Best film score (6 Viewers)


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
Hans Zimmer's "The Lion King". Nothing comes close to the 4 instrumental tracks in the album (there are a few exceptions) and it was enough to guarantee him an oscar.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Good choices, I will add a new movie I just saw. Atonement. The type writer music score in this flick is ridicolously good. Really, should hear it.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
What is your favourite film score?

I'll start with the ultimate, ground setting,
Favourite or best? There's a big difference! Psycho's famous for that incredible aural stabbing. Is there more to the soundtrack?

Batman Begins/Dark Knight.

Brilliant stuff by Zimmer.
Very effective. The joker's theme in particular has a remarkable menace to it, and the way Harvey's theme gets warped as he does is nicely done. A friend of mine criticised the main Batman score as 'forever building to a crechendo that never comes' or something like that.

Once Upon A Time In America

Once Upon A Time In The West
I really want to see OUaPiA. I never seem to find it in stores. Amazon to the rescue... :)

I had a long discussion with Martin about the OUaTitW score. I think it's a real gem.

The Good,the bad,the ugly soundtrack by Ennio Morricone
This too!

Star Wars Trilogy
Best film score? A serious contender has to be the Qatsi trilogy. (Star Wars trilogy!? C'mon, Dru! :p)

None of the movies would work, let alone exist, without it. But if I had to pick one, I'd take Powaqqatsi.
Imagine Star Wars without that bombastic score? It'd suck. The film depends on the score to play the audience. It's hardly the best score ever, but if he just means it's his favourite, sure, why not?

Requiem for a Dream - Clint Mansell
Virgin Suicides - Air
Marie Antoinette - V.A.
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain
Goodbye Lenin - Both Yann Tiersen
Berlin Calling - Paul Kalkbrenner
Requiem for a Dream has a hell of a soundtrack. A little repetitive, but one of the most distinctive things I've heard in a long time. I've never seen the film, but I understand it's quite effective as a score too.

The others I haven't seen either.

Exorcist: tubular bells
A friend of mine has the entire tubular bells album, and 'treated' a group of us to it on a long car journey to a football match. It's not awful. It's used very well in the movie though.

Someone should also mention the Gladiator, great film, with great/epic score...
Yes it is.

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