Best def/mid/forw in Juve 01/02 (2 Viewers)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
I don't wanna be too controversial but why does Zambrotta deserve special mention as over the season he played no better or worse than Tacchinardi and the only reason he was not benched and went to the world cup is that unlike Tacchi, he does not have competition for his place

Buy on
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
Are you speaking from experience because when I have played, albeit not at a high level, and a keeper has been caught flat footed it has made little difference..a goal is a goal!
Well, yes and no. I can't recall ever being caught flat footed, but I've seen it happen that teams get disheartened by that. Think about it. It appears as if the scoring team hardly had to try.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
Buffon is one of the, if not the best goal keeper in the world, so i seriously doubt if his flat footedness, in some games will dishearten his team

If as a defender ,you are not confident that Buffon is behind you ,then you do not need to be there ,and with the amount of times Buffon saved our hide last season its a little sad to come on here to read that he was caught flatfooted blah blah blah

Did the great Kahn not drop a clanger in the wc final thereby handling (no pun intended) Brazil victory

Didn't the much praised VDs undermine Juve's defence with clanger after clanger in his last season at Juve or did he not cause Fulham defeat when his rush of blood against Liverpool allowed Litmanen to score the second goal in the dying minutes?

I cannot count the amount of clangers Seaman and Peruzzi have dropped

I do not see how diving for a ball you cannot possibly catch gives confidence to his defence
You misunderstand me. I meant that giving effort and coming close inspires your team to perform better for you as a keeper. Whereas standing and letting the ball past you without moving gives your team nothing.

It is all relative too. I'm not saying that a good attempt at a scoring shot will turn around a game, but an attempt at a save is much better for moral than being caught flat footed.

Dropping an easy ball, has nothing to do with diving for a ball which is out of reach. I fail to see the connection.


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++

Well, yes and no. I can't recall ever being caught flat footed, but I've seen it happen that teams get disheartened by that. Think about it. It appears as if the scoring team hardly had to try.
well that depends where the ball went. If its in the top corner the guy must have had to work pretty hard to hit such a great shot!


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
My point Ian and the connection is that both Buffon and Kahn are such gr8 keepers that the defence will not be disheartened

Now if it was a new gk that the defence did not know that well and he stands still when a free kick is taken or drops a shot, then he makes the defence panic

Its not as if Buffon was always caught flat footed in every free kick or header against him
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
My point Ian and the connection is that both Buffon and Kahn are such gr8 keepers that the defence will not be disheartened

Now if it was a new gk that the defence did not know that well and he stands still when a free kick is taken or drops a shot, then he makes the defence panic

Its not as if Buffon was always caught flat footed in every free kick or header against him
True, it is important for a new keeper to gain the respect of his defenders, but in high pressure situations like the World Cup, the mentallity of the defenders could be similar. No one has any patience for underperformance.

All I'm saying is that no matter who you are, it looks better to your team to make an attempt, not a lot better, but it does look better. NO matter who you are, it is always a good thing for your team to have confidence in you. And it is always a good idea to do what you can to cultivate that confidence.

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