Boumsong vs Zebina (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
to MODS (I really would want to make this into a pole so if it is possible please move this into the Pole section with the following options Boumsong, Zebina, Favalli, Stam and the question who should we have got for free)

I still can't comprehend who Boumsong ended up in a veteran dump like the Scottish team and in a team like Rangers
one of the worlds 10 most promising defenders signs for free to Rangers

while Juve sign Zebina...

How many here consider
Zebina a better players then Boumsong??....
He is certainly not a more promising...

How did all the manager clubs manage to elude this signing great Signing.

Personally I would be thrilled about getting Boumsong instead of Zebina...
for free

Buy on
May 4, 2004
wow Boumsong was free.. omg... why dident u tell moggi that, ;) maybe he dident know, like me....

btw, stam was not free, milan pay'd 7.5 MILLION PUNDS,, crazy ass'es.!

and i think thats its fine that we got zebina..

Forza Zebina!


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
boumsong is an obviously better option compared to zebina and if we had gotten him he'd have been another ace in our deck in the race for mexes.

that said,he'd be a good player on his own,mexes or otherwise.zebina's mediocre.apparently moggi thinks otherwise.

however, we shouldn't be expecting him to sign every other decent free agent.i'm sure he has his reasons for not signing jean-alain and there is no shortage of alternatives.


Junior Member
Apr 24, 2003
Just to let you in on a little secret

Boumsong has been selected in the France Euro 2004 and MExesb has not

this is very shocking...


Junior Member
Apr 24, 2003
Didn't really manage to develop my standpoint on Boumsong but its still strange really strange that he goes to league like the scottish

I mean here you have one of the most promising defenders in the world choosing to play for a league

where players usually go after they have
A) Played regualry in Dutch/Belgium league but failed to be good enough to ever attract interest from the Big Leagues in Europe. (Michael Mols)
B) Players who have been bought to the big leagues and then have totally failed to make an impression on the game (Ronald De Boer).

These players choose the Scottish League or the 2 Glasgow club bECAUSE of the upside they get to make more money in their old clubs (A) or that they get to play regular and become stars (B)..

all these players are usually +26 when coming to scotland because of the downside which is...
Bad opposition (which doesn't develop the players)
And serious risks of long term injuries the ratio to foreigners that break a bone in the Scottish league must be like 80%.

Therefor the reason a promising defender like Boumsong chooses Rangers looks all more astonishing this is even more shocking then if
Celtic would land Mateja Kezman as their replacement for Henrik Larsson (which btw would be the perfect replacement).

Now in Real Life Celtic would probably try for Allan Smith and Robbie Keane but even SMith is wise enough not to choose the Scottish League

I think it is a real shame Juve or Valencia didn't land this player...
he must have a pretty dumb and short sighted agent....



Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
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    ok forget about Stam don't know why I mentioned him

    how about that poll now??

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    and why?

    im assuming zebina was a spur of the moment purchase. how can a GM get a player when there isnt a coach around?

    unless moggi's gonna use him as a masseur or a receptionist or a secretary or something.
    Aug 1, 2003
    you never know with moggi. Boumsong is a good player, but I've seen him only on occassions so my judgment isn't really reliable... but anyways I prefer Zebina because he's been exposed to Serie A and CL and the likes of it all. Going to Juventus shouldn't give him a big problem in terms of changes and adaptation


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    boumsong will win many trophies for rangers, get to play in europe and play as the premier defender for the club....something that may be high on his list.


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    boumsong would have been better, but shit happens. mexes not makingthe french national team is a joke.

    anyway, lets just hope that squillaci at least signs for us.

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