Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (12 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003
I can't imagine what Bassem Youssef's TV show El Bernameg must be like these days. It's gotta make Jon Stewart's Daily Show look like Teletubbies.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
What cry baby? Turk? :p

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Congratulations on the initial success Bisco and the rest of Egypt, now it's time to start a proper project.
thank you heaps @Nzoric!!! :heart: :beer:

With or without Morsi, fate of Egypt will not change. If we live long enough, we shall witness who is crying, who is not.
we shall see who cries in the end :) stop having sour grapes!!! this country has the potential to be great with its people. dont know if you have been here or not, but if you have'nt it will be hard for me to explain to you how emotional egyptains are by nature, and how pioneering this country is thru out its history. this is why i have faith in a better tomorrow for this country, it might take time but it will get there. the youth in this country is very different than any previous generation to set foot here.

Bisco or anyone with knowledge on the situation, do you think that the Muslim Brotherhood and it's supporters are going to take this peacefully? As in try to get into the democratic process? It doesn't seem as if they are going to take this kind.
its safe to say there is no longer an organization called the muslim brotherhood, although its a bit too early to say this. the top dogs who have blood on there hands are being rallied up now by the military and police and i think thru out there 80 year old history this is the worst hit they ever got!! and i think they gambled this time, went all in and it back fired bec they r hypocrites who after getting to the presidency there life time fantasy changed there attidutes towards the very people who stood up for them during mubarak's regime when they so well played the religious card and the victim card!!

as for now, the army and the police are in the streets, they know everything there is to know about them, they have spooks with in the muslim brotherhood and they r on the hunt at the moment. the mb have blood ont here head and actually they have court dates including the moron that is morsy who is responsible for the death of several people during the rev in 2011 and after he got to the presidency.

Islamic my ass.

Niggas need not hijack my religion :stuckup:
there is nothing islamic about these radical groups i insist on this. the muslim brotherhood have rules that twist religion as to best fit the situations they r faced with. i can go on and on about these examples.

Best case scenario, widespread turmoil and serious inter-party violence. Worst case, civil war.

Best worst case, extermination of the Muslim Brotherhood.

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Like Hamas? :p
no iz the scenerio is as follows the extermination of the muslim brotherhood, the people of egypt unite under one goal and its going forward. there will be a new constitution that will guarntee the rights of people and not be a fulfillment of the biggest porn movie for these beards who abuse religion to get to power or enforce there understanding on others with no regard to other faiths.

Hamas :lol: they r next. thats all i will say bec i'm not in the mood to talk about the mutated fetus coming out of the muslim brotherhood.

Irish: Thanks. I would assume with the MB having 20-30 million supporters within their ranks, it's may not end well. Hopefull no civil war happens.

20-30 million :lol: you r very generous bro. they r 500,000 only!!!! lets say a million egypt is 90 million in total so they stand no chance.

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I can't imagine what Bassem Youssef's TV show El Bernameg must be like these days. It's gotta make Jon Stewart's Daily Show look like Teletubbies.

:D he has no material now that the biggest clown of them all left :lol: however this week there wont be any episodes :(


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Egypt, you fucked up big time...telling you from experience.
what makes you say that? bec of the military??

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Isnt he in jail?

morsy will be, bassem is free he was just called up for questioning bec he made fun of morsy :klin: mb dont have a sense of humor unless you r talking about 8 year old girls

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no time to celebrate, time to get busy and get shit done
truer words cant be said :tup: the cleaning up process has started, three religious channels that were used to spread hate and disgusting material to the degree they used to discuss very personal stuff regarding there oponents like bassem yousef's wife, or baradiees daughter!! all this under the name of islam these sick fucks.

the military made it clear and the choices they made are very good indeed. and show positive signs of moving back on track. however less celebration and more time working to build this country which was sent in one year back to the stone age!!!


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
i'm done here :D these radicals are long gone , even if not forever they have lost everything they might as well close the mb and open ciggy wiggy koshek's. i'm grateful to every one specially the usual suspects abel, swag, hoori, ze, nz etc who listened to me over and over regarding the big lie that is the muslim brotherhood or beardies in general who not only abused my religion but hi-jacked an entire nation. i'm glad egyptains woke up quickly from this yeah a year might seem like a long time specially when you consider the hell we went thru but it was well worth it bec look at us now, the police and the citizens have a better relation today than they ever did, the army and the people reconciled, we proved to the world that morsy and co whilst bigots and terrorists, we the people are not like them!! you cant imagine how much it hurt seeing people drag shites into the streets the way they did, how hard it was for us to be dragged into a conflict that we really had no say in. how disgraceful it was that we lost a lot of respect thanks to morsy and his weird policies of backing up terrorists. you cant imagine how disgusting it was watching sadat's killers sitting int he front fucking rows in the 6th of october festivals!!!! i can go on and on. all i know is i'm glad we r with out them, for they ditched us from the go to fulfill there fantasy and i insist on the word fantasy islamic caliphate even if we the people dont care about this since we just want to develop and live up to our potential, history, and name. after 30 years of being a 3rd world country at best when this country has soooooooo much potential.

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yes, they will start meddling in affairs or even start directly controlling things again.

even if an election does take place it will be a sham.
you know if this was mubarak's military council i would've agreed in a heart beat, but this military council is very different. i know we wont be back to this spot again. the army learned its lesson very well!!! they know politics is not for them.

I know there's tons of uncertainty and difficulty ahead, Bisco, but this is truly inspiring. Congrats! :pint:
thank you swag :beer: yeah surely its a new beginning only this time we start from a clean slate unlike last time when the people where sacrificed bec the mb made its deals with mubarak's military council. things have changed and the real people who inspired a nation are in the picture hands on.


Western Imperialist
Jun 18, 2006
Just got called Glen Beck for telling my liberal friends to suck a cock for thinking MB Islamism is something to be respected.

Fuck that shit, I support my homies.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
@Bianconero81 ibn el kaleb 3'ar howa el gam3aa fee seteeen dahyaaaa :beer:

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Just got called Glen Beck for telling my liberal friends to suck a cock for thinking MB Islamism is something to be respected.

Fuck that shit, I support my homies.
der pharoah's for life :D

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for your sakes Bisco I most certainly hope so. :tup:
Amen! :beer:

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an interesting read regaring us ambassador Anne Paterson


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005

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