Bitter Gallas calls Italy 'cheats' (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2003
Akerman said:
Everyone here should agree on that Materazzi is still a douchebag.
Materazzi is, and always will be, a douche bag. I'm surprised I haven't put that in my sig yet.

But even if his gameplan all along was to take out Zidane by any means necessary, I'm kind of confused as to why it took 110 minutes to do that.


The Guv'nor
Jun 12, 2005
Im totally against racism seb but what ZZ did was totally uncalled for. They are both in the wrong. More so ZZ as the whole world saw what he did and not what they heard matrix said. Lets leave it there and back to the Henry DIVE. I'll still keep saying the boy dived. LOL.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
swag said:
Materazzi is, and always will be, a douche bag. I'm surprised I haven't put that in my sig yet.

But even if his gameplan all along was to take out Zidane by any means necessary, I'm kind of confused as to why it took 110 minutes to do that.
Greg, you are right on both counts.

Matrix is a douche bag, and if he said something that was racially intolerant, then he should face a heavy penalty.

However, that does not exonerate Zidane in any way. He's been through this before, this isn't some young kid playing in his first world cup. I'm not defending Matrix in any way, but yes, Zidane should absolutely know better than that, and what he did was just as inexcusable.

If Italy really wanted to get under his skin, then that was something that they should have done long before there were 10 minutes left in the match, so that has me wondering whether or not the trash talk going back and forth was as serious as it seems.

And Burke, enough with the "wopper" comments. If you don't know what it means, then quit it. Even if you do, that is highly insulting to Italian immigrants.

And Seb, you seem extremely angry that Italy won the World Cup. Fine, let it out if it makes you feel better, but you are NOT going to ruin it for the rest of us who have waited 24 years for this to happen


The Guv'nor
Jun 12, 2005
Sergio said:
Greg, you are right on both counts.

Matrix is a douche bag, and if he said something that was racially intolerant, then he should face a heavy penalty.

However, that does not exonerate Zidane in any way. He's been through this before, this isn't some young kid playing in his first world cup. I'm not defending Matrix in any way, but yes, Zidane should absolutely know better than that, and what he did was just as inexcusable.

If Italy really wanted to get under his skin, then that was something that they should have done long before there were 10 minutes left in the match, so that has me wondering whether or not the trash talk going back and forth was as serious as it seems.

And Burke, enough with the "wopper" comments. If you don't know what it means, then quit it. Even if you do, that is highly insulting to Italian immigrants.

And Seb, you seem extremely angry that Italy won the World Cup. Fine, let it out if it makes you feel better, but you are NOT going to ruin it for the rest of us who have waited 24 years for this to happen

Good post! :agree:


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Moggi D'Messiah said:
Im totally against racism seb but what ZZ did was totally uncalled for. They are both in the wrong. More so ZZ as the whole world saw what he did and not what they heard matrix said. Lets leave it there and back to the Henry DIVE. I'll still keep saying the boy dived. LOL.

I'm pretty sure no one in the world thinks ZZ did the right thing, my point is just that Materazzi is as much of an asshole, and he more or less is responsible for the incident.

Henry dove, in terms of making it look worse, but it was a foul either way anyways.


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Sergio said:
And Seb, you seem extremely angry that Italy won the World Cup. Fine, let it out if it makes you feel better, but you are NOT going to ruin it for the rest of us who have waited 24 years for this to happen
Go ahead, party, it doesn't take someone as bright as you to figure out that you can just ignore my negative remarks.

All I'm doing is answering those who somehow feel that Zidane is a disgrace to the history of football and want to crown materazzi as the holy angel that saved italy. I hate materazzi much more than i hate italy. The guy does not belong on a football pitch.

It's not like I "lost". I don't support france. Both my teams have never won the world cup in the history of the tournament, I merely feel that France deserved it much more, and I hope that #23 douche bag gets what he has deserved for the last 10 years.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Sir Sebastian said:
Go ahead, party, it doesn't take someone as bright as you to figure out that you can just ignore my negative remarks.

All I'm doing is answering those who somehow feel that Zidane is a disgrace to the history of football and want to crown materazzi as the holy angel that saved italy. I hate materazzi much more than i hate italy. The guy does not belong on a football pitch.

It's not like I "lost". I don't support france. Both my teams have never won the world cup in the history of the tournament, I merely feel that France deserved it much more, and I hope that #23 douche bag gets what he has deserved for the last 10 years.
I don't disagree with you in regards towards the hatred for Materazzi. I was never, and still am not, a fan of his

And I personally don't agree with you in saying that France "deserved" it much more. There was a lot more on the minds of the Italian squad with events going into, and during this tournament that would sap the life out of lesser squads. France didn't have nearly the amount of off-the-field distractions that Italy did,and quite honestly, Italy didn't have to depend on two dubious penalty calls in order to score their last two goals of the tournament. One being an absolute joke of a call, that being the one called last night.


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Moggi D'Messiah said:
Do you intend to disprove that statement or do you feel "Nope! :disagree: " is a satisfactory explanation for why France more or less had the ball for the entire match??


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Sir Sebastian said:
Do you intend to disprove that statement or do you feel "Nope! :disagree: " is a satisfactory explanation for why France more or less had the ball for the entire match??

That's all well and good that they had the ball for the majority of the match, but if you don't DO anything with it, save for a couple of chances, then what's the point??

If the World Cup was based solely on amount of Ball Posession, Portugal would be the champions right now


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Sergio said:
I don't disagree with you in regards towards the hatred for Materazzi. I was never, and still am not, a fan of his

And I personally don't agree with you in saying that France "deserved" it much more. There was a lot more on the minds of the Italian squad with events going into, and during this tournament that would sap the life out of lesser squads. France didn't have nearly the amount of off-the-field distractions that Italy did,and quite honestly, Italy didn't have to depend on two dubious penalty calls in order to score their last two goals of the tournament. One being an absolute joke of a call, that being the one called last night.

France didn't neccesarily "get away"with that penalty, seeing as Zambrotta hacked down Henry in the box (100% penalty) and what went unnoticed. That being said, the first was not a penalty, I'll give you that.

Yes italy "came through" their hard times and pressure, but personally I don't think teams deserve tropheys because of what they had to overcome, they deserve them because of how they play the game. If that were the case, then why not say some kid in Africa with 1 leg deserves the cup? I realize that's a ridiculous analogy, but the point is, in my opinion, France played much better football, and fully deserved the victory over a team that went into the game waiting for a few corner kicks on their way to go to penalties.

It's sad to say, but Italy played like Juve has lately, and I hope Deschamps brings us out of this crap.

Congratulations on your win, but Zidane will always remain a champion of the sport, and Materazzi will remain a respect-less cunt.


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Sergio said:
That's all well and good that they had the ball for the majority of the match, but if you don't DO anything with it, save for a couple of chances, then what's the point??

If the World Cup was based solely on amount of Ball Posession, Portugal would be the champions right now
The point is they DID do something with it. Ribery got right through on goal, as well as Zidane's header, and several other good goalscoring opportunities. If france didn't create anything, then why do you all rate Buffon so highly? He obviously earned that title as king of the tournament, and it definitely wasn't from saving 45 yard materazzi own-goal lobs.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Sir Sebastian said:
France didn't neccesarily "get away"with that penalty, seeing as Zambrotta hacked down Henry in the box (100% penalty) and what went unnoticed. That being said, the first was not a penalty, I'll give you that.

Yes italy "came through" their hard times and pressure, but personally I don't think teams deserve tropheys because of what they had to overcome, they deserve them because of how they play the game. If that were the case, then why not say some kid in Africa with 1 leg deserves the cup? I realize that's a ridiculous analogy, but the point is, in my opinion, France played much better football, and fully deserved the victory over a team that went into the game waiting for a few corner kicks on their way to go to penalties.

It's sad to say, but Italy played like Juve has lately, and I hope Deschamps brings us out of this crap.

Congratulations on your win, but Zidane will always remain a champion of the sport, and Materazzi will remain a respect-less cunt.

Yeah, that was a pretty crappy analogy :D.

I'm not disagreeing with you on your statement RE: Zidane/Materrazzi, by the way


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Sergio said:
Yeah, that was a pretty crappy analogy :D.

I'm not disagreeing with you on your statement RE: Zidane/Materrazzi, by the way

I know you aren't, but 90% of the forum is.

The analogy....well it made sense to me :p


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Personally, I don't buy into this "good" righteous side and downright "dirty" team, despite the certain media's best effort to portray certain teams in certain manner.
Ultimatelyall players' desire, at the end of match, is to win. Winning is purest feeling in the world, which requires no explanation. Cheating is just one way of acheing this ultimate aim.
I am not here to condone Materazzi's racial slur, if indeed it is true, nor cheating in general. However, one has to be downright hypocryte to have higher moral ground since all players must have cheated at least once in their lifetime.
To me the most important theme of the match, tournament and the infamous incident all ultimately comes down to desire to win.
Man of Zizou's experience knows and had plenty of time to realize that such repulsive action is to get penalized in straight red. There is no doubt in my mind Zidane's headbutt is intentional and it wasn't just an impulsive action.
Zidane should look at himself in the mirrow and feel sorry for the teammates and nation in general. Although we will never know whether France would have won had Zizou stayed on the field, there is no doubting that his action had massive negative impact on the French and might have costed them the World Cup.
The sight of great Lillian Thuram crying his eyes out, to me, was almost heartbreaking in spite of the joy I felt for the bianconeri's playing for the Azzurri.
For all I know, Thuram desire to win the match was second to none, while Zizou's decided to save whatever dignity left in himself instead of the game. Would Zizou have responded in a same manner if he hadnt won all the trophies before? I doubt it.
As for the Italian - Man they wanted to win this thing!
With turmoil backhome, and sucidal attempt of their beloved friend, the Azzurri wanted this more than anyone else. Sure playing for home country, and trying to fulfill one's dream should motivate any players participating in the tournament but Azzurri had more concrete reasons to care about and for this reason I think their concentration was the strongest.
If Matrix did make racists comment then I believe he should serve a lenghty ban to make an example to show that racisim has no place in football.
However, France got nobody but to blame themselves because ultimately it came down to who wanted the more - This time they found out the opposition just had more to care about to their costs.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
The only reason why France even reached the final was because of Zidane, and while they could have had the better run of play for parts of the match, Italy still deserves their win as far as I'm concerned.

Afterall, they only conceded two goals through the entire tournament and advanced first out of the most difficult group, while France almost did not even get out of their's. Well deserved if you ask me.

Gallas is just a bitter loser and Materazzi is still a classless fuck.


Sep 23, 2003
Sir Sebastian said:
The rules state nothing about how "harsh" a foul must be. If he is tripped, it is a penalty. It doesnt matter if he makes it look worst, he WAS tripped. End of story.
Unfortunately fouls aren't black and white. They're all a question of interpretation and severity.

Here's where I take the other side, Seb. In a match as important as an elimination round WC match or a final, a ref should know better than to allow subtle calls to change the whole dynamic of a match rather than letting the players play. Everyone loses in those circumstances, IMO, and France was fuelled in their last two matches on weak PK scenarios as a substitute excuse for really earning a goal. (Oddly, I thought Zambro's hack-down was worthy of a PK, but not the former.)

Refs can call incidental contact if they like. But it takes the game away from the players in over-reactive situations.


Sep 23, 2003
Sergio said:
That's all well and good that they had the ball for the majority of the match, but if you don't DO anything with it, save for a couple of chances, then what's the point??

If the World Cup was based solely on amount of Ball Posession, Portugal would be the champions right now
3 - 6 - 4!

3 - 6 - 4!

Woo hoo! A World Cup record! :p


Junior Member
Nov 20, 2005
Sir Sebastian said:
So racism isn't ok against you, but it is ok against Zidane. Yes this makes alot of sense Italia.
Buddy, who said its ok against Zidane? I never said anything about it being ok to be racist or call someone a terrorist. And who even knows what Materazzi even said for all you know he coulda said I was pounding your mother yesterday, so dont tell me about Zidane being racially abused until its proven, and dont come to these conclusions cuz all your doing is assuming and making yourself look dumb. And for another thing, if you dont like Italy why do you like Juventus, they are an italian team, if you dont like Italy go watch the French League or EPL. And you wanna talk about double standards and bout the "The Nigga" title you had going on...i believe your white, so just shut up, mind your own business and dont speak unless you have something smart or beneficial to say.

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