Cristiano Ronaldo (86 Viewers)

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
I wasn’t aware. Have there been any studies to back that up?
I posted a series of articles earlier in this thread by a female writer for The Atlantic about Title IX.

The links to the second and third parts are in the article.

You have this article about the MAD study on rape funded by the End Violence Against Women International, that found 7.1% of allegations to be false/unfounded, a further 8.5% unfounded/baseless , and 17.9% as "closed as informational report" meaning what was alleged didn't meet the criteria of a crime. So right there you have 33.5% of sexual assault accusations being false/unfounded/baseless/not a crime. In a study done by one the women's advocacy groups. This doesn't mean that 33.5% were fake accusations, only the first 7.1% are cases of women full-on lying, but it does mean that a third of rape accusations are either false/unfounded/baseless/not a crime according to that study. And that's a problem.

You also have women like Catherine Deneuve and others calling out #metoo for failing to differentiate between rape and flirting.

If Ronaldo raped this women he deserves to go to prison, but burden of proof is upon her
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Oct 28, 2010
I posted a series of articles earlier in this thread by a female writer for The Atlantic about Title IX.

The links to the second and third parts are in the article.

You have this article about the MAD study on rape funded by the End Violence Against Women International, that found 7.1% of allegations to be false/unfounded, a further 8.5% unfounded/baseless , and 17.9% as "closed as informational report" meaning what was alleged didn't meet the criteria of a crime. So right there you have 33.5% of sexual assault accusations being false/unfounded/baseless/not a crime. In a study done by one the women's advocacy groups. This doesn't mean that 33.5% were fake accusations, only the first 7.1% are cases of women full-on lying, but it does mean that a third of rape accusations are either false/unfounded/baseless/not a crime according to that study. And that's a problem.

You also have women like Catherine Deneuve and others calling out #metoo for failing to differentiate between rape and flirting.

If Ronaldo raped this women he deserves to go to prison, but burden of proof is upon her
That article pissed me off. Hope the bitch gets arrested.

And it’s not sexual assault to flirt in any shape, I have no disagreement there.

Still not sure about the correlation between increased false reporting and #metoo.

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And I also agree that she needs to provide proof, and from what I know a rape kit was administered.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
That article pissed me off. Hope the bitch gets arrested.

And it’s not sexual assault to flirt in any shape, I have no disagreement there.

Still not sure about the correlation between increased false reporting and #metoo.

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And I also agree that she needs to provide proof, and from what I know a rape kit was administered.
I think I stated it incorrectly. While I do believe the combination of #metoo and #believeher creates fertile ground for false accusations, as ridiculous celebrity feminists like Lena Dunham claim women would never lie about rape, I think the bigger problem is the blurred lines of what is sexual assault. The Baseless category for example... one of the examples given is a boyfriend telling his girlfriend he will break up with her if she doesn't have sex with him so she reports it as sexual assault saying she felt coerced. Now... the guy may be a creep for it, one could argue that, but it's clearly not sexual assault, as she could easily say no and let the relationship end. I feel like the current feminist climate is doing the exact opposite of empowering women in this arena and instead telling them they lack all individual agency and ability to say no.


Oct 28, 2010
I think I stated it incorrectly. While I do believe the combination of #metoo and #believeher creates fertile ground for false accusations, as ridiculous celebrity feminists like Lena Dunham claim women would never lie about rape, I think the bigger problem is the blurred lines of what is sexual assault. The Baseless category for example... one of the examples given is a boyfriend telling his girlfriend he will break up with her if she doesn't have sex with him so she reports it as sexual assault saying she felt coerced. Now... the guy may be a creep for it, one could argue that, but it's clearly not sexual assault, as she could easily say no and let the relationship end. I feel like the current feminist climate is doing the exact opposite of empowering women in this arena and instead telling them they lack all individual agency and ability to say no.
Yeah, sexual assault is serious and some cunts blur the lines. But these are the same hoes who will say they’re pregnant to get you to stay with them. Crazy gonna be crazy regardless imo.
Apr 19, 2007
Im all for the womans side of it but it is pretty blurred on what is rape. I know many accusations that were never turned in or anything where the girl in college was all over the guy and they had sex and she remembers barely anything. Very sketchy and should be avoided if youre a guy but almost every time he was as drunk if not more than her. I wonder if this will have some form of trickle down effect that will end up hurting woman? Like I dont really want attractive women working in close proximity to me at my job right now. Fuck it Ill just bro it the fuck up at work which is also what they dont like and be done with it

Juventus 32

Senior Member
May 18, 2014
Her lawyer's statements were incoherent, contradictory and inconclusive.

Reading the comments... Damn

I kinda feel sorry for the woman. Public opinion seems overwhelmingly against her.
Her lawyer is an asshole... he says is Ronaldo who has to prove he did nothing :lol: NO you asshole,it's you and your client who need to prove that he did it.


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2013
If this is true, I don’t see how this girl stands a chance.

Those documents look fake af. His legal name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro. Also, even if somehow the documents are genuine the fact that the documents were leaked mean that either his lawyers did not adhere to attorney client privilege, or they were illegally obtained, rendering them useless in any court of law. @Jem83 and @Seven can back me up on this (or not).


maitre'd at Canal Bar
Nov 7, 2005
"Illegally obtained evidence" only applies to criminal law cases, and is directed at the authorities ("the prosecution");

The authorities (the prosecutor) can not illegally obtain evidence.

When it comes to civil claims, there is no such rule.

Those documents have not been illegally obtained by any federal or state authority, and is admissable both in a civil case and in a criminal one.


Oct 28, 2010
Those documents look fake af. His legal name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro. Also, even if somehow the documents are genuine the fact that the documents were leaked mean that either his lawyers did not adhere to attorney client privilege, or they were illegally obtained, rendering them useless in any court of law. @Jem83 and @Seven can back me up on this (or not).
It wouldn’t matter if they were illegally obtained as they’d be admitting a crime.

It’s like saying Trump can’t be found guilty of tax fraud unless he gives up the documents willfully.


Senior Member
May 6, 2012
That’s a possibility too. But it doesn’t discredit the #metoo movement imo, the benefits outweigh the risks
The difference here is ahe alreadt settled and got her payoff.

The #metoo movement is complete bullshit. I don't know which benefits you are talking about. Women should be encourage to report rape or sexual assault immediately to the police. If reported on time, rape is not very difficult to prove because of all the physical evidence.

Instead, the feminazis want to bypass the legal system alltogether and presume the accuses guilty and humiliate them in the court of public opinion and social networks.

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