final apperance in 90, final appearance in 94, Euro final in 2000 and CL titles between Milan and Juve in the 90's) they are the team most people love to see fail. When Italy was allowed 5 goals in WC 02 and were victim of the worse officiating in history of the WC they were "complaining". When other teams are denied a goal they are robbed. Something like that?


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Ali ] ++

If only they could just play football because they actually can and stop this lame ass whinning :rolleyes:
Like the Danes and Swedes? What did they prove besides the fact that they can't BEAT us and could beat Bulgaria...we will prove the same thing.


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
L'ira di Vieri: "Non parlo piu"

LISBONA, 20 giugno 2004 - Vieri furioso. Il centravanti irrompe a Casa Azzurri ed esplode in tutta la sua furia, controllato nei toni, ma lanciando parole che pesano come macigni. Il motivo del contendere sono gli articoli usciti questa mattina su alcuni giornali che riportano lo scambio di battute ("un battibecco", come lo definisce la Gazzetta dello Sport) tra Bobone e Buffon alla fine della partita con la Svezia, nel tunnel verso gli spogliatoi. "Ma dove sei andato a finire nell'occasione del gol?" avrebbe chiesto Bobo a Buffon, "Parli te che non la butti più dentro!" la risposta del portiere della nazionale.

Bobo non ci sta e si infuria. Ne ha per tutti i presenti, ecco la trascrizione integrale delle sue parole (di cui potete vedere anche il video). "Questa è l'ultima volta che parlo con voi - attacca -. Vi volevo far vedere una cosa, una delle tante cose scritte (e mostra una pagina del Messaggero che titola "Azzurri, alta tensione" con la foto sua e di Buffon, ndr). Tanti giornali hanno scritto queste invenzioni. Io vi dico una cosa: voi potete parlare a livello tecnico. Potete dire gioco bene o gioco male, se sono in condizione o non sono in condizione. Sbaglio gol, li faccio. Quello non è un problema, non mi è mai interessato. Non mi è mai fregato niente della vostra opinione perché io non vivo per voi. Vivo per me. So quando gioco bene, quando gioco male. Però una cosa è offendere l'uomo, offendere la persona, questo io non lo accetto, perché sono più uomo io di tutti voi messi assieme. Sono un signore, rispetto a voi non avete idea quanto di più".

"Voi massacrate noi dalla mattina alla sera - prosegue l'attaccante -, inventate storie come queste. Come ho detto, finché si parla di calcio voi avete la vostra idea, io ho la mia, e andiamo avanti così. Sempre nel rispetto. Da 20 giorni veniamo qui e vi abbiamo dimostrato rispetto, da parte vostra non è così nei nostri confronti. Ripeto, come calciatore mi potete dire tutto, non mi interessa niente, fa parte del gioco, ma come uomo nessuno si deve permettere di dirmi niente perché, ripeto, son piu uomo io che tutti voi messi insieme. Io posso andare in giro a testa alta, io alla mattina mi posso guardare allo specchio, voi no, perché voi non avete la coscienza. Basta". Si alza e lascia la stanza.

Lo sfogo di Vieri è stato preceduto da una breve introduzione di Antonello Valentini, capo ufficio stampa della Federazione che ha espresso tutto il rammarico suo e dell'ufficio stampa della Figc per l'accaduto, sottolineando il fatto di essere stato con i giocatori durante e dopo la partita, in campo, negli spogliatoi e negli spostamenti successivi e di non avere sentito nulla di quanto scritto. Un rammarico - ha aggiunto Valentini - aggravato dal fatto che nessun giornalista tranne uno nella giornata di ieri lo ha contattato in cerca di verifiche di questa notizia. I giornalisti delle testate coinvolte hanno ribadito che la notizia era stata verificata accuratamente prima della pubblicazione attraverso fonti diverse dall'ufficio stampa della Federazione.

Bravo Bobo!

When I saw the stampa on TV I suddenly started liking him more, someone has to say something about the awful media in Italy from time to time.
Dec 27, 2003
Bravo my bottom. This is not the first time that Vieri resorts to personal attacks towards journalists. In the past he once asked one of them if he was affected by the Down syndrome. I don't care what they may have insinuated, he has no right to call them that. Vieri just confirmed how much of a boorish sob he really is. Great attacker, little man.


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
One can only take as much shit written about him/herself at a time. As it was said, they should concentrate on him-the player, not him-the man. Even if he isn't a walking saint, with what right do they have to judge him beside his laziness on the pitch and lack of effort to do anything?
Dec 27, 2003
Nina, I don't know if you saw the interview on TV, but if you didn't here is what happened : Vieri brandished an article written by one single journalist alledging that there had been a dispute between him and Buffon. He then said on the most arrogant tone that He - the 10 million euros a year serie A star - was a a better man than all of the journalists present at the press conference - clearly pointing them all with his finger. So he used this one article to offend an entire profession. This confirms how the man is in dire need of a reality check.

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