Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (18 Viewers)


Junior Member
Aug 30, 2009
This could be very important!!!!!!!!!! Read below...........


Published this evening on

The simpliied translation is the reason Juventus were relegated and stripped of 2 Scudetti was for 'an exclusive rapport' with the referees designators and referees. This was used to condemn Juve because they could not prove any games were fixed.

Now according to cocksucker Palazzi's report the other club's employees were discovered to have instances of disciplinary breaches but due to time past fall into the statute of limitations and cannot be penalised for them. In this investigation these disciplinary breaches were nearly always contact with referee designators or referees!

Therefore the idiot has all but admitted many clubs had recurring contacts with designators & referees so destroying the argument that Juventus & Mogi did this exclusively!!! So regardless of whether or not these people / clubs can be penalised they have taken away the reason for condemning Juventus!!!

This is what Juventus's legal team should be focusing on when (or if) they get the documents they have asked for urgently.

I hope this is the ray of light we have been waiting for and it would be due to a mistake from the FIGC's lawyer!!!


Illecito generalizzato?

Molte sono state le reazioni alle tre paginette di Palazzi, e tutti i quotidiani (sportivi e non) hanno sguinzagliato i loro campioni del commento sportivo. Le opinioni sono le più disparate, alcune anche bene argomentate, in altri casi si tratta invece di puro delirio.

C'è però un aspetto di importanza fondamentale che nessuno ha evidenziato, e non certo per mancanza di arguzia o capacità professionale. Si tratta di un elemento su cui si fonda tutta Calciopoli: l'illecito strutturale.

L'illecito strutturale è il reato per cui la Juventus è stata mandata in B, e le sono stati tolti due scudetti. In pratica, si tratta di un modo folcloristico per definire la rete di rapporti esclusivi che Moggi avrebbe costruito per condizionare il campionato, che sarebbe stato condizionato in assenza di partite truccate. Insomma, un modo ingegnoso per giustificare una condanna basata sul nulla.

L'esclusività dei rapporti con i vertici arbitrali è un elemento essenziale per la condanna sportiva del 2006. Ora, Palazzi nelle sue tre paginette scritte in un pessimo italiano giuridico dice che per molti tesserati sono state riscontrate delle fattispecie (prescritte e quindi non procedibili) di rilievo disciplinare. Sappiamo che le fattispecie sotto esame altro non sono che le numerosissime telefonate con i designatori, e in alcuni casi con gli arbitri. Senza volerlo, Palazzi ha quindi dimostrato che non esistevano affatto rapporti esclusivi di Moggi con i designatori.

Piaccia o non piaccia, con quelle sue tre paginette Palazzi ha demolito l'illecito strutturale, e di conseguenza tutto il suo lavoro sul caso Calciopoli. I rapporti esclusivi non c'erano, il pilastro su cui si fondano le sentenze del 2006 è crollato, ed a maggior ragione ci attendiamo nel futuro una revisione del processo sportivo.

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Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #11,443
    1) The 200 million bribe comment was taken out of context and poorly reiterated. We were sponsored by telecom and gazetta for more than 200 million months after the 2006 verdict
    2) Why are people surprised? We all knew this was the outcome well before it was announced.
    3) They admitted that Juve has to skip to the beat of a different drum. They made up rules after the fact to convict us in weeks and then used a statute of limitations to relieve other teams (last year the statute would not have taken effect so they waited 1 year and 3 months in order to use this excuse) knowing full well that the calls can now be heard by all...they admitted the set up in my opinion
    4) We are not going to EU courts so stop talking about it. 100% we aren’t going. Let that argument be.
    5) If Moggi goes to Italian courts, EU courts, Never Never Land courts and wins them all...Juventus won’t follow therefore it may serve to clear our name but will not impact the team.


    Senior Member
    Dec 18, 2005
    1) The 200 million bribe comment was taken out of context and poorly reiterated. We were sponsored by telecom and gazetta for more than 200 million months after the 2006 verdict
    2) Why are people surprised? We all knew this was the outcome well before it was announced.
    3) They admitted that Juve has to skip to the beat of a different drum. They made up rules after the fact to convict us in weeks and then used a statute of limitations to relieve other teams (last year the statute would not have taken effect so they waited 1 year and 3 months in order to use this excuse) knowing full well that the calls can now be heard by all...they admitted the set up in my opinion
    4) We are not going to EU courts so stop talking about it. 100% we aren’t going. Let that argument be.
    5) If Moggi goes to Italian courts, EU courts, Never Never Land courts and wins them all...Juventus won’t follow therefore it may serve to clear our name but will not impact the team.
    Exactly what I suspected. They were purposely dragging their feet so they could hide behind some red tape. The alternative would have been shooting themselves in the foot, since the wiretaps clearly eliminate any remaining arguments they had against Moggi (exclusive relationship with league officials).

    The FIGC is so blatantly corrupt I cant help but laugh when reading such things.

    For those who simply want to move on and leave this in the past, what hope do Juve ever have in a league where such corruption happens in the open? This will continue to hurt us until the system is shamed into change. We have already been the victims of scandalous refereeing on numerous occasions in the past few years. FFS look at what the media and league did to Krasic, making him a posterboy for diving, despite there being many examples of clubs getting away with the exact same thing.

    Unless we fight them on these issues they will continue to walk all over us.


    Senior Member
    May 26, 2009
    Good news.


    04.07.2011 11:20 di Massimo Pavan articolo letto 648 volte
    © foto di Federico de Luca

    Attenzione, attenzione da Napoli, Luciano Moggi passa in vantaggio. Potremmo aprire così le comunicazione sul processo Calciopoli. La giornata di oggi segna un' importantissima comunicazione: la settima sezione della Corte di Appello di Napoli (Presidente Di Mauro, Relatore Cappiello, a latere Giudice Acierno) ha rifiutato la richiesta di ricusazione del Giudice di Calciopoli, Teresa Casoria. Decisione importante, se non fondamentale, perchè permette al giudice Casoria di rimanere al proprio posto e di concludere il processo (sentenza attesa a fine settembre). Nel caso fosse stata accolta la recusazione si ripartiva da zero, con annessi e connessi.

    Vince la linea di Luciano Moggi e dei suoi avvocati che sostenevano la correttezza dell'operato del giudice. Questo non vuol dire che ci sarà assoluzione, ma semplicemente che si potrà arrivare a un verdetto in tempi brevi e dopo 5 anni di attesa questo è già un risultato. Questa è una sconfitta importante soprattutto per i pm Narducci (ormai sparito..chissà come mai) e Capuano.

    Le giudici della Corte d'Appello sottolineano che la Casoria è stata in udienza un giudice giusto e senza alcuna animosità nei confronti dei pm,

    Non sappiamo come finirà il processo anche se un'idea ce la siamo fatta ampiamente a differenza di qualche media e opinionista che non ha seguito il processo, tuttavia possiamo candidamente affermare che Luciano Moggi è passato in vantaggio, Per vincere la sua partita ci vuole il raddoppio, i tifosi bianconeri sperano che arrivi con la sentenza.... in quel caso la partita degli scudetti contesi potrebbe clamorosamente riaprirsi.


    They refused the request to replace the judge.


    Junior Member
    Aug 30, 2009
    This is great as now the trial can't be derailed and we will get a verdict by the start of October at the latest! Finally!!!!!

    Imagine if Moggi is completely cleared of all wrong doing it would give Juve the go ahead (if they have the balls) to take the FIGC to court to clear their name...

    I stress.... IF THEY HAVE THE BALLS.....


    Junior Member
    Aug 30, 2009
    There are rumours circulating that no-one wants to take responsibilty either way on the Scudetto which would hand the decision over to Abete... and I am sure he will chicken out as well in that case...

    Which would lead to it being passed on to other bodies... namely CONI or the TAR.... which could lead to a whole new investigation capable of cancelling previous penalisations or creating new ones even those classed as outside of the 'statute of limitations'!!!

    I would love it to happen just to see Moratti's face as he shits his pants!!!


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    Would have been nonsensical taking her out but wouldn't have been surprised they did. Great no I hope for one of the few times there justice is done.


    Senior Member
    Oct 14, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #11,458
    RAMI¹⁰;3125329 said:
    Because it won’t. Pure and simple.

    People keep waiting for the day that the team’s management wakes up and starts fighting. The same guys that ran the show at EXOR in 2006 are still running the show now. Agnelli was allowed to make a minor nuisance of himself by going to the FIGC which only served to appease us but in the event that Inter keep that title I don’t see him going anywhere beyond sport’s justice. CONI is possible but don’t think he’ll take it to the TAR.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003

    In these five years, the Juventus fans have shown great maturity. They accepted with great patience the decisions that led to relegation to Serie B, they have passively accepted a short process, they have seen and heard phone calls. In these five years many initiatives have been created as ju29ro and giùlemanidallajuve. Now it's time for the fans to move, in a civil and organized way, in light of the facts that emerged in the last 5 years that showed how things truly goes in 2006.
    Tuttojuve, website free from pressure, but able to distinguish truth from fiction, totally supports the initiative to
    Tuttojuve asks its readers, players, representatives from the world of sports, entertainment and not to share this difficult challenge: to collect the highest number of accessions (name, surname and identity card).
    Tuttojuve not directed only to the Juventus world, but to all those who think the 2006 title should be awarded only to those who won on the field, or unassigned.
    Tuttojuve collect the membership and between now and July 18 through editors and staff will publish all views that show how the decisions of 2006 were at least hurried and did not see equal treatment for all.

    We therefore send your membership to the site:
    or send an email with name, surname and identity identification at: [email protected]

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