...perhaps not in the same numbers as Wednesday, but they do wave this flag every week...
It was expressly and exclusively members of the Green Brigade that carried out the incidents that have resulted in Celtic being fined by uefa?...that's a new one on me...the punishment dished out by uefa btw being primarily for a string of minor infractions such as letting off flares, fireworks, banners, chanting, some crowd disturbances when confronted by other fans ultras...hardly enemy of the states stuff...total about £180k...and any fans caught being bad bhoys are banned for life...also, the Green Brigade have today stated that they will pay any fine Celtic gets from uefa as a result of flying any illicit banners - hardly not caring about the club and its finances (and Police Scotland have confirmed that no crime under Scottish Criminal Law was broken by the Green brigade flying these flags)...and who, anywhere, actually understands the situation in that part of the world fully?...do you need a PHD in world affairs before you are qualified to form an opinion on this or any other complex situation...maybe that's why we're sitting by as a nation and watching what's happening in Syria without being more proactive...(sorry, I withdraw that opinion as I'm not in possession of all of the facts relating to that particular situation)
...never been to a Celtic game in the Netherlands then?...NI flags, Rangers 'taps', the Billy Boys being chanted (even Celtic songs reworded by the Dutch tp parody the Celitc fans versions - pretty impressive stuff when you think about it)...them Dutch know their football and know what gets the opposition fans going...and Rangers fans not taking a political view...really?...I'm pretty sure I could do a google search and find an Israeli flag being held up by Rangers fans...more so at away games though...and it's because people are being killed on both sides,(but one side more than the other) that they are making this statement...ps...did you find my spelling mistakes?