calcio, is it really boring?? (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
May 20, 2003
we say milan derby, it was boring match
very few chances to score, even the goal was stupid
nothing intersting on the strongest derby on earth...

anyway, we like italian clubs maybe most, thats for me at least,
but i always keep asking myself,
is it still the strongest and better football ?

well, i think italian mintality now think only how to win
not how to enjoy, they could do that, they bring cups
but they only win with 1 or 2 goals as maximum ...

english clubs is not strong as iatlian, and they lack tactics
but u enjoy seeing the games, everygame is like a final
its hardly when u can see a mach finish 0-0...

then come spanish, they try to mix between the strong tactics which
the italian r the best in , and nice football like english, i think the won.
still not strong tactics as italian, but cuz of the good mix they made
they win more than anyone, and we enjoy seeing them. cuz we feel
we really watch football, not only result..

best player in the world runawau from italian cuz the know
their end will be their, cuz the italian players, take the football or the leg.

so i think its time to change and bring the italian football the name
which was lost long time ago for the spanish
and dont tell me the spanish better cuz of the media made them like tha
they play better football..
and we all can see the results,

Buy on
Sep 14, 2003
There are boring games in every league. In England, in Spain, in Germany, of course alot of Serie A games are quite boring.


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
Roma - Lazio is never boring. Best Derby on earth!
Then Juve - Roma is funny. And a lot more.


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
The Milan Derby was boring? Wow what a load of BS.
I thought it was pretty entertaining myself.

If you can only be entertained by open and attacking football, then you're missing out on the variety that the beautiful game can offer. I would even go so far as to question that one of the hemispheres of your brain might be damaged, because that's such a one-dimensional way to only appreciate the game.


May 11, 2004
It might be boring for some people who do not understand what is going on, come one we are talking football that no one KNOWS how to play except the Italians,


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
The Milan Derby was boring? Wow what a load of BS.
Why is it hard for you to accept that different things are entertaining/borring to different people?

Why not answer the title of the thread and explain WHY you find it NOT BORRING?

you advocate being respectful Andy. Practice it.


Chickenegro no funny
Jan 14, 2005
tis boring. Not always but a majority of the time.

The big teams are fun the watch, anything below 7th place is not very stimulating.


Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
Nov 1, 2004
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++

I thought it was pretty entertaining myself.

If you can only be entertained by open and attacking football, then you're missing out on the variety that the beautiful game can offer. I would even go so far as to question that one of the hemispheres of your brain might be damaged, because that's such a one-dimensional way to only appreciate the game.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

Why is it hard for you to accept that different things are entertaining/borring to different people?

Why not answer the title of the thread and explain WHY you find it NOT BORRING?

you advocate being respectful Andy. Practice it.
Thanks for the impromptu lecture, dad.

The Milan Derby was fast paced, and more attacking than usual. Just the atmosphere and knowing whats at stake is very exciting, and I think anybody who appreciates and watches calcio would feel the same way about the Derby. Maybe I am wrong, but the match yesterday was not boring at all. Perhaps it was not the best match of the weekend, but it was still a good match nonetheless.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++

I thought it was pretty entertaining myself.

If you can only be entertained by open and attacking football, then you're missing out on the variety that the beautiful game can offer. I would even go so far as to question that one of the hemispheres of your brain might be damaged, because that's such a one-dimensional way to only appreciate the game.
Thank you, someone who knows what he's talking about. If your brain can only handle fast paced, haphazard action, not being able to savor your football, then I suppose you fall into the EPL lot.


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
I enjoy watching many teams in the Serie A play. Inter, Milan, Juve, Roma, Viola, Lecce, Udinese. Used to enjoy watching: Parma, Lazio.

BTW, when will Torino be back in Serie A? man I want a Juve-derby!!!


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
I found the Derby very exciting fact i would watch a brescia-atalanta game anyday instead of the la liga and epl Andy said u have to know whats at stake to understand and savor the match. u dont have to see attacking football to be entertained...defensive football could also be entertaining if u know what they are doing on the pitch

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