Chelsea treminate Mutu's contract (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
2004-10-29 03:07 (New York)

Oct. 29 -- Chelsea has terminated the contract of Adrian Mutu for
gross misconduct. The decision comes after the player's positive
drugs test for cocaine and his admission that he took the drug.

A Chelsea statement said: "We want to make clear that Chelsea has
a zero tolerance policy towards drugs. This applies to both
performance enhancing drugs or so-called `recreational' drugs.
They have no place at our club or in sport.

"In coming to a decision on this case, Chelsea believed the
club's social responsibility to its fans, players, employees and
other stakeholders in football regarding drugs was more important
than the major financial considerations to the company.

"Any player who takes drugs breaches his contract with the club
as well as FA rules. The club totally supports the FA in strong
action on all drugs cases."

Chelsea's decision to terminate is entirely independent of, and
not affected by, any FA procedures. Chelsea is actively
considering all options in relation to any financial loss as a
result of this case.

The definition of "gross misconduct" in the standard Premier
League contract includes the following: "the use, or possession
of, or the trafficking in, of a Prohibited Substance". That
provision, along with the rest of the standard FAPL contract, was
agreed as a result of negotiations involving representatives of
the FAPL, PFA and FA.

Buy on


Senior Member
May 14, 2004
now way;

We cannot sign him. What image would that be? All coke junkies welcome to Juve??
And we've got a doping trial going on.

yeah, it would be very smart to sign him...
Sep 28, 2002
chelsea are not stupid, they are actually smart cause they sign good players, or at least mutu was good when they signed him. then there's mutu, who's an ass


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
keep your panties on people. I never said that we should sign him, I was just asking if he was available for free now? Besides, this doesn't automatically mean that Mutu's not a talented footballer anymore


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #13
    Yes, we can sign him for free now. But I dont think we will, but not because of the drug incident. We're no strangers to it, both Davids and Blasi have tested positive for doping and they play(ed) for us, so I dont think Mutu's taking drugs would be an obstacle for the deal.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #15
    Well, in football, and sports in general, arent performance enhancing drugs worse than social drugs?


    Senior Member
    Nov 1, 2003
    mutu is saying that he took sumthing for his sexual performance, not recreational drug like what was reported

    anyhow, this isnt a surprise. Chel$ki sacked their goalie a few years back for testing positive for drugs


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++
    well i just dont like him anymore after this incident. and yeah, i believe we can sign him. and pay him millions till his ban ends.
    Well if you played for Chelsea, and was caught drinking obsessively everyday after matches, would you expect Chelsea to punish you? Being an alcoholic is the same type of problem as being a drug addict.

    Many people on this forum have been addicted or have used cocaine Fli, are they really bad people? :rolleyes:


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #20
    Really? :wth:

    Like who?

    But I do agree with your point, why should Mutu be more guilty than Blasi or Davids?

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