Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (10 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
I can not see that, Ahmad. What is it about?
yup bro its the same guy. from my understanding firstly he was one of the people who made his voice regarding compulsory military heard by claiming that he felt there was no need for guys joining the army after finishing there uni degree or reaching 28 years of age for a period of time 1-3 years depending on yr degree at that point. truth be said as of recent year most kids dont serve time in military like they used too bec they have enough already but in some cases yes you r taken but any way thats not the reason for him being detained this is just the beginning of his life with the military.

come the 25th of january he made a you tube clip shown in this video where he addresses the isreali public and government alike asking them to back up the revolution of the people bec according to him:

1- mubarak was never isreal's friend, and that he never cared about the peace being existent between us and them and that his educational system did not consider isreal on the world map.

2- this rev is not organized by any islamic identity so they should not be worried about a fundamentalist islamist taking over the country and what not, and that egypt and isreal are friends and more blah blah in that direction.

3- the isreali's then interviewed him over you tube ( dont know how thats possible exactly) but some how he had a lot of questions and his main theme was how the egyptains and isreali's should live in peace and that there was no reason for hate between both parties and that egyptains dont consider them a threat.

4- in all of this isreal was labelled as a friend and ally and should they support the rev ( i dont know exactly, i think by not openly supporting Mubarak ) they will live in peace with us bec according to him two democracy's cant have a war :D

now all this is not punishable considering its his own personal views and fine have them but apparently he went a but too far and toke it to a new level by openly spreading false rumours about last saturday conflicts in tahrir between the military and the people and he apparently insulted the military, what they r doing, and had an attempt at bringing about mis-trust between the people and army. this is the reason he got detained for three years.

thats whats stated in this vid i posted and so far this is what i know to be honest bec this topic came to my attention just last night. the video is a bit annoying i have to admit and the kid him self seems to be extremely delusional bec what he is saying whether on the 25th or even now has nothing to do with reality bec if he used some of his brain cells he would realize that

1- isreal now is really being tested out in cairo bec the people are still striking right out side the isreali embassy here in cairo sth that was never allowed in the past now they r under the building for the past 3 days as far as i know.

2- so far the tahrir stirkes do not involve any of the 25th of jan people but its mainly composed of all the thugs who are sneaking amongst the people for protection from prosecution for some nasty shit that has been taking place as of late. looks like as expected some people now are enjoying the chaos and lack of police force in the streets of cairo specially around tahrir where to this day police is yet to go down to show presence over there. once again thats what is being addressed by a lot of people and from what i've sene in vids of tahrir. i also know for fact the 25th of jan youth dont operate this way in particular, i mean there was always a sense of responsibilty which is not evident in this last demo.

the military council have'nt really spoken much about it, last night they were interviewed by yusri fouda on O-tv and from what i've seen they did not bring it up instead they went on to say all the stuff found on a wiki leaks document released which was orginally sent from the american embassy here in cairo stating the military were not going forward with Mubarak's change of power towards his son and that the military would never back such a move against the will of the people which is pretty true even prior to the rev it was a known fact the military where running tired and bored of this issue and the ministry of internal security actions where never sitting down well with the officers in the military.

last night i saw a disturbing video of how thugs are now finishing off personal disputes between one another in complete cold blood infront of people who r scaringly walking around with out a worry in the world. the video involves some one being stabbed to death and brutalized even after his death ( both are thugs as i mentioned bec they r known in alexandria apparently). i dont know honestly reb but as far as i'm concerned i dont mind the demo's on friday but i think people just need to also obey the curfew imposed bec until this day this is what is keeping this place from going insane until the police and security forces get back in action. off course i dont blame the people the military council is too slow for my liking bec they start moving once the public makes its concerns known.

i'll see if i can find out more info about this, when i get back from uni. i dont like this kid to be honest, sure he is entitled to say his opinion but there is also common sense and facts that dont change which he fails to really address whether in his youtube vid during and after the rev or his opinion regarding the military.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
ok reb i finally found sth but sadly its 3 hours :D:D:D:D but i think u might want to watch it bec its very informative. i dont know if u have youtube restrictions in jordon or at work only but i hope it answers a lot of questions. in this vid there is the bloggers issue.



Sep 4, 2007
and btw, abed, I dont know what you and ahmed said about that blogger cause I didn't read yours posts honestly, but I assure you he's GUILTY and he deserves it


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
i cant believe i've lived to the day where half the government is in prison :D and jimmy and alaa joined them only one missing but due to health issues is Mubarak him self. i read some where he is receiving medical attention back in cairo. all in all this is historic literally.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
and btw, abed, I dont know what you and ahmed said about that blogger cause I didn't read yours posts honestly, but I assure you he's GUILTY and he deserves it
he is guilty def and his story with the military was told in full in yousri fouda's interview. personally Naggar i hated his opinion and approach bec it felt sooooooo out of sync if u like.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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    ok reb i finally found sth but sadly its 3 hours :D:D:D:D but i think u might want to watch it bec its very informative. i dont know if u have youtube restrictions in jordon or at work only but i hope it answers a lot of questions. in this vid there is the bloggers issue.

    Special dedication to Rebel ; )
    Thank you, Naggar. I can't see that, but I appreciate it whatever it is. :tup:


    Sep 4, 2007
    -The blogger, it was القشه التى قسمت ظهر البعير to our government, he's been insulting and attacking everything for years and no one minded him, since we all hated the old government, now he's attacking and insulting with too bad words the government and army.. at first I read 'jailed for 3 years for criticising the army' and I was like WHOA what the hell? but when I read into it, I would've jailed him 5 years..

    -The video is from a friday 2-3 weeks ago in Tahreer square, with 3M Egyptians cheering and celebrating the revolution by saying "للقدس رايحين شهداء بالملايين" and to be honest it reminded me of 1 year ago when all Arabs hated us because of what the government used to do and how Arabs thought all Egyptians are like that :D specially Palestinians and Algerians, and we used to have heated discussions remember? :D
    anyway cheers bro :tup:


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
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    -The blogger, it was القشه التى قسمت ظهر البعير to our government, he's been insulting and attacking everything for years and no one minded him, since we all hated the old government, now he's attacking and insulting with too bad words the government and army.. at first I read 'jailed for 3 years for criticising the army' and I was like WHOA what the hell? but when I read into it, I would've jailed him 5 years..

    -The video is from a friday 2-3 weeks ago in Tahreer square, with 3M Egyptians cheering and celebrating the revolution by saying "للقدس رايحين شهداء بالملايين" and to be honest it reminded me of 1 year ago when all Arabs hated us because of what the government used to do and how Arabs thought all Egyptians are like that :D specially Palestinians and Algerians, and we used to have heated discussions remember? :D
    anyway cheers bro :tup:
    Yes, I remember for sure. Thanks God things are going better for your people. I hope Egypt will prosper again.


    Sep 4, 2007
    They're saying "To Jerusalem we're going, millions of martyrs"
    My point was that a year ago our government was treating arabs like crap and that made all arabs think Egyptians are like that when it was only the government, but this shows how the people really think when they finally got the chance to express themselves
    bottomline, the peace is between Israel and the government, never was and never will be with people..
    but then again this doesn't mean we'll cancel the peace treaty anytime soon, but we'll definitely not allow the government to build a wall around Gaza again, and the Gasoline we export to Israel for too little money will either stop or be by the international price in the new contract if any


    Sep 4, 2007
    Its official, the new prime minister is revising the exporting contracts we have with Israel

    I like this man a lot, he's shown class since his first day and he's too humble too


    اختك يا زمن
    Aug 5, 2006
    The problem is, those contracts are a long term ones. For example the Gas contract runs till 2020 if im not mistaken, and I really can't see the Egyptian government doing anything about it not for anything but the fact that court penalties will be harder on their heads than a spinning titanium missile.

    The only thing they could do is to make sure they don't extend such contracts or make new ones in the future.

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