Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (12 Viewers)


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2005
Bergamo-Fazi 28.11.2004
Fazi: Paolo?
Bergamo: Ecco fatto.
Fazi: Allora?
Bergamo: Ci ho parlato.
Fazi: E' andata?
Bergamo: Molto, molto, molto, molto esplicito...
Fazi: Ah, co' Pasquale proprio?
Bergamo: Sì, sì, sì, sì. Ho detto: "Io conto anche sulla tua intelligenza, perché... una telefonata fra me e te", quindi...
Fazi: E lui?
Bergamo: Sappi che se poi non mantieni la discrezione dovuta le conseguenze le paghi te. Dice "No, no, stai tranquillo, ti ringrazio, ho capito...". Boh, vediamo cosa fa. La cosa: non chiara, più che chiara.
Fazi: Più che chiara.
Bergamo: Più che chiara.
Fazi: Sei stato proprio chiaro, chiaro, chiaro.
Bergamo: Più che chiaro. E quindi...
Fazi: Uhm, è andata dai... è andata, io son sicura che farà bene...
Bergamo: Speriamo.
Fazi: Eh, non era per lui questa partita, non c'è niente da fare... infatti, quella non è per nessuno, figurati per lui, dopo tanto tempo... ma ringraziamo Dio ci stanno 'sti 15 punti, però...
Bergamo: Eh ma gliel'ho detto "Hai faticato anni a ritornare lì, cerca di rimanerci"...
Fazi: Il Milan non c'è proprio. Quest'anno la Juve lo scudetto lo vince perché non c'è nessun altro... nessuno! Mamma mia...
Bergamo: Ma sai, il problema sai qual è? Che se stasera perdessero con l'Inter...
Fazi: Mamma mia, che Dio volesse!
Bergamo: ... allora poi si riapre, poi c'è la Coppa dei Campioni, gli impegni, gli infortuni...
Fazi: Ma come fa a perdere con l'Inter, che l'Inter è morta?
Bergamo: Eh... stasera giocano senza Trezeguet e senza Del Piero, cioè questi hanno fatto questo campionato senza il centravanti titolare...
Fazi: Te rendi conto? E stanno a 15 punti dalle papabili...
Bergamo: E sai, questi qui, purtroppo... non c'è niente da fare
Fazi: Ma quelli son bravi, son bravi. Questi, quando copri le fasce, la difesa ce l'hai, Buffon c'è... prima o poi pure Zalayeta la butta dentro
Bergamo: Hai capito?
translate plz


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
I don't know who they are talking about at the beginning of the call, but Bergamo says he is being warned to be discreet or pay the consequences. Both of them understand this clearly.

Then Fazi comments how Juve will win the scudetto because there is no challenger, how everyone else is crap. Bergamo says that you never know, if they lose to Inter...Fazi says she hopes to God that this happens. Bergamo then talks about the ills that may befall Juve yet before the season is over; the Champions League games, injuries etc. Fazi says that Inter are finished and wonders how they could possibly overtake Juve. In the last bit they talk about how Juve are still strong even when they are missing key players.

Basically it looks here as if they would prefer Juventus to lose, which of course goes against the 'Moggi system'. We know by now that Bergamo had these 'friendly' chats to various people, he was juggling several people at the same time, trying to be everyone's friend.


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2010
What happened today in court? I saw the date for a decision is in November. Bergamo was having a long declaration and I am not sure of everything he said, could anyone sum up what was going on? He told long stories of meeting with all of the "innocents" and football people in general, anything in particular?

I also read some other call between him and the Fazi lady, who doesn't seem to talk as a lady at all, especially regarding De Santis. She also said Racalbuto won't make any mistakes that hurt Milan. They say this proves no cupola at all.,+Racalbuto+non+fa+male+al+Milan»

gsol, can you elaborate on these latest hearings? Thanks a lot!


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2010
From what I saw today, judge Casoria said she wants to have some discussion or whatever on the 8th and the decision should come on the 15th November. I didn't see anything regarding the 27th October. Anyways, I am sure gsol will clarify things when he has the time.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #14,008
    The hearings haven’t produced anything new. Just closing arguments until November as far as I know.

    The new Fazi call follows the previous call’s trend which was posted and explained here. Fazi and Bergamo are again discussing referees and how they do not want Juve to win the title. Their hope is that Milan can catch them and that Racalbuto will surely not harm Milan against Reggina in their upcoming match. They also discuss Lazio and how they want to make sure they don’t lose (they were battling for survival that year).

    The reason this is getting a lot of attention is because Moggi’s system depends on Bergamo. The referees have all been absolved anyway (except De Sanctis but that is for Fiorentina and Lazio not us) while Bergamo is still seen as Moggi’s right hand man. These calls with Fazi (not to mention all the others with Facchetti) demonstrate that Bergamo was not helping Moggi at all and preferred that Juventus lose to give Milan a chance to surpass them in the standings. So the Moggi system now basically consists of Moggi, Giraudo and no one else. Who did they corrupt?


    Senior Signor
    Mar 6, 2007
    Milan's name pops up over and over.

    We know Inter's role in manufacturing Farsopoli but it appears more and more obvious now that Milan were the real power team.


    Senior Member
    Oct 14, 2007
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #14,011
    Shouldn’t come as a surprise if you read the beginning arguments of this and the now closed thread.

    Berlusconi ran the nation as Prime Minister of Italy while owning the team, Galliani ran the league as league president, Tullio Lanese ran the referees as president of AIA (a long time Berlusconi political backer and admitted Milanista), Carraro ran the federation as FIGC president (ex Milan President), the team’s directors owned and ran Mediaset which controlled all of Italy’s television rights for football.
    On the other side of town the Inter-Telecom guys were the sponsors of both the league and the federation.

    I wrote about that power division back in 2007 and posed the question to all doubters as to how a guy like Moggi with no league control, no referee association control, no political clout, no sponsorship control, and no TV right control could be more powerful than all these elements put together.

    People just responded by calling me names.


    In Allegri We Trust
    May 23, 2011
    Shouldn’t come as a surprise if you read the beginning arguments of this and the now closed thread.

    Berlusconi ran the nation as Prime Minister of Italy while owning the team, Galliani ran the league as league president, Tullio Lanese ran the referees as president of AIA (a long time Berlusconi political backer and admitted Milanista), Carraro ran the federation as FIGC president (ex Milan President), the team’s directors owned and ran Mediaset which controlled all of Italy’s television rights for football.
    On the other side of town the Inter-Telecom guys were the sponsors of both the league and the federation.

    I wrote about that power division back in 2007 and posed the question to all doubters as to how a guy like Moggi with no league control, no referee association control, no political clout, no sponsorship control, and no TV right control could be more powerful than all these elements put together.

    People just responded by calling me names.
    People were ignorant.


    In Allegri We Trust
    May 23, 2011
    I remember while i was reading tihs thread a guy named Denko who thought to know it all and alot of guys were sure Juve was cheating even when Gsol provided evidence that they didn't
    That guy was a bloody idiot.
    Aren't they, still?

    Yours sincerely,
    Not as much as before. When I've read first 30 pages of this thead I was so mad and sad at the same time. Right now you can't find comments like those here. I have never believed in all those bullshit against us. I have many italian friends who informed me on a daily basis through msn about things which happened and are still happening not just in sports but in politics, economy...


    Jul 11, 2006
    Not as much as before. When I've read first 30 pages of this thead I was so mad and sad at the same time. Right now you can't find comments like those here. I have never believed in all those bullshit against us. I have many italian friends who informed me on a daily basis through msn about things which happened and are still happening not just in sports but in politics, economy...
    I was talking talking about the first pages too.

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