ASQ (6 Viewers)


Nato, Vive, e muore Italiano
Jun 9, 2011
That was double sarcasm, you asshole. Always calling me names.

---------- Post added 15.07.2012 at 21:27 ----------

But yeah, probably. [/sarcasm]

Got it mofo! :D

---------- Post added 16.07.2012 at 09:36 ----------

I think AC would turn him into a born again Christian, they would hold hand singing god's praises.
I dont force my beliefs on anyone. I live my life to best Christian standards i can and if people ask i tell them :)

---------- Post added 16.07.2012 at 09:37 ----------

easily Red one million is more than I need. I would be happy with half a mill


May 19, 2006
A risk taker can probably argue the fact that if he punches the green he can certainly be no worse off than he is today but there is a 50% chance than he can be $100M better off in the future. A risk adverse person can argue from the p.o.v. that a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bushes. So am I risk adverse or a risk taker? I'd say adverse in this case and invest the hell out of that $1M.


Oct 28, 2010
Yeah, I'd pick the one million all day every day. I wouldn't wanna be like those assholes on Deal or No Deal who don't take the money even if it's like 50 grand.


Sep 23, 2003
Green. The odds of you losing that entire million -- because of a psycho relative, health problem, or accident -- are that much higher.


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
I have a question for Spanish speakers:
how come the name of the country is written Mexico but pronounced Mekhico?
Isn't the 'x' pronounced as 'sh' in Spanish? Shouldn't it be written Mejico?

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