Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (13 Viewers)

Jul 2, 2006
Don't compare those who seek justice and stand behind elected president with those who seek to topple the elected government by burning the streets after losing all their hope in ballot box and don't compare the water guns with your snipers and baltaji gang.

After killing 2000, arresting many thousands, you're moaning about police hostility in Turkiye? Have you no shame? Unlike Egypt, this is no tribe my friend. Anyone who doesn't fall in line, police or soldier, will pay.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Don't compare those who seek justice and stand behind elected president with those who seek to topple the elected government by burning the streets after losing all their hope in ballot box and don't compare the water guns with your snipers and baltaji gang.

After killing 2000, arresting many thousands, you're moaning about police hostility in Turkiye? Have you no shame? Unlike Egypt, this is no tribe my friend. Anyone who doesn't fall in line, police or soldier, will pay.
i am not moaning or anything, dont worry the father of that girl erdogan cried for camera's is now detained at last and will be in prison as we speak to think about all the stupidity he did and said. let the four fingers keep him company and may erdogan moan about him tomorrow.

egypt a tribe :lol: ok i guess there is no need to bring back memories of a near past where certain some one was dying for sth and in the end they got the finger and didn't join :)
Aug 1, 2003
I've no idea what's going on in Egypt and I really wanna know - Ialthough it's in the news all the time - it just gets confusing reading all about it.

Let me get this straight - Mobarak was ousted by the Muslim Brotherhood (is that also the army or diff entity?) which was led by Morsi, (previously Mobarak was seen as the evil guy), and now there's heaps of war and clash from Mobarak's supporters and the army/ruling govt has used violence to combat this. And in between I don't know where Morsi is.
Jul 2, 2006
West supported Army ousted Mubarak not the Morsi. Mubarak was just a figure and kicked out to please crowds. It's them, the army controlling everything in Egypt for ages. Discontent with Egyptians' choice of Islamic government, like in Palestine, Israel and US pushed the button and toppled the elected president Morsi with a coup d'etat before MB gain power in Egypt.

In conclusion; Revolution was sham, regime is still there and deep rooted. Egypt will never be free without stripping power from rogue army of theirs, their jailors.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
West supported Army ousted Mubarak not the Morsi. Mubarak was just a figure and kicked out to please crowds. It's them, the army controlling everything in Egypt for ages. Discontent with Egyptians' choice of Islamic government, like in Palestine, Israel and US pushed the button and toppled the elected president Morsi with a coup d'etat before MB gain power in Egypt.

In conclusion; Revolution was sham, regime is still there and deep rooted. Egypt will never be free without stripping power from rogue army of theirs, their jailors.

Conclusion you know nothing... This Is coming from an egyptain :) if it makes you feel better to believe the above good luck, hug your morsy teddy to sleep
Jul 2, 2006
Why do you even waste time on this guy Ahmed? He's been proven to be a hypocrite.
No, it's you. You and your Egyptian friend enjoying an American coup against Muslim Brotherhood but condemning them when they act against Assad. I am the only honest one here. Siding with people against illegimate regimes in Syria and in Egypt, want them gone by hands of people if possible. If not, foreigners will do it as well. Irony of fate, even your enemies will prove useful from time to time, like a stopped clock right twice a day.


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009
No, it's you. You and your Egyptian friend enjoying an American coup against Muslim Brotherhood but condemning them when they act against Assad. I am the only honest one here. Siding with people against illegimate regimes in Syria and in Egypt, want them gone by hands of people if possible. If not, foreigners will do it as well. Irony of fate, even your enemies will prove useful from time to time, like a stopped clock right twice a day.
Your enemies? That's how you see it don't you?

Are they your enemies as a Turk or as a muslim?
Jul 2, 2006
Your enemies? That's how you see it don't you?

Are they your enemies as a Turk or as a muslim?
How i see it?
Whoever spilling blood of the innocent, trading blood with oil, they are the enemies, no matter their origin. As a Muslim, Turk and human.

Turk wants to bring back the caliphate. :weee:
Why not, it is no different than your EU :weee:


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009
How i see it?
Whoever spilling blood of the innocent, trading blood with oil, they are the enemies, no matter their origin. As a Muslim, Turk and human.
Are you talking like the Turkish Batman on purpose?

That's what the "west" do according to you so they are indeed your enemies. Why can't you just man up and say straight what you mean insted of sounding like a promo for a cheap superhero movie.

Such a pussy answer, but no surprises here I guess
Jul 2, 2006
Don't be that shallow. I didn't name a specific group because as i said before, every nation have its great and vile people. If it wasn't for villainy of likes of Assad and Sisi, West couldn't ride their horses so comfortably.

Unfortunately, the powerful states of west couldn't give up on their colonial ambitions. Their disregard for human life is so obvious, what should i call them, dear friends?


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009
Don't be that shallow. I didn't name a specific group because as i said before, every nation have its great and vile people. If it wasn't for villainy of likes of Assad and Sisi, West couldn't ride their horses so comfortably.

Unfortunately, the powerful states of west couldn't give up on their colonial ambitions. Their disregard for human life is so obvious, what should i call them, dear friends?
And for you and your MB they are sacred right? or maybe for your country then? well it isn't really. The MB credo says "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and dying in the way of Allah is the highest of our aspirations"

I just used the MB as an example that you can relate to but it is basically true for every group of peopole with a defined and clear common denominator be it religion, nationalism or whatever

Each entity regard for human life will always stand in relation to its proximity to that entity values, ideas and goals.
You see, the "west" or "them" as you like to call it are exactly the same as you and yours, the only diffrence is that they, unfortunately for you, are more powerfull and as a result it's easier for you to play the victim card.

Human life has no value outside the ideas and agendas they stand for, unfortunate but thats how the world his,was and always will be.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
so what would bisco's view of things be then?
my views are as follows and this is where i was living.

first off you need to understand that the Egyptian revolution that toppled mubarak's regime was not orchestrated by the muslim brotherhood but in fact the muslim brotherhood where the last to join when they saw that it was in deed going to topple Mubarak and co. morsy has no business with this revolution in fact he was in jail when it started and was freed when the prisons where attacked ( NOTE: there is an ingoing investigation that started during morsy's era that links muslim brotherhood top heads orchestrating the simultaneous attacks on prisons in an attempt to disturb public safety and hence break down the police forces that indeed couldn't cope with the situation and vanished literally from cairo's streets and the major governates on the 28th of january 2011.

you also need to know a tiny detail, and its as follows. during the last days of mubark's rule, his vice omar soliuman called for a meeting with figures from the revolution and whilst some like baradie objected the muslim brotherhood sold the tahrir people and sat to negotiate and in an attempt to portray to the USA and to the military council that they can take over considering they r the most organised and hence this was the end of the Egyptian revolution as we now know.

now when the elections in egypt started the people un fortunetly had to choose between two candidates, one is the last prime minister mubarak assigned and he is called ahmed shafik, and the muslim brotherhood candidate second candidate morsy, so as you can see people where asked too choose between two hells!!! not only that i for example didnt vote in the second round bec for me both are an insult to this country and its history. any way come the day the results should be announced and the muslim brotherhood in a fascinating way threaten the egyptain people by openly saying if morsy doesn't win there will be blood baths etc etc and not only that before they offical board of elections announces the result we are surprised at 4 in the freaking morning that the mb are announcing the result and celebrating!!!!! as if its an arm twisting competition of sorts.

before morsy toke control he promised the revolutionary parties and the copitcs that his rule will involve every one and that they will be included in any government and cabinet off course he had too resort to this or else no one would've voted for him specially that the muslim brotherhood have issues with many of the freedoms and beliefs we the Egyptians believe in. needless to say once morsy got to power and all these promises one after the other were thrown in the trash can and hence people started fearing how one sided thay r ruled by a group ( actually its a banned illegal group!!!) is hijacking the nation into its own project and agenda which have no business with egypt since there project is a sinister global one, so egypt is nothing but a gear in an bigger machine. any who needless to say the beaucratic system in egypt stood like a rock in his rule bec the people simply feared how the ikwanization was taking full speed!!! with no regard to protocols or rules or even laws!!! then came novemeber of the year 2012 when morsy released a decree stating that any laws he passes cant be debated or stopped by the constitutional court and hence he literally turned from an elected president to a dictator hungry for more power grabs.

i need to state a FACT!! morsy was a puppet that was moved by the muslim brotherhood councillor section!!

around april, we were surprised by a group of youth calling them selves rebels, ( tamrood) who started collection petitions to remove morsy and they set 15millin petitions as there target ( since morsy got 15million votes) and should they reach that figure then the people who voted should flock to the streets on june the 30th!!! they got 22million petitions signed and come the 30th of june the entire country was in the street!!!

now we come to the military and general sisi, as the tamrood petition was taking its shape the army felt this was going to end badly and can actually end with a civil war specially that pro morsy supporters called any one who objects to the islamic rule of morsy!!!!! as an infidel, hell they even stated this tamrood business was done by coptics (orthodox christians) !!! this was turning into a war against religion one of the fake bearded scholars screams, while another literally stood infront of morsy!! and labeled egyptains as infidels!!!!

sisi being the minister of defence met with morsy and told him that it would be better for egypts national security if he go to the polls to prove his right, but morsy refused, morsy then goes on national tv and threatens that he would rather die than give up power, and that he felt normal regarding a few egyptains dying for the rest to live!!! he literally said that!!!!

now had'nt the army moved in the prom osry camp which consists of ultra conservatives, and many terrorists morsy himself set free (exempted once he came to power) they would've caused havoc to the peaceful civilians who toke to egypts straights in millions ( never seen before not even during the jan 2011 rev) and so the army backed the people against this group of islamic radicals who hijacked a country and didn't care about the egyptain blood or sovereignty of this nation

this is the short version if you r interested in knowing more feel free to let me know and i will try to hook you up with more info. if you go back to the past 30 pages you will find excellent posts by several members so you can have a clearer picture.

p.s sorry for any spelling or grammer mistakes i was in a hurry typing this. :):beer:

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