Buffon is one of the, if not the best goal keeper in the world, so i seriously doubt if his flat footedness, in some games will dishearten his team
If as a defender ,you are not confident that Buffon is behind you ,then you do not need to be there ,and with the amount of times Buffon saved our hide last season its a little sad to come on here to read that he was caught flatfooted blah blah blah
Did the great Kahn not drop a clanger in the wc final thereby handling (no pun intended) Brazil victory
Didn't the much praised VDs undermine Juve's defence with clanger after clanger in his last season at Juve or did he not cause Fulham defeat when his rush of blood against Liverpool allowed Litmanen to score the second goal in the dying minutes?
I cannot count the amount of clangers Seaman and Peruzzi have dropped
I do not see how diving for a ball you cannot possibly catch gives confidence to his defence