BIG Manifestation coming up(Juve, July 1st) (3 Viewers)

Senior Member
Apr 23, 2003
ZAF3000 said:
The problem with collecting money is the honesty behind it.. You cannot expect people to just donate money into an account without having assured measures that this money will go to Juve. This is why I said something official has to be made. There must be some how a way to donate money right into the Juve bank account.. The other way is celebrity comes out who is widely trusted by all juventini makes an online donation box for Juve and goes public with it. This way people wont feel that its a fraud.

The other way as I mention is that you go a buy juve stocks. If you are not looking in making profit buy selling them in higher prices you will have nothing to lose.
You are right.

And the others ppl seem not interested with this idea.
We should look for another idea or someone who can help us.
But I am very interested in buying Juve stock.


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2005
#84 said:
But I am very interested in buying Juve stock.
This could be actually a good business move because if Juve stays in Serie A the stock will rise again and you'll make good profit. Even if Juve are demoted to Serie B I believe we can rise again to the top and buying would be therefore correct. Of course it'd take years to actually get profit.

Although you would need a lot of stock to actually make significant money and I don't think any of us here have that kind of money to invest. I could be wrong though, who knows if for example Stamos is a juventino? :p

Senior Member
Apr 23, 2003
jussiut said:
This could be actually a good business move because if Juve stays in Serie A the stock will rise again and you'll make good profit. Even if Juve are demoted to Serie B I believe we can rise again to the top and buying would be therefore correct. Of course it'd take years to actually get profit.

Although you would need a lot of stock to actually make significant money and I don't think any of us here have that kind of money to invest. I could be wrong though, who knows if for example Stamos is a juventino? :p
You are right.
Even Juve go down to Seri-B, at the end Juve surely will go back in Seri-A.
So for the long time objective, this is a very good time to us (juve fans) to buy Juve stock, to own some part of our beloved club, and also to gain benefit from it.

This is just perfect! The problem is who can manage all these things??


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2005
#86 said:
You are right.
Even Juve go down to Seri-B, at the end Juve surely will go back in Seri-A.
So for the long time objective, this is a very good time to us (juve fans) to buy Juve stock, to own some part of our beloved club, and also to gain benefit from it.

This is just perfect! The problem is who can manage all these things??
Well, Juve's stock is sold at Milan's stock exchange I believe so if anyone wants to buy stock the only way would be to contact a local investment bank and get them to help you. That of course takes money, time and effort.


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2006
this is the last news about the manifestation of juve supporters

it is saying franco the supporters president will meet with pessotto and secco and discuss how to make the manifistation

and it is saying it will come in the coming days

maybe if any one live italy can tell more about this

Juve: capi ultras organizzano una manifestazione
Nei prossimi giorni incontreranno il ds Secco

Immagini dalla Curva Scirea
Forum Qui Juve
Speciale Crisi Calcio
Nei prossimi giorni i capi ultras della curva Scirea incontreranno i nuovi dirigenti della Juventus, il direttore sportivo Alessio Secco e il team manager
Gianluca Pessotto, mentre stanno preparando la manifestazione «a sostegno della squadra» la cui data non è stata ancora fissata.

«Il nostro appoggio ai colori bianconeri e alla squadra è fuori discussione - afferma Franco Giorno, uno degli storici capi ultras della curva Scirea - al contrario di quanto ho letto oggi su un quotidiano, non siamo affatto sul piede di guerra, nè con la società, nè con l'allenatore. Capello, Buffon, altri giocatori facciano quello che credono, noi resteremo sempre fedeli alla Juventus, anche se ci sbatteranno in B o in C1».

«Quello che è successo ci ha addolorato - continua Giorno - ma la squadra non c'entra e siamo pronti a scendere in piazza per una grande manifestazione, ordinata e pacifica, per dimostrare il nostro attaccamento ai colori bianconeri. La data e le modalità dell'iniziativa, che si terrà a Torino, le decideremo nei prossimi giorni, dopo l'incontro con Secco e Pessotto di tutti i rappresentanti della curva».


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #89
    Saturday, July 1st

    Be there(if you can) at 12 pm

    Piazza Caio Mario - TORINO

    Manifestation starts at 1pm


    The Maestro
    Aug 20, 2005
    Juve fans take to streets

    Juventus fans will march through the streets of Turin next month in order to underline their allegiance to the scandal-hit club.

    The Old Lady, arguably the greatest in the history of Italian football, are going through a dark period after being drawn into the centre of the Calciopoli scandal.

    But even with the very real threat of going from Serie A champions to Serie B in the space of just a few months, the Bianconeri faithful are staying close to their footballing creed.

    “The time has arrived for us to take to the streets and show ourselves to be even prouder to be a Juventus fan,” read an official fan club statement.

    “There are no sentences, penalties or relegations that can take away our belief,” it continued.

    “Therefore, in this difficult and delicate time for our Juventus, we have decided to march, not against anyone, but to simply stay compact and tell the whole of Italy that we are Juventus.”

    The manifestation will take place on July 1 and will begin at the Piazzale Carlo Mario with a midday start.

    It is set to conclude, some hours later, outside of the club’s headquarters in Corso Galileo Ferraris.

    It’s believed that fan groups have invited numerous famous Juventus supporters to join them through the streets of the city.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #98
    If you can't be there you can just put on your Juve jersey. That's what I'll do.

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