Beckham is not a footballer: Pele (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
The legendary Brazilian player Pele has said that according to him, English star David Beckham is not a real football player, and it is not hard to see who is to blame for it.

Pele states that Beckham, recently moved from Manchester United to Real Madrid, is more of a pop idol that a footballer and he says that this is not a good thing.

The Brazilian's opinion is that the cause of this is the marriage of the player with former Spice Girl Victoria, but that the fans are also responsible as they seem to prefer to see a star, and not a sportsman.

Soccer Way


Bright guy there, Pele.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
Well, Becks does hv some great skill. We cant deny that. Its just that he's too overrated and has all this hype surrounding him. If u take away the marketing, take away the wife, take away the image and the maddness surrounding him, i think u've got yrself some talent.

But yes, this is not a gd thing.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
What a bullshit statement by a guy I usually have respect for.
Yes he's married to a spice girl, yes there's to much hype about his person... but that doesn't make him a lesser footballer.

People like bulshitting the guy cuz of all the above crap, but he really is a great footballer. He might be overrated, but watch him in action and tell me he's not a "real footballer". He's got a great eye for the game, and his crosses/freekicks are superb.

And I do believe that he was famous before he even met Victoria, he was even respected by everyone, but not anymore just cuz he screwed a spice girl.

I thought Pele was smarter than that... *disappointed*

or maybe soccerway is not to be trusted.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
He is good indeed but his wife doent help a lot to the cause.

Remember that they are different worlds ;) "Fashion-Hollywood world vs Soccer world".

And it seems like in the TUg-o-War, Victoria won.


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
Pele always come up with such comments once in a while .. he once predicted Cameroon to lift the World Cup .. anyway, I think Beckham wouldn't rise to fame solely due to his image, he is a great footballer and a sportsman and have been leading his country in important stages, like the recent World Cup .. I admire his accurate passes (long/short) as well as his free-kicks .. I think we should give Beckham some credit ..

Pele himself have been selling his image to MasterCard .. and if he was a pretty boy he would've gotten a hell lot more publicity and offers, that's the way it works ..

So Pele, don't hate the player ... hate the game ;)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++
Pele always come up with such comments once in a while .. he once predicted Cameroon to lift the World Cup .. anyway, I think Beckham wouldn't rise to fame solely due to his image, he is a great footballer and a sportsman and have been leading his country in important stages, like the recent World Cup .. I admire his accurate passes (long/short) as well as his free-kicks .. I think we should give Beckham some credit ..

Pele himself have been selling his image to MasterCard .. and if he was a pretty boy he would've gotten a hell lot more publicity and offers, that's the way it works ..

So Pele, don't hate the player ... hate the game ;)
well at least im not taking credits for him.

He is good, we all know that. But...


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
What a bullshit statement by a guy I usually have respect for.
Yes he's married to a spice girl, yes there's to much hype about his person... but that doesn't make him a lesser footballer.

People like bulshitting the guy cuz of all the above crap, but he really is a great footballer. He might be overrated, but watch him in action and tell me he's not a "real footballer". He's got a great eye for the game, and his crosses/freekicks are superb.

I thought Pele was smarter than that... *disappointed*

Exactly Kalle! I wouldnt say that better.
As long as Becks is great footballer, that long I dont care about all that out-of-a-pitch hype.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++
Pele himself have been selling his image to MasterCard .. and if he was a pretty boy he would've gotten a hell lot more publicity and offers, that's the way it works ..
I didnt know about that :confused::(

Such comments always make me think, that some of old dinasours needs to pay attention to their person, nothing more.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Who cares what Pele says? In an interview to a Norwegian tv station during France '98 he said Norway plays very attractive football...


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
Who cares what Pele says? In an interview to a Norwegian tv station during France '98 he said Norway plays very attractive football...
Hhhhhhaaaaaaahahahahaha :LOL:

I dont know if is the night or what, but your comment have make me laugh so much!!!.


Good job mista pres!.

The Penguin rulz, but just a little, so dont get too exited:groan:


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
What a bullshit statement by a guy I usually have respect for.
Yes he's married to a spice girl, yes there's to much hype about his person... but that doesn't make him a lesser footballer.

People like bulshitting the guy cuz of all the above crap, but he really is a great footballer. He might be overrated, but watch him in action and tell me he's not a "real footballer". He's got a great eye for the game, and his crosses/freekicks are superb.

And I do believe that he was famous before he even met Victoria, he was even respected by everyone, but not anymore just cuz he screwed a spice girl.

I thought Pele was smarter than that... *disappointed*

or maybe soccerway is not to be trusted.
Pele is the same player that doesn't think Maradona is one of the best players in the world :rolleyes:

He's even Cockier than Maradona, but his only problem is that he doesn't know it!!

Just ignore what Mr.Mastercard says :rolleyes:


Yes, Becks is very overrated, but he's still a top footballer/Athlete.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
The only thing i know is that local Sports chanel will be showing all Real Madirid games this year.

Pop-Star or a footballer, Real Madrid will be seen in many places previously oblivious to spanish football....


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I wouldn't say he's one of the world's most effective players... he can't dribble, head, kick with his left foot...

as for the media, I agree that it's not entirely becks' fault about the media hype, it's more down to the media and japanese girls :D

Maybe Pele should stick to his erection problems ads.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
Becks is good footballer who unfortunately became a bigger player than he really was because of his lifestyle with his wife.

he lived up to his name at united, but was hyped up more because he was the only player who they could call one of the best in the world, even though he wasnt at the time.

nonetheless, becks has matured and bettered himself as a footballer. he is a good leader now as well.

i dont think Pele should have made such a statement now, if he had made it 4 years ago, fair enough.


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Beckham is a grate player; but is true that his image count a lot on his popolarity. I do not think that all the chineese girls who went crazy during the recent real tournee love Beck 4 his way of playing.
Anycase... David is probably the biggest case but he is not the onlyone who has a staff who take care of his image and who is more popolar 4 his image than 4 his abilities. Is just that on him all of this work perfect cause he's got the right look...
I actually do not like the idea that a sportman has a staff who work on his image and this sort of things, but this is how things are and it will become even worst.
Anycase Beckham is not like his wife, who is a very famos singer but can't sing cause he actually has all that a football player need to be called champion.


New Member
Aug 12, 2003
pele's an idiot....thats all there is to it.
you've heard the comments he's made "cameron lifting the world cup trophy" or "norway plays attractive football"

is he jealous that Beckham has an amazing wife while he's stuck doing mastercard commercials?

i dont know why people have a hard time admitting to the fact that he's a good player...i dont think real madrid paid all that $$ to sign an average player...

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