del piero and totti (6 Viewers)


Senior Member
May 18, 2003
:) :) :)
February 8, 2002
ROME - Italy's two great number tens come face to face on Sunday evening when Roma and Juventus clash at the Stadio Olimpico.
Francesco Totti, Roma's captain, admitted on Friday that he is friends with Juventus forward Alessandro Del Piero as the two prepare for what could be a Serie A title decider.
''It shouldn't be seen as a game between Totti and Del Piero, nor should it be seen as a decisive game,'' Totti was quoted as saying in Friday's Gazzetta Dello Sport.
"We have a great rapport, joking a lot in the national team, a typical friendship in the world of sport.
"I'd like to win the championship and then I'd let him score the goal that wins the World Cup.''
Del Piero, whose form this season has shot him back into the limelight after two seasons of disappointment, agreed.
"There is great rivalry between us on a personal level, not only for our clubs, but it is always clean and vigorous,'' said Del Piero.
Champions Roma lead Juventus and Inter Milan by one point and victory will mean more than just three points according to Del Piero.
"You can't escape the fact that this game is different. Both teams have great ambitions, are the top two in the championship and that doesn't include the tension, the tradition, the rivalry,'' he said.
"We're in good form but we know we will have to be at more than our best to win.
"Psychologically the result will be important and to win in Rome would be a great boost.''
:kiss: :rolleyes: :extatic:


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2002
As much as I dislike Totti's attitude, if DP gets along OK with him then maybe he's not as hateful as I see him. Hmm.... humble pie.


New Member
May 25, 2003
Awww.... they look so.... bonded! I love it! Love 'em! Love seeing guys getting along so well with one another. Huggin' and stuff...

Don't agree to homosexuality, though.

Does that confuse you? *thinks*

Ah whatever, they both look adorable. *sighs dreamily*


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2002
No way, there is a big difference between homosexuality and friendliness/male bonding type stuff.
I'm not a fan of homosexuality, either. Don't have anything personally against gay people, just the whole concept. Sorry if that offends anyone, though.


New Member
May 25, 2003
^^ Yeah, I agree, there is a big difference. I have nothing against homosexuals, but I have to dissagree with their choice of being. I apologize if that statement might end up hurtful. Sorry!

*sighs dreamily again* Saaaayyyy, does anyone else have more o' these yummy pics of Alex and Francesco?

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