Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (44 Viewers)


Beppe Marotta Is My God
May 26, 2009
Shouldn’t come as a surprise if you read the beginning arguments of this and the now closed thread.

Berlusconi ran the nation as Prime Minister of Italy while owning the team, Galliani ran the league as league president, Tullio Lanese ran the referees as president of AIA (a long time Berlusconi political backer and admitted Milanista), Carraro ran the federation as FIGC president (ex Milan President), the team’s directors owned and ran Mediaset which controlled all of Italy’s television rights for football.
On the other side of town the Inter-Telecom guys were the sponsors of both the league and the federation.

I wrote about that power division back in 2007 and posed the question to all doubters as to how a guy like Moggi with no league control, no referee association control, no political clout, no sponsorship control, and no TV right control could be more powerful than all these elements put together.

People just responded by calling me names.
Inter and Milan corrupting and owning the league and they still couldnt beat us :touched:

Buy on


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
Milan's name pops up over and over.

We know Inter's role in manufacturing Farsopoli but it appears more and more obvious now that Milan were the real power team.
That's why I so hate it when everyone hates on Inter and totally forgetting Peelan. They are just as disgusting, if not even worse because they hid it so well, and always get away with shit. Inter were given the 2006 Scudetto, but Milan won the 2007 CL when they shouldn't have even been there. Both deserve the same amount of hatred AFAIC.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007


Junior Member
Aug 30, 2009
We will have an outcome on the 8th November barring some new evidence being pulled out of a hat. Trofino asked for 30 minutes to finish his closing statement and then one of the Plaintiff lawyers wants to respond to some of Morescanti's comments from this Tuesday's hearing. Then the judge Casoria has stated her and the other 2 judges will go into the closed room to make a verdict.

The only slight strange thing was some commentators noted Trofino almost wanted his speech to be carried over to the 8th by faking a bad back... who knows?

They predict a very quick decision (hopefully because they can see the whole thind is a farce...) and the verdict to be announced that afternoon / evening...

A positive outcome on the 8th, as in a complete absolution of Moggi, Giraudo, Bergamo, De Santis etc. would be the start of the 'Tsunami' as they have been predicting that will change the face of Italian Football.

The sporting consequences of this farce hopefully will have legal ramifications for all those supposed 'untouchable' cunts!


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #14,028
    Giraudo wouldn't be absolved because he isn't on trial yet. He will be appealing later on. You can fully expect the same outcome though because he'd use the same evidence Moggi did.

    Bergamo? If they absolve Bergamo I hope someone guns his wrinkly ass down on the steps on the way out of the courtroom. He's a two faced piece of shit. He was shining everyone in the league on with his lies meanwhile playing footsies with the Milan clubs trying to legitimately give them a hand at our expense.

    Fake Melo

    Ghost Division
    Sep 3, 2010
    Amnesia Baldini
    Lotito ha bacchettato l’appena insediato Baldini alla Roma puntualizzando: «Sull’eliminazione dei biglietti omaggio sono arrivato prima io». Nel suo giorno di applausi, come sono sempre le presentazioni, salvo poi a verificarne i contenuti, Baldini ha parlato della “casta” che lui avrebbe denunciato prima che scoppiasse Calciopoli. Anche in questa occasione non poteva mancare una sua grande bugia, smentita da lui stesso in aula, sotto giuramento. Non la denunciò, organizzò proprio il golpe, come dimostrato dalla famosa telefonata del ribaltone («Io lo farò»). Ora inverte spudoratamente i termini, e dice che quello era solo «cazzeggio» (zero in filosofia, sotto zero come uomo di calcio) e che lui «non lo immaginava, ma lo sperava». Non ha tenuto conto però del controspionaggio che presto lo porterà a frequentare le aule dei tribunali anziché i campi di calcio. Meglio farebbe ad essere più serio di fronte a intercettazioni che sono chiarissime e non possono essere interpretate. Codicillo. Titolo del quotidiano “La stampa” , «Roma, ecco Baldini, il don Chisciotte».


    Senior Member
    Oct 14, 2007
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #14,034
    It’s nothing major. He calls Baldini a liar for having made claims before the trials and then contradicting himself and back peddling all over the place in court. He is only pointing out Baldini’s lack of credibility. We knew all this about him in the GEA trial yet the desperate prosecutors called him to testify anyway in the Naples trial. Morons.


    Senior Member
    May 29, 2005
    It’s nothing major. He calls Baldini a liar for having made claims before the trials and then contradicting himself and back peddling all over the place in court. He is only pointing out Baldini’s lack of credibility. We knew all this about him in the GEA trial yet the desperate prosecutors called him to testify anyway in the Naples trial. Morons.
    I really hope the judges recognize this "back preddling" and "contradicting onesself" like we all have.


    Senior Signor
    Mar 6, 2007
    Yeah, my point :D

    Although apparently he pretends to like Monza now, even though he is from Milan. I guess that is a more acceptable team for a neutral journalist like him :howler:

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