Berlin - "Every match has to have a winner." FIFA chief Joseph Blatter launched a new plan of his today via German press bureau SID to improve football: no more draws.
"We shouldn't leave the stadium when a match finished in a draw, if you play a game, you win or loose. Why should football be any different? We have to have the guts to force a decision!"
Blatter proposes a penalty kick series after 90 minutes to force a decision in a match that ended in a draw. The winner of the penalty kick series will get an extra point next to the point earned in the draw (two points in total) while the losing team keeps that one point. The Swiss chief of FIFA said he's open to changes in the plan.
Source: Voetbal International
Translation by Erik
Ludicrous. I already have a problem with penalty kicks after 120 minutes because I feel they aren't part of football AT ALL but this is just insane!!
Berlin - "Every match has to have a winner." FIFA chief Joseph Blatter launched a new plan of his today via German press bureau SID to improve football: no more draws.
"We shouldn't leave the stadium when a match finished in a draw, if you play a game, you win or loose. Why should football be any different? We have to have the guts to force a decision!"
Blatter proposes a penalty kick series after 90 minutes to force a decision in a match that ended in a draw. The winner of the penalty kick series will get an extra point next to the point earned in the draw (two points in total) while the losing team keeps that one point. The Swiss chief of FIFA said he's open to changes in the plan.
Source: Voetbal International
Translation by Erik
Ludicrous. I already have a problem with penalty kicks after 120 minutes because I feel they aren't part of football AT ALL but this is just insane!!