Charlie Hebdo massacre - 2015-Jan-07 (13 Viewers)


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Allah brags about drowning the Egyptian army. 2:50

If someone murders your slave, then you get to kill one of his. If it was a male that was killed, you kill one of the killer's male slaves. If a female, you kill a female. Murder for murder. Slave for slave. It all works out swell with Allah's wondrous rules. (Oh, and if you don't follow them, you'll have the usual painful doom.) 2:178
What's the point of this?

Buy on


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
Which means you are against freedom of speech. Which has some very very bad consequences.

In other news, Anonymous has declared war on those responsible for the attack. Hackers waging war on terrorists.

This is the scenario of a postapocalyptic movie.
Anonymous. :heart: nothing like cyber vigilantes getting into the mix


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Exactly. No one would stop you from critizising Charlie Hebdo either. Their cartoons are often extremely vulgar and disrespectful, and I can understand that people might get offended by them.

But the same freedom of expression gives you opportunities to protest against this, to openly criticise them, hell, even to launch campaigns discouraging the purchase of the magazin. Violence in response to any expression of opinion however is not acceptable.
That is not really right.

Try to convince David Irving he has that opportunity.


Sep 23, 2003
I can understand that. But YOUR newspaper should have told YOU that YOUR AIRFIGHTERS have been killing civilians at Mali, north of Syria and Iraq for months now, and it should have told YOU to be careful from the reactions of these crimes...
You say this as if we never heard of this before.

Clearly you've leapt to misjudgments and false conclusions about what is or is not well known and hotly debated in other cultures.

They do that every single fucking day. We discuss daily if it's the wrong decision to enter wars in the middle east
And the sad part is that people like ReBeL doubly criminalize their own ideological allies in this: they're criminalized once for publicly calling their own government's actions into question and account, and they're criminalized on the other side by people like ReBeL who make sweeping judgements that all Westerners either don't know or don't care about dead civilians in places like Syria.

This is pretty much the non-Muslim equivalent of the terrorist or infidel treatment.

Juventino[RUS];4784514 said:
New hostages in Montepellier :sergio: fucking radicals :sergio: right after hostages in Paris were saved :sergio: so the visitors of the fucking stores are to blame for the cartoons too, right??
Dude, a jewelry store?

I mean, attentions are heightened and all. But every crime that normally happens in a day in France isn't suddenly linked to Charlie Hebdo.

I'll kill the next person that calls me a son of a bitch.
No, we all know you're the biggest asshole in Bolivia. :heart: :D

There is a big difference between being free to speak whatever you want, and insulting others.
Actually, to a large degree, there isn't much of a difference. If you and I agree on everything, who cares about freedom of speech? You could have that in a North Korean totalitarian state with microphones bugging the room.

Freedom of speech only matters when there are disagreements. When people speak out against the status quo or disagree with those in power. Surely much of the Arab world has suffered immensely because of that very same issue.

I think the Charlie Hebdo guys were little more than partly anonymous, mouthbreathing troublemakers, and they are hardly bastions of democracy and great thought. But whether it's the hypocrisies of the Jewish state or lunatic Muslims who can't bear the existence of someone with a different opinion of their own that they have to kill them all, those are legitimate targets of oppression on the freedom of speech.

I think from your average Muslim perspective, a Charlie Hebdo (or South Park for that matter) seems to want to insult all of Islam. When in fact the targets are those who ideologically cannot tolerate a world where these differences exist. The unfortunate part is that the rest of the more moderate Muslim world will see the attack on fundamentalist psychopaths as somehow a personal attack on themselves. And that's the unfortunate collateral damage.

But freedom of speech cannot exist without collateral damage. As long as they are limited to words and thoughts and not guns and bombs.

It is unfortunately not a claim, brother. I know you maybe a good person, but Western governments are not thinking in the same good way you're thinking at. They are really attacking Muslims. Look at it all over the world without believing the propaganda you hear all the time in some of your media, and you will reach the conclusion that it is a very organized war against Muslim civilians, not by you, but by your greedy governments.
See my previous paragraph. I think this is a factor where you seem to feel the whole Western world is against all Muslims, when in fact it is not.

Juventino[RUS];4784556 said:
RUS, I still don't follow what you're babbling about here.


Jun 17, 2011


Sep 23, 2003
I'm not justifying anything. I merely say that the world now is very small place. If you hit somebody in the east, don't get surprised if a reaction happens in the west.
Nobody is surprised.

Killing innocent civilians because they live near suspected shadowy enemies of Western state security is horrible and inexcusable. But killing cartoonists is beyond retarded.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
I've come to the conclusion that rebel hasn't a clue what most people talk about in western countries. Claims we buy into our own propaganda yet his constantly posts his own sources.

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