Do you believe in aliens? (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
After 2 hours of watching X Files: the movie (dont know which one) I came to the idea of asking you, my fellow Juventinos, if you believe in, as Mulder would say, extraterrestrial lifeforms. Are you a X Files freak, do you re-run every Star Trek episode in your head, do you believe that little green men are just waiting to invade our beloved planet, or that they come in peace... do you think the oh so evil government is trying to cover up the evidence of their existance, or that The Man is behind all conspiracies??? (I dont exactly know what I'm rambeling about, its five o clock and I really need to sleep :sleepy:).

I'll start first. I personaly believe there are aliens somewhere out there, if not already here. It just doesent make sense that of millions and billions and trillions (you get my point) of planets our is the only one that has life forms on it. Numerous alledged sightings of UFO's have happened over the years, and although we are quick to disregard them, one must wonder if people who report them, for whom many presume are lying, are willing to be vounerable to mass ridicule if they had not actually experienced what they reported, and maybe more people would come out with reports if the human mind was not so afraid of anything and everything unknown and different. Allegedly, drawings of men in space suits and UFO's have been found even i prehistoric caves from thousands of years ago, that show creatures not so different from us. The Maya's had built huge pyramids, and were on a very high level of civilization, yet there are no proof they knew abot something as simple as the wheel. Maybe they did not need them :eek:. Runway a few kilometers long have also been found in the Maya's cities, runway perfectly straight, something that would have not been possible without supervision from up above (I mean from the sky, like space ships or something like that). Maybe they live in the oceans, which are not nearly explored enough. It's quite possible that humans, or even all life forms on Earth, were brough from outer space and that we are infact aliens. Maybe we're the alien's version of Australia.

Anyway, the world is filled with unexplained phenomenoms, that can only be attributed and classified as: The X Files :D

Dont know if any of this made sense :confused:... anyway, I'm off to sleep.

Buy on


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I really think that aliens exist, of course there is no doubt about it, well at least for me.

I dont have seen any OVNIs or extrange lights (well i saw in a christmas a very xtrange one), but just with a simple thought i back up my theory:

The space is extremely inmense. The earth is much much less than the 0.0000001% of the whole space. In some place far far away, there must be at least, xtrange forms of life, not necessarily inteligent, but there must be, and im not talking about microbengs, im talking about animals or things like that.

And the possibility of another civilizations , for me, is very sure.

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
well i believe in god and divine intervention and all that but I still havent made up my mind on aliens.

i know it sounds insane- me believing in aliens and all but nobody wants to be wrong and there just might be life out there....

my question is why is it that only people who have heard of ufos see ufos?

and why is it that like 90% of ufo sightings occur in the US?


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I Believe in God too, but maybe he did not only one race, that is what i think.

Looking at the cientiphycally side, is very hard to not thought about that possibility.

gigi's twin

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2003
I think everything can be possible. We haven't got any evidence, that there are or aren't aliens. However, I hope, that if the aliens came one they to visit us, they would be very peaceful!:angel:


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Of course there are aliens! There are thousands of planets very similar to the earth in our universe, it is highly unlikely that none will contain intelligent life.

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i hope there's a alien planet where every1 is female and looks like carmen electra etc and any1 not wearing miniskirts should be arrested


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2002
++ [ originally posted by El Idiota ] ++
i hope there's a alien planet where every1 is female and looks like carmen electra etc and any1 not wearing miniskirts should be arrested
u r sick,u need medical help. :yuck:


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
Of course there are aliens! There are thousands of planets very similar to the earth in our universe, it is highly unlikely that none will contain intelligent life.
What rubbish - we haven't found one planet that is alike ours yet! None whatsoever!

About aliens - sure they do exist. They already found bacterial life on Mars.

If you mean intelligent life-forms - I wouldn't rule it out but to claim they visit our planet regularly already is just insane.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Well... we are here aren't we?? Why shouldn't there be some planet out there in this huge universe, with some kinda lifeform.

Dunno if they have ever been here though... Wait! They must of have been! They dropped off DJ and Hydde, cuz they couldn't stand them no more. :p :D

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