Criscito 100% Juve (7 Viewers)

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Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
If we get big money for Criscito I would sell him. That money we could use for buying 2 excellent defenders and defense is our priority. I don´t think Criscito is good enough to do the job.

Marchisio and Palladino are a different story. I don´t think we could get big money for Marchisio and I kinda like the guy. So, therefore no point in selling him while Palladino has what it takes to be a Juventino star IMO.

Zalayeta should be sold without questions and I would wish him all the luck in Villareal as I see them as a perfect place for him.

Also, I´m against signing Barzagli.

Buy on
Mar 30, 2006
I would like to Zalayeta join Villareal the guy deserves to play more...

Also it's nice to hear we are not selling or loaning every possible young talent I also hope we are not gonna sell or loan Paro and especially Criscito.

And btw I've red on channel4 that DD said taht he is not tottaly sure he will stay with us next season.
Even though he may not be a great coach, and many of us would prefer say to bring Lippi back or bring in Mourinho, it would be a raw burn to fire DD after he comes to coach us in Serie B and wins the league. To fire him, an ex player and dedicated coach, would be cruel and a betrayl.

I don't think the club will do this to him so I think he will stay and get his shot at Serie A. He has not fully shown what he can do with a complete team. Plus alot of people (i am not one of them) think that winning the league is too ambitious and a top 4 finish is a good goal. This takes the pressure off the club and will help to convince them to stick with DD who will help build a good organization and help young players therefore helping Juventus in the long run, whether he is or isn't the coach after next season.


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Even though he may not be a great coach, and many of us would prefer say to bring Lippi back or bring in Mourinho, it would be a raw burn to fire DD after he comes to coach us in Serie B and wins the league. To fire him, an ex player and dedicated coach, would be cruel and a betrayl.

I don't think the club will do this to him so I think he will stay and get his shot at Serie A. He has not fully shown what he can do with a complete team. Plus alot of people (i am not one of them) think that winning the league is too ambitious and a top 4 finish is a good goal. This takes the pressure off the club and will help to convince them to stick with DD who will help build a good organization and help young players therefore helping Juventus in the long run, whether he is or isn't the coach after next season.


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
Even though he may not be a great coach, and many of us would prefer say to bring Lippi back or bring in Mourinho, it would be a raw burn to fire DD after he comes to coach us in Serie B and wins the league. To fire him, an ex player and dedicated coach, would be cruel and a betrayl.

I don't think the club will do this to him so I think he will stay and get his shot at Serie A. He has not fully shown what he can do with a complete team. Plus alot of people (i am not one of them) think that winning the league is too ambitious and a top 4 finish is a good goal. This takes the pressure off the club and will help to convince them to stick with DD who will help build a good organization and help young players therefore helping Juventus in the long run, whether he is or isn't the coach after next season.

I tottaly agree with you about everything you've said. Even I'm not tottaly conviced with DD performance as a coach, but if he wins promotion with us he must stay. But there is rumours abou Lippi joining us as technical director or something and I think that will be good as Lippi could always give an useful advice to DD and help him if it's needed.
Mar 30, 2006
I tottaly agree with you about everything you've said. Even I'm not tottaly conviced with DD performance as a coach, but if he wins promotion with us he must stay. But there is rumours abou Lippi joining us as technical director or something and I think that will be good as Lippi could always give an useful advice to DD and help him if it's needed.

yeah Lippi would be great to have back in some form, as long as it does not alienate DD or undermine him too much. I am not sure Lippi would want to be a club manager or director or some sorts though. He still seems to have alot of passion for coaching ans has been linked with a load of teams. I have heard him also say he may take nother year of holiday (sounds s if he is waiting to ee whats happens here with DD)

As long as Lippi does not go to Milan I would be happy to see him continue coaching (other teams such as chelsea or even back here in a few years afterr DD)

But if he does come here to be a director I think we would have a great team built and a great orginaizational plan. :agree:


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
or we could have two coaches at the same time (like Sweden NT back in a day).

How cool would that be, Lippi - Deschamps duo :lick:
Mar 30, 2006
or we could have two coaches at the same time (like Sweden NT back in a day).

How cool would that be, Lippi - Deschamps duo :lick:
i don't think either coach would want this. Lippi is to huge a coach to be a joint coach. I heard of this possibly hapening at chelsea with Lippi-Vialli but that is cuz lippi can't speak english and Vialli worked in England and played for chelsea. so lippi would be the tactician and build the team, and Vialli would work with the players and communicate Lippi's instructions.

Lippi-Vialli were also the coaching team for the European XI vs Man utd last month.

Lippi would not ask to be coach if it meant taking away DD's authority or steppingo n each others toes. It could ruin their relationship and be a mess , with DD already being our lone coach.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
Villareal should be sold IMO.And i wont judge Cristico's potential simply because Real and Manchester United want him.I still think he's an overhyped player.
If we get big money for Criscito I would sell him. That money we could use for buying 2 excellent defenders and defense is our priority. I don´t think Criscito is good enough to do the job.

Marchisio and Palladino are a different story. I don´t think we could get big money for Marchisio and I kinda like the guy. So, therefore no point in selling him while Palladino has what it takes to be a Juventino star IMO.

Zalayeta should be sold without questions and I would wish him all the luck in Villareal as I see them as a perfect place for him.

Also, I´m against signing Barzagli.
Am guessing you guys saw him play for more the odd game here n there ?

imo he earned the praise, hes a hard tackler, marker with good head on his shoulders. In the Azzurrini game against England Blackburn's David Bentley was causing so much problems on the right flank until he came in and david (or anyone else) didn't pass through for the whole time he was in.

Zala should be sold, as its unfair to him more than anything.I would thank him for everything he has done.


Nov 26, 2006
I can't see the club selling a guy immediately after putting up the cash to sign him. Especially given that he seems to be so highly rated by the club.


Malato di Juve , , 29
Oct 13, 2005

Sabato all’Olimpico sfida il futuro, il difensore è convinto: «In Anoi e i bianconeri»
«Voglio solo Juve o Genoa»
Criscito: «Non sono una contropartita. Piuttosto rimango in rossoblù per crescere»
«Se la Juve ha speso cosى tanto, vuol dire che crede in me. Emozione per sabato? Non è nel mio carattere, ma sarà una gara speciale. Il paragone con Cannavaro? Mi onora, che belli quegli allenamenti con lui. Mi vogliono tutti, fa piacere e non mi sento sotto pressione»

DOMENICO Criscito, è pronto per il suo persona*lissimo derby tra Juventus e Genoa?

« Sى, ho avuto una piccola con*trattura e martedى ho giocato solo un quarto d’ora, ma ades*so sto di nuovo bene » .

Sabato giocherà all’Olimpi*co, quello che potrebbe di*ventare il suo prossimo sta*dio.
« Sarà tanta. Per noi è una partita delicata. Poi a Torino c’è un grande pubblico, come a Marassi. Ma sono abituato a vincere l’emozione: ho gio*cato a Napoli, in un San Pao*lo pieno, davanti ai miei pa*renti. Più di cosى... »
Juventus-Genoa è sfida di altissima classifica. Per i bianconeri puٍ essere un altro passo verso la A. Cosa pensa della marcia dei bianconeri?

« Che la Juve sia una grande squadra, la più forte della se*rie B, lo si sapeva già da tem*po. Io ho sempre ripetuto che disputano un campionato a parte. Sono quasi imbattibili, ma noi proveremo a metterli in difficoltà. Del resto, stiamo disputando una stagione straordinaria. Loro hanno tanti campioni, ma li abbia*mo pure noi » .
A proposito di campioni, al*l’andata si è trovato di fron*te due ragazzi in rampa di lancio come lei, ovvero Bojinov e Palladino. Sta*volta, invece, dovrebbero esserci Del Piero e Treze*guet. Chi preferirebbe non marcare?

( ride) « Sono entrambi dei fuo*riclasse. Sono fortissimi, uno o l’altro non fa differenza. Fanno paura tutti e due, non sarà facile per noi difensori. Comunque, anche Bojinov e Palladino sono pericolosi, non è facile fermarli » .

Cresciuto nelle giovanili del Genoa, trasferitosi a To*rino nel 2004, poi, dalla scorsa estate, di nuovo al Genoa. Il suo ricordo più bello in bianconero?

« Il primo giorno di allena*mento con la prima squadra. Indimenticabile. Per me era un sogno potermi allenare con gente che vedevo soltanto allo stadio o in televisione. Avere accanto a me Cannava*ro, Thuram, Zambrotta era un’emozione unica » .

Ha nominato un difensore, partenopeo come lei, colon*na della Nazionale, al quale qualcuno la paragona. Fa*bio Cannavaro.
« Sono onorato di essere acco*stato a un giocatore di questo calibro. Pallone d’Oro, capita*no dell’Italia che ha vinto il Mondiale. Fa piacere, ma io sono ancora un ragazzino. De*vo ancora crescere e vincere tanto per essere al livello di Cannavaro. Mi basterebbe anche la metà di quello che ha fatto lui. Per ora, penso so*lo a giocare al meglio e ad al*lenarmi sempre con costan*za » .

Quali sono gli altri suoi mo*delli?

« Nesta e Materazzi. Non è un caso, io preferisco i difensori della nostra scuola, che rima*ne ancora una delle migliori al mondo » .

Ha scelto due nazionali ita*liani. Pensa già all’azzurro?

« Solo a quello Under 21. Il mio obiettivo è essere convo*cato all’Europeo di giugno in Olanda. Per la Nazionale maggiore è ancora presto. Si vedrà » .

Tutti la vogliono. La Juve investe (e tanto) su Crisci*to, il Genoa non vorrebbe privarsene. E parecchie squadre sono in fila, aspet*tando che si apra il merca*to. Sente per caso un po’ di pressione?
« Assolutamente no. Non è nella mia natura. Non sento pressione perché vivo giorno per giorno, penso soltanto a fare sempre meglio, senza preoccuparmi troppo di altre cose. Scendo in campo con*centrato e quello che succede fuori non mi turba » .

Allora non la turberà par*lare del suo futuro. Genoa o Juventus?

« In rossoblù ho maggiori pos*sibilità di giocare. Alla Juve è più difficile, perché ci sono tanti grandi campioni. E poi i bianconeri hanno subito obiettivi importanti da rag*giungere, con il Genoa sareb*be diverso. Dipendesse da me resterei almeno una stagione, per crescere. Non è che prefe*risca cosى, io alla Juve ci vo*glio andare, ma forse, per il mio futuro, è preferibile re*stare ancora qui. Alla Juve è molto più complicato trovare spazio » .
La politica della società bianconera, tuttavia, è quella di dare spazio ai gio*vani. Già in questa stagio*ne se ne è avuta una dimo*strazione.

« Perٍ in serie B. In serie A credo che sia diverso. Comun*que è vero, la Juve sta facen*do un gran lavoro con il set*tore giovanile. Tanti ragazzi trovano spazio e hanno la possibilità di mettersi in mo*stra. E di indossare la maglia bianconera, che è sempre un onore e un piacere » .

La Juve potrebbe inserirla nella trattativa per Toni con la Fiorentina, cosى co*me in quella per Barzagli con il Palermo. Le dà fasti*dio il ruolo scomodo di con*tropartita?
« Onestamente sى, perché non mi sento assolutamente una contropartita. Del resto, se un club del blasone della Juven*tus ha deciso di investire tan*to su di me, non credo l’abbia fatto semplicemente per usar*mi come merce di scambio. Per carità, essere al centro del mercato mi fa anche piacere: vuol dire che la gente crede in me e che sto lavorando bene » .

E se proprio dovesse sce*gliere una squadra che non sia né Genoa né Juventus?

« Non so rispondere a questa domanda, perché io vorrei gio*care solo nel Genoa, squadra nella quale mi trovo benissi*mo, o nella Juventus. Né Fio*rentina, né Palermo, mi spia*ce. Poi, si sa, nella vita non si puٍ mai sapere che cosa suc*cede...
Chi sale in serie A?
« Noi e la Juve. Speriamo » .
E, da napoletano, non le di*spiace per il Napoli?
« Tranquilli: vinceranno ai playoff » .


1- They asked him if he ready for the big match between Juventus and Genoa , He said he had some proplems and he just played 15 minutes last week , but now he feel realy good and he ready for Juventus .

2- Saturday he will play in Olimpi*co , the stadio that will be his place next season , he is realy Emotional about it , he said in Torino there is a great Fans in the stadio , like the Marassi one ( Genoa stadio ) , he didn't fear from the big numbers of fans , he already played in a full stadio of fans when Genoa played against Napoli in San Paolo .

3- Juventus is the strongest team in serie b , they are almost unbeaten and its realy hard to beat them , but they will try in Saturday to do something and play a great game , Juve have many champions in there square , but Genoa are realy great as a team .

4- They asked him if he could choice who he would face , Boji - Palladino or Treze - Del Piero .
he said both of them are dangerous , and not easy to stop them , it will be hard to defending against them .

5- His best memories and moments when he was in Juventus for tow seasons is the first time he training with the first team , training with Cannavaro, Thuram, Zambrotta , that was Unforgettable day for him .

6- its a honor for him to compare him with Cannavaro , but he said he still young and must do a lot of things to become in Cannavaro level .

7- He likes Nesta and Materazzi .

8- He is happy for playing in Italy u-21 and he hope to play in the first national team soon , he hopes that he do a great performance in Euro 2007 u-21 in the summer .

9- He didn't even think about the mercato when they said rumors about him .

10 - He talked about Genoa and Juventus , and that he could have more chances to plau if he stay in Genoa , and it's hard to find a place in the starter line in Juve becuse the many great players thier , and he wants only to play for Genoa or Juventus NO to Palermo NO to Fiorentina and no to all other teams .

11 - He hope that Juve and Genoa make it to serie a and Napoli do it from the playoff.
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