Coronavirus (COVID-19 Outbreak) (57 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003
I think everyone knows it can affect young people seriously. Yet people want to go on with their lives anyway. Maybe it will take seeing it happen in person to realise how bad it can be, but people should choose for themselves.

Saving jobs is a false bargain? Idk, tell that to those who need them to pay rent and feed their families?

So you want to prevent spreading so that people who are at risk can feel safe to go about their lives (go the work, the market, etc.) , in the process preventing others (restaurant, pub, gym workers) from going about their lives?
I do like the people who just want to block it out of their heads and say, "Who cares? It's less than 5% of the annual deaths. So what?" To which I say, "Who cares about 9/11? 3000 people is nothing. 14x as many people die every year in car accidents. So what?" :seven:

Dumbass logic...

Saving jobs is a false bargain. It's this belief that you would actually still have a job if you were allowed to do it. That if we opened all the bars, bartenders would be gainfully employed from here on out. No, no impacts on not only your coworkers getting sick but also all your customers as a result. People think linearly in isolation when they are part of self-reinforcing systems. That's why it's a false bargain. That job wouldn't necessarily exist because it pretends that by commuting to work and keeping the business open, nobody would additionally get infected -- which is laughably ignorant.

Bars and construction sites have been hotspots in my city.

To date, I've only seen one restaurant/business with doors open. Common sense, sense of aerosol spread and viral particle dilution aren't common yet. Germany now might be the first western country instructing its citizens to keep doors and windows open.
Interesting is the new data that shows that population density maybe isn't a major factor. Especially as COVID is raging most now in places like South Dakota, Wyoming, and New Mexico.

I think this is the model for expertise on the Internet today.

I want to see a roundtable discussion on various deep topics like climate change, vax, gates, covid, Trump, racism, BLM, 5g, Soros, pizzagate, 9/11, etc with pegi, gordo, igor, and maybe seven, kyle, dai, Zach.
Nah. People want mud wrestling instead.

what if someone already did?
Well, there was @River...


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
I do like the people who just want to block it out of their heads and say, "Who cares? It's less than 5% of the annual deaths. So what?" To which I say, "Who cares about 9/11? 3000 people is nothing. 14x as many people die every year in car accidents. So what?" :seven:

Dumbass logic...

Saving jobs is a false bargain. It's this belief that you would actually still have a job if you were allowed to do it. That if we opened all the bars, bartenders would be gainfully employed from here on out. No, no impacts on not only your coworkers getting sick but also all your customers as a result. People think linearly in isolation when they are part of self-reinforcing systems. That's why it's a false bargain. That job wouldn't necessarily exist because it pretends that by commuting to work and keeping the business open, nobody would additionally get infected -- which is laughably ignorant.
If you say so. Let's keep doing this until everyone can get a vaccine :tup:

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