Cappello is the new coach? (2 Viewers)

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The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
I answered you on the previous post. I never heard such thing but it could happen. I heard people hacked CNN or something before.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Wups, I didn't mean to re-post like that. My bad. I am going from site to site with such a ferocious pace that I am also screwing up!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
If people hacked into a news site, I doubt that they'd write a detailed article to mislead people. There's much more useful things to do if you access a network of that magnitude


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Is this true?!?!?!?

Oh, for the love of God, please tell me that this is true.

gray, you have some pull with the big guy upstairs. do Something :D:D


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
Il tecnico della Roma si è accordato per un triennale con un ingaggio annuo che dovrebbe aggirarsi intorno ai tre milioni di euro.

TORINO, 27 maggio 2004 - Clamoroso: Fabio Capello è il nuovo allenatore della Juventus. La notizia arriva in tarda serata ed è una bomba. Dopo le voci su Prandelli, il quasi sicuro Deschamps, vince Don Fabio. Il tecnico della Roma lascia la Capitale e parte dello stipendio: si è accordato per un triennale con un ingaggio annuo che dovrebbe aggirarsi intorno ai tre milioni di euro. Ma la scelta di Don Fabio appare di tipo soprattutto sportivo: di fronte al fatale ridimensionamento della Roma, cioè della squadra che ha appena traghettato in Champions League. Per lui si tratta di una nuova, affascinante scommessa. Un ritorno di quelli importanti: nella Juve Capello giocatore ha vinto 3 scudetti in sei anni.
Tramonta così definitivamente l’ipotesi Deschamps, che aveva scavalcato Cesare Prandelli nella corsa alla panchina di Lippi dimissionario e che solo poche ore fa sembrava a un passo dalla firma: il tecnico del Monaco sconfitto mercoledì sera dal Porto nella finale di Champions League, ieri era apparso titubante: "Fate le cose troppo facili" ha detto ai giornalisti italiani nel pomeriggio. In serata la svolta. Sarà Fabio Capello il dopo-Lippi a Torino. Il tecnico giallorosso rappresenta un forte investimento e offre garanzie assolute in quanto a capacità non solo tecniche ma anche manageriali.

the first sentence says it all: Fabio Cappello is Juventus' new coach


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andre 3000 ] ++
Is this true?!?!?!?

Oh, for the love of God, please tell me that this is true.

gray, you have some pull with the big guy upstairs. do Something :D:D
I knew you would be happy about this Serge. :D


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
The only thing that would have made me happier is if Jose Mourinho changed his mind at the lst minute and said "you know what, Juve looks real good to me, and I'm bringing Deco along"


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
If this is true, then this is just beyond words. A fantastic coach who doesn't take any bullshit and commands respect. A fiery personality as well who knows how to coach young talent. This can't be true.

Shit, I'm so happy, that i'd even welcome emerson here with open arms.

Yes, that's right, you heard me correctly. The Anti-emerson leader would welcome him with open arms, that's how happy I would be.
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andre 3000 ] ++
If this is true, then this is just beyond words. A fantastic coach who doesn't take any bullshit and commands respect. A fiery personality as well who knows how to coach young talent. This can't be true.

Shit, I'm so happy, that i'd even welcome emerson here with open arms.

Yes, that's right, you heard me correctly. The Anti-emerson leader would welcome him with open arms, that's how happy I would be.

he would be the cherry on the cake
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