Dreams (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
i'd like to know what you guys think of dreams
do you enjoy seeing them ? do you think they come true ? do you think they have anything to do with deja vus ? just anything that has something to do with dreams .....
you're also wellcome to post your dreams on here .... i'd love to know what YOU see in your dreams :)

i know i personally hate seeing dreams but at the same time find them quite interesting ..... i don't think they come true or have any connection to deja vu but know a lot of people that think that way .... and for some reason my dreams are very messed up i see a whole bunch of $hit that doesn't connect, so i prefer having no dreams at all

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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
I have the craziest dreams, they never have absolutley anything to do with, well, anything that has ever happened to me. It's always some weird stuff that I'm puzzeled by afterwards... I had the craziest dream last night...


Senior Member
May 14, 2003
I always have so silly or so scary dreams!!!! Almost never something beautiful!!
Last night I dreamed that my room is in fire because of a thunder and that I am trapped in it, and I am trying to escape! It was really scary specially because a real thunder woke me up!!!!!


Senior Member
May 14, 2003
I am still scared of my dream last night!!

But absolutelly the worst dreams are about aliens!!!! I am always scared to death!!!!!!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I don't have nightmares anymore, so i quite enjoy my dreams. Be they disjointed and nonsensical, or deep and meaningful, i just go with the flow and enjoy them.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
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    fabiana, i prolly have even less dreams than you do
    and well it's a good thing that i forget them, and before i go to sleep i hope i don't have any lol
    people used to tell me to think of something nice before i go to bed so that i have nice dreams .... yeah right ... it never works

    and i just LOVE deja vus i still have them every once in a while
    don't know why i like them so much but i get all excited after i get one lol .... btw does anyone know any deja vu theories that actually make sense ?

    AnnA yeah that sucks when that happens .... last night i had a dream where i helped someone kill a person ( i didn't know who at first ) and then found out it was someone i have a lot respect for and well i think he's a very nice old man .... so like i felt very guilty throughout the whole dream and was scared to death :(


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    When I have a deja vu I just have a weird feeling, I used to have LOTS before

    And you're right, thinking of something nice before going to sleep never works


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    I love to dream about something cool or exciting, things that interest me on a daily basis and when people say "what are you dreams", my dreams are never like that. So that rare dream when I find myself in a situation that really excites me, is very enjoyable. But the absolute majority of dreams are just neutral.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    I love to dream about something cool or exciting, things that interest me on a daily basis and when people say "what are you dreams", my dreams are never like that. So that rare dream when I find myself in a situation that really excites me, is very enjoyable. But the absolute majority of dreams are just neutral.
    do you mean lucid dreams? where you feel like your making decisions in real-time rather than just watch things unfold?


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    No, I mean stuff like people always talk about when on the topic of dreams, playing for your favorite club, doing something you've always wanted to do consciously, as a kid I even dreamt about flying.

    But that feeling that you're making the decision in the dream I have all the time.


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    I love to dream about something cool or exciting, things that interest me on a daily basis and when people say "what are you dreams", my dreams are never like that. So that rare dream when I find myself in a situation that really excites me, is very enjoyable. But the absolute majority of dreams are just neutral.

    Yes, I know what you mean. I enjoy those dreams a lot too, but they happen like five times a year


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    I usually have nonsensed dreams like xlatan said... those ones that change from scene to secene very quick and have weird caharacters and stupid places :D

    When im in love with someone.... i usuallly dream about that girl.... IN this way...when i dream about one girl.. it is because she called my attention too much.

    About deja vu... I now know how Nostradamus predicted all those things by having visions... listen..
    I was one night dreaming.... and i had a very weird dream....
    I was in a car..... we were the only ones in the street, it was at night. We were reaching a bridge (that i know) and suddenly something started to cross the street crawling... it was very weird, moving like a zombie or something...

    .... right away i woke up after that...and i was thinking to myself "what da hell i was dreaming??".

    Well, more or less one week later..... i was in a car with 2 friends.. one of them driving the car. We were apporaching to the bridge that i dreamed about... siddenly i remembered the scene. It was very late... no one in the streets.... and suddenly just before we entered the bridge.... that thing appeared crwaling!!!!.
    At the beggining i was confused,, but after looking carefully... it was a dog. It was just walking with the frontal legs.-..and the other half of his ody was inmobile... like some car just hitted him and injured his back legs. My friends were like "oh, that was horrible".. and right away i told the story about my dream..

    That was the only time that i predicted something by dreaming....
    Another thing that have happened to me,, is that i remember images and think like "hey i have seen this before".... but it happens to everybody.

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