Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (26 Viewers)


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005

You know your info are appreciated by the majority here, and hence, you will post again when your ban expires.

Just don't respond to any provoking, man...


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
and as i far as i know, you don't agree with what he says, right? now that's being objective.
I would say that I agree somebody screwed us over, but I'm not gonna go as far as gsol and state that we were a clean club with a clean Moggi used as the only scapegoat. I'm not sure the extent of our innocence as of yet, so I'm not going to act like I do. Just like the extent of our guilt.

I think that's a good stance for most of us to take.


King of Tuz
Jan 24, 2007

Thanks for all the info you posted. I may not have agreed with other stuff you posted, but this thread a was an eye opener for me. It's great that someone takes the time to inform fellow Juve fans of the shady way in which the trials and accusations came to be.

No matter how much you were bashed you brought up interesting points and backed them up with proof. which is more than anyone could hope for.

Good luck and I hope to see you here again.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
That's not fair, nor sensical. If gsol is banned in such a fashion, then you, me, and most of the forum would have to be banned as well.
So "Juve was innocent, didn't do anything wrong, you either accept that or you are an idiot" make sense? This is all what he added to this forum, you can find his bullshit anywhere you want on Internet. If he discussed anything different than this bullshit, I would tell him give him a chance to be part of this forum's community, no he doesn't want that, he is just like those religious missioners that keep fucking your mind until you surrender and become one of them.

What did gsol add to this forum other than this "Juve is innocent, Moratti is evil"?

Me and you or specially Burke, shouldn't be banned permanently, because we do communicate with others, we are not here for a stupid mission. If gsol does that and express his thoughts with accepting that some will disagree with him, and he can respect that, then I have no problem at all..


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
some posters come here to say, "f___ secco," "we should get diego," "i hate zlatan." they don't add much either do they? at least gsol was giving something to discuss and debate, some just chose to make fun of him and his ideas. just because you don't like what he was writing, doesn't mean it was bullshit.


Senior Member
May 6, 2005
Season so far: 3 ignored penalty, 2 goals ignored and 2 non penalty given against Juventus and 2 non penalty gave to Inter.

Somebody just answer me why today nobody talks about Interscandal or morratipoli?


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
i actually enjoyed reading gsol's posts,just as i like laughing at some of burkes stuff. however i do geta nnoyed at folk continually bitching and arguing, it tiring! i banned them both for a week as i try to not be biased, burke is always walking a tightrope and he understands that

but i tried to get them both to cut it out, i gave them opportunity to ignore each other and they just moved it to another thread. that left em no choice, like i said i could ahve warned each and every post but both would have been banned for 3 weeks atumaticlly then, i actually done them a favour by just giving them a direct 1 week ban.

i hope gsol does return and i hope they both put each other on their ignore list. hopefully that will end the problem


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2005
Until TIM is no longer serie a's main sponsor, this shit will continue to exist. To my knowledge, Barclay's isn't a parent company of any team in the prem. Yet in Italy, such a major conflict of interest is allowed to happen.


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Ya it’s me, you can go ahead and ban this one too. It doesn’t bother me and your threats don’t intimidate me. I was never here for me in the first place so you won’t be doing anything personal to me by deactivating my account since I won’t use it anymore.

I always knew of and avoided forums like this one because I knew what they were and how they were run. I came here when one of your members requested that I come and post the truth about what happened. According to Vimto this site had readers in desperate need of information and asked that I provide it. Initially I refused but I eventually decided to come in temporarily.

When this thread exploded initially it was met with a lot of resistance by members and mods alike. It was demanded that I provide actual legal documents, it was demanded that I provide actual wires, it was demanded that I answer all questions. I did…every time. Now where are those who resisted so much?

They’ve all gone silent claiming that they lost interest in the topic only to later be found in other threads speaking of the triade and what they did in the hopes that I wouldn’t see it. In the meantime whether people want to admit it or not, those open to the info embraced it and learned. Now I see them in countless other websites (even in different languages) fighting and defending the club from those who try and insult it. I’m proud of them.

Those like Jack, Salman, and Denco learned too. They just don’t want to admit that maybe just maybe they didn’t know as much as they though. I firmly believe that if it had been them to find all this info first they would have started the exact same thread I started. Their problem wasn’t with the info, or with me since I did nothing to them. Their problem was that someone made them see how grossly misinformed they had been for a year and a half. It wasn’t even my info people. I just translated it…for you.
What do I get in return? I get banned for reacting to a prick whose sole purpose for being a member is to insult and provoke. Then I read “I was sorry to ban Burke”. All I can do is role my eyes. Don’t cry over banning Burke, I’m sure he’s logged in as we speak in his roommate’s account doing the same shit.

Ya jcazz was me and I never tried hiding it. I was actually going to say it was my temporary account but figured that people would realize it anyway. My tact didn’t change and I wasn’t more mature. The comments I was responding to happened to be intelligent and I agreed with them. It wasn’t the first time.

In any case my job here is done. Everyone knows a lot more and when responding to Anti-Juventini those who did learn will know how to respond. The case may be far from over and there will be plenty to add here with so many appeals set for this year. Those who wish to stay informed can always get updates by emailing [email protected].

For those who supported, thanks. For those who opposed, thanks. Your ramblings and tirades only allowed me more space with which to prove what I and many already know.

Everytime I think I am out he pulls me back in. You think the reason i opposed you is because you got the information before me and that I am jealous?

I dont think i have laughed at a post so much this year. Even for you this is low.

I stopped posting here cos i lost respect for your debating skills. I never actually was interested in what you were posting but how you were arguing and for a while I found it entertaining then i just got bored.

You started by copying and pasting from then I saw a post where you were praising Vimto and Pingo for proving doubting thomases in the light, the same you initially used as gospel.

That is just an example of your inadequacies as a debater, if it favours what you are preaching they are the bible if it does not then its anti juve bla bla bla

After a while I started feeling sorry for those that bought into your sermons as it became your personal crusade to prove yourself right and one of the chosen few that knows about caliocopoli and no more about the innocence of Juventus.

I mean why else would you guys be patting yourself on the back for proving ppl wrong seemingly at

I dont need gazetta or whoever to tell me that things were not quite kosher as I watched matches myself. I saw the whole seasons of a lot of Juventus in the past and used to get amazed as to why so many players of opposition were suspended whenever they met Juventus and played the next week.

I dont care if you and your followers think I am pro Inter or Moratti is my adopted dad, it is nothing to me.

I saw a post here that said a FEW Juventus supporters appealed the decision but you have made it clear in the past that you guys are a lot which I have always doubted.

Since you know for a fact that gazetta dello sport helped in relegating Juventus why is our captain granting them interviews?

I know Alex Ferguson refused violently to speak to BBc for incidents much less than conspiring to relegate his club but if its common knowledge everwhere that we were innocent and framed why are we still talking to them?

Oh yes the new management has done some sort of merger with them its got nothing to do with the fact we are guilty as sin

De Sanctis you said got indicted for fixing parma vs Lecce or something but somehow Parma is still in SerieA and points were not even deducted from them now how is that possible?

When people start talking about illegal wiretaps, to me it means they are trying to get off on a technicality. You bug my phone all you want to but you would not hear me talking to a drug dealer or fixing games. I may be pissed off for you have invaded my privacy but you would not get me on something illegal so that would be the least of my worries.

Nope I am not jealous cos you got all that information first or because you know far more than i do as to who the major players behind the scenes are and you are able to connect the dots to suit you.

I just opposed you because I do not agree at all with you.

Most here are angry with Moratti but the thing that strikes me is that Moratti is not interested in that we got relegated to serieB, he is not satisfied with that he wants us to be stripped of more titles. The question is why..

I find that very interesting cos to me it means he is very passionate in his beliefs that we have been dishonest in the past. The guy believes it in his soul.

If he was satisfied with is being relegated and thats that then I would have been suspicious but hate him or not, he is steadfast in his belief that Inter in the past has been cheated and as dominant as they are now, the guy is still angry.

If you were not so biased it would get you to think


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
We wuz robbed!

Week 19 saw complaints about dodgy refereeing decisions all going in favour of the big clubs, Coaches sent off for dissent who later accused the officials of robbing the game and players calling each other divers. Just one week into the much-feted ‘terzo tempo’ ritual of enforced fair play and hand-shakes, it was abandoned as angry defenders were dragged away hurling abuse and waving unsportsmanlike fingers at referees and opponents in equal measure.

The incident that got the most headlines was of course the most important in the wider picture of this campaign – Inter’s amazing comeback from 2-1 down in the 88th minute to win 3-2. Now much has been said about Fernando Couto’s handling offence and the ever-changing rules about intentional and unintentional fouls. Couto himself admitted the ball glanced against his hand after ricocheting off his head as he went for that clearance.

We have seen such unlucky deflections many times in recent years and generally speaking the referees have waved play on, acknowledging it was an accident and by no means an intentional handball. It could also be argued that Couto did not qualify in this case as it was practically a goal-line clearance in front of an empty net. Fair enough, a penalty is entirely understandable.

What does not square is the red card. Had Couto intentionally stopped a clear scoring opportunity illegally, then that would be the very least he could expect. But as it was evidently an unlucky ricochet and a tough decision to give against Parma in the first place, the dismissal was downright harsh if not frankly ludicrous.

Had the Gialloblu not been reduced to 10 men – eventually nine at the time of the goal thanks to Daniele Dessena’s injury – would Inter have won that match? Would it have been a turning point in the campaign? Perhaps more importantly, would those decisions have been the same if the two teams were reversed? How can the same referee who considered Couto’s accidental handling offence worthy of a penalty not have thought the same about Ivan Cordoba’s blatant shirt-tug on Bernardo Corradi?

Calciopoli may have dug up Luciano Moggi’s rather too hands-on approach to referees, but the fact that officials repeatedly gravitated towards giving a 50-50 decision in favour of the successful sides was news to nobody. It is human nature and it cannot be eradicated from the sport, even with the aid of any number of technological advancements.

Of course Parma weren’t the only ones complaining. Torino felt Adrian Mutu shamefully dived for two penalties, Atalanta were livid after seeing Sergio Floccari’s goal disallowed unjustly and Lucho Figueroa’s stoppage-time winner come from a non-existent corner kick and Juventus – yes, the Bianconeri at the centre of the Calciopoli storm – believed David Trezeguet should have had a spot-kick against Sampdoria.

The award in a hotly contested category of Worst Refereeing Performance of Week 19 must go to Gianluca Rocchi, who managed to infuriate both Napoli and Lazio in their 2-2 draw at the Stadio San Paolo. In a land dominated by suspicion, accusations and conspiracy theories, it is great to see some good old-fashioned incompetence. At last, something we can all agree on.

By Susy Campanale


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2007
Denco u are the man..realy...Go Inter it's your birthday...LOL

"I find that very interesting cos to me it means he is very passionate in his beliefs that we have been dishonest in the past. The guy believes it in his soul."

He was very passionate about 19 years, when he didn't get shit...
And now u are baseing your believes on some one, who is against "your" club...and the statements, that Inter deserve more Scudetti...example the game against LAZIO....BUHAHA...What is Lazio supposed to do, let them win??? Right...LOL

And where was he a year ago, when all of FARSIPOLI "came out", why didn't he spoke whit his ugly mouth then???
O ya, he is saying shit now, when Inter (he) is going to trial...

Today u realy showed (to every1), that you are truly a Juve supporter, follower, a fan, ...U figth for your CLUB (to the death), every1 can see that...Good for u mate...(pinch of sarcasm, if u didn't notice)...

Gsol did post some facts, what did u DO??? O ye NOTHING...It's a real shame...cos you r realy great debater...PEACE i'm out... FORZA INTER...UPS...U all most convict me whit your facts and debateing skills...:lol:


Junior Member
Jan 18, 2006
Denco you make me laugh, after months of hiding from GSOL, you finally found the courage to show your face in that thread again less than 24 hours after GSOL announced he wouldn’t be back.

Save your ridiculous comments, they have been all answered, you’re just saving your face, because he made you his bitch and he’s not more interested in juventuz anymore.

His work is done,

Forza Juve, innocent of match fixing.


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Denco you make me laugh, after months of hiding from GSOL, you finally found the courage to show your face in that thread again less than 24 hours after GSOL announced he wouldn’t be back.

Save your ridiculous comments, they have been all answered, you’re just saving your face, because he made you his bitch and he’s not more interested in juventuz anymore.

His work is done,

Forza Juve, innocent of match fixing.
Firstly he did not mention my name for months and thats why i stayed out of this thread cos its not for people with lateral thinking.

Secondly I dont think its a coincidence that you and pingo seem to work hand in hand with Gsol. Wont surprise me if its 1 person with 3 personalities with Pingo playing the part of the not so bright 1.

I dont argue with fanatics for long and you can say what you like its always about upmanship with you is it not.

Made you his bitch, saving face, Not a juventus fan, Interisti etc

Total extremist and I just saw the pathetically titled gsol vs the world for the first time yesterday and i gotta say there were some terrorist element to your character as well

Anyways this forum has a lot of ppl that preach hatred and all of that so of cos u got your supporters.

For the record most of your co called factual posts, I just ignore and never bothered to read


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2007
Firstly he did not mention my name for months and thats why i stayed out of this thread cos its not for people with lateral thinking.

Secondly I dont think its a coincidence that you and pingo seem to work hand in hand with Gsol. Wont surprise me if its 1 person with 3 personalities with Pingo playing the part of the not so bright 1.

I dont argue with fanatics for long and you can say what you like its always about upmanship with you is it not.

Made you his bitch, saving face, Not a juventus fan, Interisti etc

Total extremist and I just saw the pathetically titled gsol vs the world for the first time yesterday and i gotta say there were some terrorist element to your character as well

Anyways this forum has a lot of ppl that preach hatred and all of that so of cos u got your supporters.

For the record most of your co called factual posts, I just ignore and never bothered to read

Just more personal opinions on your part and insults..guess that makes you great "debater" and great "Juve fan"...:lol: :melayyanandmessi:


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Pingo, Toys r us called they have your barbie doll in stock so go make better use of your time in your pram instead of you usual childish statements.

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