Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (62 Viewers)


Sep 13, 2011
street moggi

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Actually, @piotrr can you link me the original "street Conte" post :D
Unfortunately some mod decided to delete all the great content :sad::sergio:

This was in the Galatasaray thread, in the middle of the great turkish invasion. There were a lot of rubbish posts, but also some legendary stuff like 'win or street conte' or a paint image of Conte in a tracksuit, with golden chains etc. :lol: too bad i didn't save it.

Buy on


Beppe Marotta Is My God
May 26, 2009
Unfortunately some mod decided to delete all the great content :sad::sergio:

This was in the Galatasaray thread, in the middle of the great turkish invasion. There were a lot of rubbish posts, but also some legendary stuff like 'win or street conte' or a paint image of Conte in a tracksuit, with golden chains etc. :lol: too bad i didn't save it.
:lol: classic thread that one. The Turkish invasions always bring out some pure gold.
Jul 13, 2010
That would be epic. I'm sure they want to overrule the decision(it's difficult for court to not to after all the evidence) but in a way that we couldn't get the money.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Obviously nothing is going to happen at this stage, it would require a complete overhaul of the verdict and would make the league look even more ridiculous. Legally we can only hope for some saving of face.

I'm more interested in what they say about Inter, with Palazzi's later findings in mind. Are they going to say "well yeah, Inter were in on it, perhaps even orchestrated it, and we helped them wins lots of trophies they don't deserve, but that's all the in the past now. We done goofed k thanks bye"? It's going to be embarrassing whatever way they try to dress it up.

The chances of us being given any financial compensation when we already have a stranglehold on Serie A is close to zero.

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Conte: "if I had known that Juve would get 443 million Euros to spend in the mercato, I might have made a different decision... I couldn't continue without new wing backs."
Beppe if we got that compensation:



The end of Jihadism
Jan 16, 2013
12:20 - Ora la parola passa agli avvocati, poi la sentenza.

12:10 - CHIESTA ASSOLUZIONE PER BERTINI E DATTILO - Per gli ex arbitri Paolo Bertini e Antonio Dattilo, invece, i pg hanno proposto l'annullamento senza rinvio della sentenza e quindi l'assoluzione con la formula "perché il fatto non sussiste".

12:00 - DE SANTIS, CHIESTO RIGETTO RICORSO - Per l'ex arbitro Massimo De Santis è stato invece chiesto il rigetto del ricorso che aveva presentato.

11:55 - ANCHE PER PAIRETTO E MAZZINI CHIESTA PRESCRIZIONE - Chiesta la prescrizione anche per l'ex designatore arbitrale Pierluigi Pairetto e per l'ex vicepresidente federale Innocenzo Mazzini.

11:45 - PG CASSAZIONE: PRESCRIZIONE PER MOGGI E GIRAUDO - Il pg Gabriele Mazzotta ha chiesto la prescrizione del reato di associazione per delinquere per l'ex direttore generale della Juventus Luciano Moggi e per l'ex amministratore delegato della società torinese, Antonio Giraudo, in secondo grado. L'ex dg bianconero era stato condannato in appello a 2 anni e 4 mesi, mentre l'ex ad aveva ricevuto una condanna con rito abbreviato a 1 anno e 8 mesi Il pm, inoltre, ha chiesto per Moggi l'annullamento senza rinvio per i capi d'imputazione riguardanti la frode in competizione sportiva.

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