CL: Deportivo - Juventus (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
nope....just that depor scares me :stress: coz they are a "big: team, phisically i mean esp their front line. there are only a few "short" player in the starting lilne-up :p

but then again, we cud use that as an advantage. put micco in there to stir the defence around :devil:
May 17, 2003
Hehehe.. Yeah. It would be quite useless to use Montero in that match then! I'm sorry, what was i thinking, it is useless to use him in any match!! Am i being too harsh on Montero here? hehe...
Luque is quite speedy too....


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
luque is their unsung hero.

nope, u're not being harsh on montero ;) he is useless :D

lippi shud play tudor, and legro/ciro.....big guys against the big guys; tristan, pandiani......ohh, valeron

thank god makaay is not there anymore
Aug 1, 2003
but we already talked about it. this is TWO weeks before the match. what are we gonna talk about in two weeks?

"our defense is crap"
"i want mexes"
"del piero is god"
"lets not bench miccoli and montero"
"thank god makaay is out"

see? :D


New Member
Nov 21, 2003
you had one but it was closed because it was created so early :)

about the game, I'm afraid you are going to discover Andrade and you'll want to buy him soon


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
i was watching yesterday the match athletico-deportivo and trying to pay attention on luque...

after,60-70 minutes..i barerly heard his name 5 times....
i don't know...but...i was expecting more actually


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++

after,60-70 minutes..i barerly heard his name 5 times....
i don't know...but...i was expecting more actually
A quiet performer maybe? :D

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