Didier Deschamps (6 Viewers)


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Guys, relax...

It's an idiot agent who said that Bullshit. And that agent just wanted to make a service for the current management by bashing DD and making him look like the bad guy JUST to convince that dumb managment to increase his $$$ share of the transfers of many transfer targets for Juve now.

Just read who are the players that he works as their agent, and calcualte how much he gains if he satisfies the current management:


He tried to work with the previous management for the next players before but always failed:



Senior Member
May 4, 2007
I want to believe you Rebel, but I don't see how anyone could get away with something so slanderous against an individual if there wasn't something to point to which proves their point, even a little bit.

My bet is, DD talked to Trez for sure, maybe Boumsong and a couple others and mentioned he didn't like the management and felt screwed by them (rightly or wrongly) and mentioned they should take steps to ensure they don't get screwed. Probably told Trezeguet that the management wasn't impressed with his play this season.


Jinx Minx
Aug 25, 2006

Idiot Morabito accuses DD of trying to destabilize the Juve players, for example, Trezeguet.


As if DD was the one who offered Trezeguet less wages.
It's just interesti tg.com stirring up trouble. How do they or morabito know he's contacting the players? DD is above this. He may not like the board, but he wouldn't try to destabilise the team.

I would be very surprised if DD would act in such an unprofessional way to destabilse Juve.

He may be unhappy about the way he was treated but I would like to think he is above acting in such a fashion.
If he's doing this, he's a scumbag. Earlier this week he issued a statement that he had no hard feelings towards the club, and now this shit is slowly uncovering itself. He's gone, I'm over it, something tells me he wanted out as well.

Fucking ridiculous. There's everyone's hero now...
If, if, iiiiifffff! If = a little word with a lot of influence in a sentence.

i dont see how someone would be acused of something like this if it didnt have an ounce of truth, i like to think its just the media making up bullshit storys but if indeed this is true then DD is a worse person than he is manager
It happens all the time in Italy. Journalists are too lazy to go and find stories, so they make them up.

I don't think that's true.Why should DD do that?OK the board treated him like a piece of shit but still he must have some love for Juve in his heart left.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
I want to believe you Rebel, but I don't see how anyone could get away with something so slanderous against an individual if there wasn't something to point to which proves their point, even a little bit.
Just look at tribalfootball and how much they're lying and nobody sues them ever.

My bet is, DD talked to Trez for sure, maybe Boumsong and a couple others and mentioned he didn't like the management and felt screwed by them (rightly or wrongly) and mentioned they should take steps to ensure they don't get screwed. Probably told Trezeguet that the management wasn't impressed with his play this season.
Well, I think it's normal if he phoned some players and gave him his explanation for why he left. Let's see the three players the stupid agent mentioned:

1- Camoranesi: we know since ages how he wanted to leave, and we know he had no perfect relationship with DD.

2- Trezeguet: we heard what David said and it was about his contract. He didn't mention anything else. Anybody on his shoes will react at the same way IMO.

3- Balzaretti: Give me a break. All of us know how passionate he was for playing for Juve before being thrown like a rotten banana to Fiorentina. He had no chance to talk to anybody and his case just shows you how this managment needs a big amount of hormones to mature.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Once again the idiots come out of the woodwork.

As Rebel said, was it Deschamps who offered Trezeguet a shitty contract worth far less than he's earning now? Is it Deschamps negotiating with Camoranesi? Does anybody here even know which players Morabito represents? I don't think so. The guy is a fucking agent, not a Juventus employee.

But of course people will believe the likes of Morabito and papers over Deschamps. The latter is the real enemy here and he left us for money and to join Man City. Fucking retards on this forum.


Senior Member
May 4, 2007
Just look at tribalfootball and how much they're lying and nobody sues them ever.

Well, I think it's normal if he phoned some players and gave him his explanation for why he left. Let's see the three players the stupid agent mentioned:

1- Camoranesi: we know since ages how he wanted to leave, and we know he had no perfect relationship with DD.

2- Trezeguet: we heard what David said and it was about his contract. He didn't mention anything else. Anybody on his shoes will react at the same way IMO.

3- Balzaretti: Give me a break. All of us know how passionate he was for playing for Juve before being thrown like a rotten banana to Fiorentina. He had no chance to talk to anybody and his case just shows you how this managment needs a big amount of hormones to mature.
We all agree that reading tribalfootball is like reading a fictional novel... but there is a difference between lying and slander. This isn't saying "some guy at a macdonalds saw Gerrard and Secco splitting an order of fries" or "Nedved is considering retirement according to anonymous sources..." this is someone accusing a man of unsportsmanlike tampering with direct quotations. Its pretty serious, and I expect DD to go after him for it, or for Morabito to prove his point.

I think we can agree that he probably didn't tell anyone to quit the team. I also think we can agree that Balzaretti and Camoranesi aren't really being swayed for anything aside from personal reasons. Balzaretti is getting the boot cause he's considered to be not good enough, Camoranesi feels underpaid (and rightfully so).

Trezeguet and Boumsong however, might be motivated by someone else. While Trezeguet's contract offer was a bit of a low ball, its far from "insulting" or "shameful".

I really hope its BS and Morabito gets his ass sued. I just think there are sprinklings of truth in there.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
Guys, relax...

It's an idiot agent who said that Bullshit. And that agent just wanted to make a service for the current management by bashing DD and making him look like the bad guy JUST to convince that dumb managment to increase his $$$ share of the transfers of many transfer targets for Juve now.

Just read who are the players that he works as their agent, and calcualte how much he gains if he satisfies the current management:


He tried to work with the previous management for the next players before but always failed:

Yup I was just gonna say that, this guy is just a fraud...Adding the title FIFA behind his name just gives him undeserved credibility.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Guys, relax...

It's an idiot agent who said that Bullshit. And that agent just wanted to make a service for the current management by bashing DD and making him look like the bad guy JUST to convince that dumb managment to increase his $$$ share of the transfers of many transfer targets for Juve now.

Just read who are the players that he works as their agent, and calcualte how much he gains if he satisfies the current management:


He tried to work with the previous management for the next players before but always failed:


You're such a naive idiot. The world isn't about good guys = Deschamps and bad guys = the board. Deschamps LEFT, you'd better start realising that. And now we're reading he's telling players to leave, but hey, Deschamps can do no wrong, cause he's a good guy.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
You're such a naive idiot. The world isn't about good guys = Deschamps and bad guys = the board. Deschamps LEFT, you'd better start realising that. And now we're reading he's telling players to leave, but hey, Deschamps can do no wrong, cause he's a good guy.
None of you guys know Deschamps at end of day.. It could b true could b not. Dont take sides on a matter you have no idea about.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2003
You're such a naive idiot. The world isn't about good guys = Deschamps and bad guys = the board. Deschamps LEFT, you'd better start realising that. And now we're reading he's telling players to leave, but hey, Deschamps can do no wrong, cause he's a good guy.
Thank you. Really, thank you.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
You're such a naive idiot. The world isn't about good guys = Deschamps and bad guys = the board. Deschamps LEFT, you'd better start realising that. And now we're reading he's telling players to leave, but hey, Deschamps can do no wrong, cause he's a good guy.
You're the fucking imbecile for trusting an agent and believing everything you hear through the media. You love to pick and choose the information you want to believe despite it sometimes not making any sense. When Italia is knocked out of a competition you're always ready and willing to conjure up conspiracy theories, but when a Frenchman such as Deschamps walks out on the board you'll say it's his fault for everything. What the fuck is it with you? I know, you're reasonable when you want to be. Other than that, you don't have a fucking clue.

There is obviously more to the story than what the media knows, and how somebody can believe a conniving football agent who cares about nothing besides his own monetary capture from his players is beyond me. You start believing the words of agents before Juventus legends and you must have a fucking problem.

It's fucking simple... Morabito is Huntelaar's agent - Morabito wants his player to choose the club that will give him and his client the most money - Huntelaar will receive more money if Trezeguet happens to leave - Morabito will receive more money if he sucks off the Juventus management.

Anybody who seriously thinks that there is nothing more to this is an idiot. Deschamps has always served Juventus with honor and heart, now you people believe the words of an agent who the management happens to love. Can't you fucking IMBECILES see that these people are in bed with each other?

Some of you people just need to shut the fuck up.

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
We don't know anything really...

The truth may well be in the middle...Deschamps, could have possibly just having a personal conversation with Trez, saying his goodbyes and his disatisfaction at not having the trust of the board. Perhaps also revealing some disagreements with about which players the board don't consider a so much.

This could be one way of how it could happen. Whatever happened though, I don't believe Deschamps would have any intentions of destroying the current Juve.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
None of you guys know Deschamps at end of day.. It could b true could b not. Dont take sides on a matter you have no idea about.
:agree: :tup:


usually i would be just like Andy, but the issue with Trezi got me thinking. It makes sense what that agent said and things fall into place.

But on the other hand its unlike DD


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
It makes sense what that agent said and things fall into place.
No, it doesn't make sense, sateeh. Why on earth would Deschamps seriously try to destroy Juve? That's why none of this makes sense. If Deschamps really wanted to destroy Juventus he would have a better chance of doing it as an employee with the club.

Him warning players such as Trezeguet about potential mistreatment is not causing turmoil within the club and is just friendly advice between collegues. That's what people don't understand.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
No, it doesn't make sense, sateeh. Why on earth would Deschamps seriously try to destroy Juve? That's why none of this makes sense. If Deschamps really wanted to destroy Juventus he would have a better chance of doing it as an employee with the club.

Him warning players such as Trezeguet about potential mistreatment is not causing turmoil within the club and is just friendly advice between collegues. That's what people don't understand.
because anyone can b selfish once in a while!:angel: If he is still contacting players it is wrong! When you leave a club a coach should cut all ties with players. Not saying he is because i have no idea what the truth is.:faq1:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
After thinking about it on the deck with a beer, you have to wonder that IF Deschamps did try to escalate the situation by telling Trezeguet to cause trouble, why on earth would david listen to him? I mean, he also loves Juve and wanted to continue playing for us, so why would he want to jeopardize a potential contract just because Didier told him to? It just doesn't make any sense.

Trezeguet stated himself that the contract extension offer was ridiculously low. Was it Deschamps that told him to say that, or was it Trezeguet himself and his agent? Again, nothing makes sense here.

because anyone can b selfish once in a while!:angel: If he is still contacting players it is wrong! When you leave a club a coach should cut all ties with players. Not saying he is because i have no idea what the truth is.:faq1:
So what you're saying is Deschamps should never talk to Juventus players again as that is against the rules? Giving personal advice and warnings between friends is against the rules?


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
So what you're saying is Deschamps should never talk to Juventus players again as that is against the rules? Giving personal advice and warnings between friends is against the rules?
Not entirly but at least let things cool off. Things are escalated at the moment so to be contacting players is definatly not the right time for himself or the good of the club as he no longer has anything to do with club, other than a supporter if he is still one? If he is, its most likely about football but than again they may b best buds who talk about each others family problems.:D There is no rules but common sense sometimes takes over in these situations.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
No, it doesn't make sense, sateeh. Why on earth would Deschamps seriously try to destroy Juve? That's why none of this makes sense. If Deschamps really wanted to destroy Juventus he would have a better chance of doing it as an employee with the club.

Him warning players such as Trezeguet about potential mistreatment is not causing turmoil within the club and is just friendly advice between collegues. That's what people don't understand.
its not Deschamps trying to destroy the club.

Your 2nd paragraph explains my point about things falling into place in regards to Trezi's acts and statements. Trezi has been underpaid for a long time at this club, so why he outburst like that just now. Instead of keeping it on the down( which he did time and time again)
It would make sense that Deschamps told him about the potential mistreatment or what the board think about him, and that imo would explain it better than the contract story.

Anyway at the end we don't really have enough information to make a proper judgment.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
You're such a naive idiot. The world isn't about good guys = Deschamps and bad guys = the board. Deschamps LEFT, you'd better start realising that. And now we're reading he's telling players to leave, but hey, Deschamps can do no wrong, cause he's a good guy.
It's not about being naive to think alittle why an agent that has nothing to do with Juve would say such things and why he didn't choose another club to spread his claims.

And please, try to be polite just for once in your life. I didn't call you names, so don't push it. I know you're not used to discuss with some respect but I think you have to grow up and try to act like a mature human.

Thank you. Really, thank you.
Can you guide me what pleased you the most in his post?

Andy said it again and he was so clear, and if you don't want to read all the previous posts, just read this:

It's fucking simple... Morabito is Huntelaar's agent - Morabito wants his player to choose the club that will give him and his client the most money - Huntelaar will receive more money if Trezeguet happens to leave - Morabito will receive more money if he sucks off the Juventus management.
Some of you people just need to shut the fuck up.

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