Blasi tested positive?! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
Swedish sources tells me that the loaned out Emmanuel Blasi has been tested positive for nandrolon. The test was made after Parma-Perugia the 14th september this year.

The A-Test has not been made yet, so we'll have to wait some time for the final result.

No matter if he was doped or not it will damage italian football. It is perfect timing. Just when most of the people had forgotten about the previous cases this brings it all up to the surface again.

Buy on


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Blasi fails drug test Wednesday 15 October, 2003


Parma midfielder Manuele Blasi could face a lengthy ban after he failed a random drug test.

The former Italian Under-21 international has tested positive for the anabolic steroid norandrosterone.

Blasi was selected to have the test after the September 14 League game against Perugia.

"It seems quite strange," said Parma director general Patrick Nebiolo. "We will now talk to the player and see what action to take.

"We often carry out our own tests on players by examining urine, blood and hair samples. Blasi has never tested positive in any of those.

"The player doesn’t take any kind of medication and is under constant control from us over what he takes.

"We will definitely ask for a second test to be carried out. We have to first and foremost protect our own interests."

The youngster’s failure has been reported to the Italian Olympic Committee who will deal with the case once a second sample has been examined.

The news comes as a big blow to the Tardini outfit who only signed the former Perugia player on loan this summer from Juventus.

This is the first positive test in Italian football since a spate of cases two years ago when numerous players tested positive for nandrolone.

Most of those involved received four to six month bans, but Blasi could be handed a two-year suspension.


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
Too bad for the dumb bastard, I heard he was doing quite good...

This sucks for us, for Parma and for Manuele.

I can't really believe that this has had anything to with us anyhow, and I think most people with an unbiased view will see that. What has Blasi ever directly had to do with us except posing in our shirt once?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
I hope that this initial test is incorrect and that Blasi is clean. I really feel sorry for the kid :down:


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
nandrolon is quite common in nutritional supplements.

Unfortunately, it is hardly ever listed on the ingredients.

There were a couple of National Football League players here in the US who were banned from the league for 4 weeks because they found that substance. They did further tests on the suppllement and they found nandrolon in the product, and those two players are currently suing that manufacturer for failing to disclose that info.

Let's not jump to conclusions regarding Emmanuel.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
If this is the truth, I dont feel sorry for him at all.


Can anyone explain me one thing please?

Who exactly is resposible for facts, that a player took some doping? Is it out if control for club doctors, or in another way: doctors are responsible?
So doctors dont know what players take or players dont know, what they get from doctors?

Just a question :)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++

Well, you know what I mean.

Is it Norandrosterone or Nandrolon??
You cannot actually test for nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin) , so you test for a substance that indicates use of external nandrolone.

As such you test for a nandrlone metabolite called 19-norandrosterone which exits the body in urine and so makes testing very simple.
2 ng per ml of urine is the legal limit set by the IOC.
Contrary to most reports this is a very fair limit as most positive tests ae in excess of 100 times that limit.

The differences between nandrolone and 19-norandrosterone consist of a reduction of a double bond to a single bond accompanied by a reduction of a carbonyl to a hydroxyl group in the first ring, and an oxidation of a hydroxyl sidegroup to a carbonyl in the fourth ring

Hope that helps


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
ahhh... it's times when i understand things like that, that i appreciate learning chemistry in high school ;)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Ahh... its time when i dont understand any of those word.....and i remember my failing grades in chemistry in high school :down:


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
I remember the Nandrolone cases 2 years ago .. Del Piero said that the players were confused on what to take as supliments for matches or even eat at home fearing that those substances could contain nandrolone .. he said that they were even scared of drinking water !!
Aug 1, 2003
hell, some parma fans took this as an advantage to accuse juve players who are on dope. its disgusting.

i hope blasi is clean, but its too bad i dont understand anything bout all these things as i will only learn chemistry next year..

btw, what happened to the del piero trial ? never really updated me bout it

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
btw, what happened to the del piero trial ? never really updated me bout it
they're having the trial in the december break, right now they're doing more test collecting evidence..sources say that they've got evidence strong enuff to nail him :undecide:


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