canna used illegal substances? (1 Viewer)


Dec 16, 2003
Cannavaro keeps Italy captaincy
Friday 29 April, 2005
Fabio Cannavaro will not be stripped of his Italian international captaincy after the drugs row video was transmitted, confirmed the FIGC.

“It certainly wasn’t nice to see a player attached to a drip, but Cannavaro has always given his heart and soul for the Nazionale and will remain as captain,” explained Federation President Franco Carraro.

The Juventus defender was seen being injected with legal substance Neoton the night before Parma’s 1999 UEFA Cup Final against Olympique Marseille, as a video made by the player was anonymously handed over to State television RAI.

“I can say that international sport needs clear rules on substances and what kind of behaviour is considered acceptable,” continued Carraro.

“The fact that perfectly healthy athletes are taking medicine does make you think. We need new legislation to stop this from carrying on and a debate that will ensure there are not so many loopholes. The rules are one thing and an ethical stance is another.”

However, the majority of the sporting world in Italy is right behind Cannavaro and stuck by the Azzurri captain.

“I am very disappointed by the comments I am hearing,” said former Parma boss Nevio Scala, who famously said ‘our doping was bread and salami.’

“If Cannavaro had something to hide then he wouldn’t have been filming it. I don’t understand this aggressive reaction to a perfectly normal substance that is not in any way illegal.”

Milan Coach Carlo Ancelotti also explained why healthy players continue to take medication for specific ailments.

“I was a professional athlete for 20 years and I am now struggling with problems in my back and knees. People have to understand the stress that constant playing and training can put on your body. Cannavaro did nothing illegal and someone is trying to use this incident to make a point that has nothing to do with him,” said the former Rossoneri and Roma midfielder.
May 4, 2004
Cannavaro: I did nothing wrong Saturday 30 April, 2005


Fabio Cannavaro has insisted he did nothing wrong after the video tape of him attached to a drip sent shockwaves through Serie A.

“This was not doping,” said the defender who was filmed on his own camera the night before the 1999 UEFA Cup Final between Parma and Olympique Marseille.

“The substance was Neoton, which is not on the list of banned substances. It is simply an integrator that is given when players are feeling tired and a perfectly normal thing to do.”

The videotape was transmitted on State television on Thursday evening and showed Cannavaro joking around with medical staff and teammates in the hotel room as he was injected with the medication.

“Perhaps people were a little scared by the sight of the drip, but everyone was happy and relaxed, so it was clear there was nothing underhand going on. Besides, it was my camera and I was doing the filming.”

Neoton is a substance generally used after cardiac surgery and is not banned, but it is one of the medicines named in the Juventus doping trial.

“It is an integrator of vitamins that is occasionally used when players become tired and not an unusual thing to do,” explained Cannavaro. “I don’t understand why this film was put into a programme about doping in sport when there was nothing illegal about it.”

The footage was taken six years ago, yet the videotape was only handed over to RAI anonymously a couple of weeks ago.

“They edited it in a way to show only their slant on it and not the joy and fun in that hotel room. Besides, what I really cannot understand is how my personal videotape reached a television company. They tried to invite me on to the programme, but only hours before the show was set to air, so I didn’t have the time to respond to these allegations.”

The Juventus defender and Italian international captain concluded his interview with a statement against the drugs culture in sport.

“Nobody should take illegal substances as they can bring dire consequences and we have to set an example for young people. It wasn’t right to use those images in that way.”


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
teh substance was NOT ILLEGAL. Even Ancelotti said that cannavaro is not to blame and Veron said that he took it at several occasions and that it was usual to take it if you had a few matches in one week. The stupid RAI is criminalising cannavaro just because they are too stupid to know what they are talking about. I think Cannavaro should sue them.
I hate it if TV channels show such shit and think that they have a great story but they just know nothing and are not informed. They just saw the tape and thought: what a great story. he takes illegal substances.
But if it is legal nobody can blame cannavaro. He did nothing that is forbidden.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
one more thing: I hate all this people who always talk badly about Juve and always want to criminalise Juve. Juve does nothing different than other teams do, but we are Juventus. We are the most successful team in Italy and one of the biggest teams in the world. The media always wants stories about Juve because everybody reads it and watches it on tv. Everybody is interested in juve because we are so successful and one half loves juve and the other half hates juve and is jealous.
Moreover I think that the media in italy should stop talking the whole time about what happens off the field and start concentrating what happens on the field. they are destroying the whole calcio.


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
All the years the people are talking about doping of juve players.. and now we see that this substance has been used by other teams too.. the Doc of juve must go out of jail...


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
i seen the video now and i think its made such a big story because a young player putting a drip into his arm is not what people are used to seeing. but the substance is legal so for me this story is closed


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
well juve are taking action against the media then

Juve impose Press Silence Sunday 1 May, 2005


Juventus have surprisingly announced an official Press silence until further notice following “suspicions that there are attempts to damage the club.”

The wording of the statement is particularly unusual, as it suggests a conspiracy is in force against the Turin giants.

“Juventus FC are faced with some disturbing facts that push us to suspect certain situations have been put in place to damage the club at a crucial stage of the season,” it read on the official website.

“We wish to dedicate all our attention to the competition on the field, fully aware that we are in an emergency situation. For this reason, Juve’s members will not make any further statements until further notice in order to avoid fuelling more controversy.”

The Bianconeri have been at the centre of several topical issues this week, including the use of TV evidence to ban Zlatan Ibrahimovic for three games and the transmission of Fabio Cannavaro’s home video showing him attached to a drip before Parma’s 1999 UEFA Cup Final appearance.

The fact that the video tape was anonymously handed over to a television station just days before the May 8 showdown with Milan has aroused suspicions.

Nonetheless, it is a bold move from the club and one that will only serve to raise further controversy ahead of such a delicate encounter.

Bianconeri director general Luciano Moggi had hinted that he believed Sky Italia – with its strong business links to Milan – had sought out the footage of Ibrahimovic striking Ivan Cordoba in order to ensure the player would miss the big game.

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