Cristian Stellini letter to President Agnelli (1 Viewer)


Jul 2, 2005

Yesterday Cristian Stellini, the first-team technical assistant, submitted the following letter addressed to President Agnelli:
Dear President,
I’ve been deeply affected by the events of the last month. In a short space of time my position has changed: from being a member of the backroom staff of the Italian champions, an objective I put passion and professionalism into, to being a cause of turmoil for the people I work with.
Whatever the outcome of the judiciary events I’m involved in, I think it would only be right and professional of me to relieve Juventus of a weight they’ve been burdened with for events that occurred elsewhere in my career, when I represented other clubs. I think now is the right time to put all my efforts into clearing my position in these matters, which are exclusively related to me and not those I shared a dressing room with.
I therefore tend my irrevocable resignation as technical assistant of Juventus, but not before thanking yourself, CEO Beppe Marotta, the directors, Antonio Conte and all the players, with whom I’ve had the privilege of working with over these 13 months. You’ve all shown me great solidarity, and I owe you enormous gratitude.
With respect,
Cristian Stellini

President Andrea Agnelli responded:
“I acknowledge the resignation of Cristian Stellini. He has demonstrated a great sense of responsibility and respect for the black and white colours - as he has throughout his experience with Juventus - in a difficult moment of his life.”


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