Balkan Juve thread (6 Viewers)


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
Oggy it's far from similar to Delpies one man, its the fat nose that make you think that.
Hey picture of Ale's tattoo was bad, it's not my fault :) From one angle it looked like some kind of Tiki or something and it was kinda similar to mask on my second picture. And since that mask is from Sardinia I thought that there might be some correlation. But it turns out that Ale have monkey tattoo :D

Will your hair grow back?:D
I hope so, it really hurts to see my leg looking like plucked chicken :D


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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The one in the gray suit/pink shirt is one of the biggest folk singers. One of those that make you break bottles on the floor.



Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
Hey picture of Ale's tattoo was bad, it's not my fault :) From one angle it looked like some kind of Tiki or something and it was kinda similar to mask on my second picture. And since that mask is from Sardinia I thought that there might be some correlation. But it turns out that Ale have monkey tattoo :D

I hope so, it really hurts to see my leg looking like plucked chicken :D
You're fucking nuts.:D

That was me with the +rep, check your CP.


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
Ej ljudi jedno brzo pitanje, da ne bih sada trazio po forumu. Znate li kako da na FM10 povecam budzet za plate trenerima. Otisao mi assistant manager i sada ne mogu da dovedem nikoga da valja jer mi je maksimalna plata za ponuditi 9500. Inace trosim 300 hiljada manje na plate od dozvoljenog.

Fakat me nervira, jos mi svi treneri navalili da idu negdje, ne znam sta da im radim?


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Aaaa...nisam dugo igrao. A sta nemas onaj "make board request"? Tamo mozes rasporedjivat sa lovom. Mislim da ti se to nalazi na tvom profilu, tj. na onoj board confidence stranici.


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
Ma probao, opet isto. Smanjio transfer budzet na 70.000, ali mi ne daju za trenere i Bog :(

Ja se nesto navukao ovih nekoliko dana da igram, inace nisam igrao ne pamtim od kada...


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2007
Bog. Pre par dana je skontao da se Farma prikazuje na TV-u...

Licno ne gledam to, ali cesto upalim Youtube da vidim da l' je opet izvalio nesto...

Sokantno saznanje:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Najjace je kad kaze "da, da" na 0:45, kurci se da je skontao sta mu prica lik.. :D

I pogledajte Ilicevu facu na 0:33, kad mu ovaj kaze "daj, nemoj..."

Zaledio se, napravio pauzu od 5 sekundi, misli se u sebi "o jebem ti budalu glupu"...

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